
Can pregnancy-adapted algorithms avoid diagnostic imaging for pulmonary embolism?
Document Type
Hematology; December 2020, Vol. 2020 Issue: 1 p184-189, 6p
15204391; 15204383
The low prevalence of pulmonary embolism (PE) among pregnant patients presenting with suspected PE implies that most of these patients will be found not have the disease. Given this low prevalence, excluding PE in this population has necessitated the use of sensitive and specific diagnostic imaging, such as computed tomography pulmonary angiography or ventilation-perfusion scanning. Recent studies suggest that a clinical prediction rule with D-dimer testing can also be used to exclude a subset of pregnant patients with suspected PE without the need for diagnostic imaging. The YEARS criteria, which consist of clinical signs and symptoms of deep venous thrombosis, hemoptysis, and PE as the most likely diagnosis (a subjective variable), combined with selective D-dimer levels, seem to safely exclude up to one-third of these patients without imaging. The revised Geneva rule using objective variables, combined with nonpregnancy cutoffs for D-dimer levels, offers some promise, although fewer patients avoided imaging (14%). These recent studies provide evidence in support of radiation avoidance for some patients; however, for most, imaging remains the only option. Future studies should focus on improving the safety and techniques of imaging modalities, in addition to improving the specificity of D-dimer testing and objective prediction rules. Studies assessing patients’ and physicians’ values, preferences, and risk perceptions are also required to assist clinicians in shared decision making when counseling pregnant patients with suspected PE.