
The Virgo automatic alignment system
Document Type
Acernese, FAmico, PAl-Shourbagy, MAoudia, SAvino, SBabusci, DBallardin, GBarillé, RBarone, FBarsotti, LBarsuglia, MBeauville, FBizouard, M ABoccara, CBondu, FBosi, LBradaschia, CBraccini, SBrillet, ABrisson, VBrocco, LBuskulic, DCalloni, ECampagna, ECavalier, FCavalieri, RCella, GChassande-Mottin, ECorda, CClapson, A-CCleva, FCoulon, J-PCuoco, EDattilo, VDavier, MDe Rosa, RDi Fiore, LVirgilio, A DiDujardin, BEleuteri, AEnard, DFerrante, IFidecaro, FFiori, IFlaminio, RFournier, J-DFrasca, SFrasconi, FFreise, AGammaitoni, LGennai, AGiazotto, AGiordano, GGiordano, LGouaty, RGrosjean, DGuidi, GHebri, SHeitmann, HHello, PHolloway, LKreckelbergh, SLa Penna, PLoriette, VLoupias, MLosurdo, GMackowski, J-MMajorana, EMan, C NMantovani, MMarchesoni, FMarion, FMarque, JMartelli, FMasserot, AMazzoni, MMilano, LMoins, CMoreau, JMorgado, NMours, BPai, APalomba, CPaoletti, FPardi, SPasqualetti, APassaquieti, RPassuello, DPerniola, BPiergiovanni, FPinard, LPoggiani, RPunturo, MPuppo, PQipiani, KRapagnani, PReita, VRemillieux, ARicci, FRicciardi, IRuggi, PRusso, GSolimeno, SSpallicci, AStanga, RTaddei, RTombolato, DTonelli, MToncelli, ATournefier, ETravasso, FVajente, GVerkindt, DVetrano, FViceré, AVinet, J-YVocca, HYvert, MZhang, Z
Classical and Quantum Gravity; April 2006, Vol. 23 Issue: 8 pS91-S101, 11p
02649381; 13616382
The automatic alignment system of the Virgo interferometer differs substantially from those used in similar experiments, since it uses a variant of the Anderson technique. This implies a completely different control topology with respect to other detectors, and the main feature is a strong coupling of different degrees of freedom in the optical signals. It also provides two extra output ports in which differential wave-front sensors can be placed, namely the light transmitted by the Fabry-Perot arm cavities. We report on the first experimental demonstration of this technique on a large scale recycled interferometer, and on the present status of the automatic alignment system.