
Life strategies for Aminicenantiain subseafloor oceanic crust
Document Type
The ISME Journal; 20230101, Issue: Preprints p1-10, 10p
17517362; 17517370
After decades studying the microbial “deep biosphere” in subseafloor oceanic crust, the growth and life strategies in this anoxic, low energy habitat remain poorly described. Using both single cell genomics and metagenomics, we reveal the life strategies of two distinct lineages of uncultivated Aminicenantiabacteria from the basaltic subseafloor oceanic crust of the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Both lineages appear adapted to scavenge organic carbon, as each have genetic potential to catabolize amino acids and fatty acids, aligning with previous Aminicenantiareports. Given the organic carbon limitation in this habitat, seawater recharge and necromass may be important carbon sources for heterotrophic microorganisms inhabiting the ocean crust. Both lineages generate ATP via several mechanisms including substrate-level phosphorylation, anaerobic respiration, and electron bifurcation driving an Rnf ion translocation membrane complex. Genomic comparisons suggest these Aminicenantiatransfer electrons extracellularly, perhaps to iron or sulfur oxides consistent with mineralogy of this site. One lineage, called JdFR-78, has small genomes that are basal to the Aminicenantiaclass and potentially use “primordial” siroheme biosynthetic intermediates for heme synthesis, suggesting this lineage retain characteristics of early evolved life. Lineage JdFR-78 contains CRISPR-Cas defenses to evade viruses, while other lineages contain prophage that may help prevent super-infection or no detectable viral defenses. Overall, genomic evidence points to Aminicenantiabeing well adapted to oceanic crust environments by taking advantage of simple organic molecules and extracellular electron transport.