
ISG15 Connects Autophagy and IFN-γ-Dependent Control of Toxoplasma gondiiInfection in Human Cells
Document Type
mBio; October 2020, Vol. 11 Issue: 5
21612129; 21507511
Interferon(s) provide the primary defense against intracellular pathogens, a property ascribed to their ability to upregulate interferon-stimulated genes. Due to the sequestered niche occupied by Toxoplasma gondii, the host has elaborated intricate ways to target the parasite within its vacuole. One such mechanism is the recognition by a noncanonical autophagy pathway that envelops the parasite-containing vacuole and stunts growth in human cells. Remarkably, autophagy-dependent growth restriction requires interferon-γ, yet none of the classical components of autophagy are induced by interferon. Our studies draw a connection between these pathways by demonstrating that the antiviral protein ISG15, which is normally upregulated by interferons, links the autophagy-mediated control to ubiquitination of the vacuole. These findings suggest a similar link between interferon-γ signaling and autophagy that may underlie defense against other intracellular pathogens.