
Discovery and Structure-Based Design of Potent Covalent PPARγ Inverse-Agonists BAY-4931and BAY-0069
Document Type
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry; 20220101, Issue: Preprints
00222623; 15204804
The ligand-activated nuclear receptor peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARG or PPARγ) represents a potential target for a new generation of cancer therapeutics, especially in muscle-invasive luminal bladder cancer where PPARγ is a critical lineage driver. Here we disclose the discovery of a series of chloro-nitro-arene covalent inverse-agonists of PPARγ that exploit a benzoxazole core to improve interactions with corepressors NCOR1 and NCOR2. In vitrotreatment of sensitive cell lines with these compounds results in the robust regulation of PPARγ target genes and antiproliferative effects. Despite their imperfect physicochemical properties, the compounds showed modest pharmacodynamic target regulation in vivo. Improvements to the in vitropotency and efficacy of BAY-4931and BAY-0069compared to those of previously described PPARγ inverse-agonists show that these compounds are novel tools for probing the in vitrobiology of PPARγ inverse-agonism.