
Comparison of two morbilliviruses isolated from seals during outbreaks of distemper in North West Europe and Siberia
Document Type
Archives of Virology; September 1990, Vol. 111 Issue: 3-4 p149-164, 16p
03048608; 14328798
Recently morbilliviruses were isolated from harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in North West Europe (phocid distemper virus-1: PDV-1) and from Baikal seals (Phoca sibirica) in Siberia (phocid distemper virus-2:PDV-2) during outbreaks of severe disease which resembled distemper in dogs. PDV-1 and PDV-2 were passaged in SPF dogs, in which they caused distemper-like disease symptoms, and were subsequently passaged in Vero cells in which they caused cytopathic changes. PDV-1, PDV-2, and canine distemper virus (CDV) were compared with respect to their biological, morphological, physical, protein chemical, and antigenic properties. It was concluded that PDV-1 should be considered a newly recognized member of the genusMorbillivirus, whereas PDV-2 proved to be quite similar if not identical to CDV.