
Macular pigment density assessed by directional fundus reflectance
Document Type
Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics, Image Science & Vision; August 2009, Vol. 26 Issue: 8 p1847-1854, 8p
10847529; 15208532
Light radiated from foveal photoreceptors was analyzed in the eye's pupil at 470 nm and 532 nm. The reflectance of the inner limiting membrane was then measured at 6 deg from the fovea for the same wavelengths, allowing us to determine the macular pigment (MP) density D_dir using the directional reflectance technique. In addition we measured the MP density D_nd using the nondirectional reflectance technique (26 subjects). The mean values of D_dir and D_nd were 0.419+/-0.097 and 0.195+/-0.042 D.U., respectively (sample field of 2 deg). They were highly correlated (p<0.0001). Comparison of D_dir and D_nd implies that 57+/-12% of the light reflected from the fovea comes from layers anterior to MP at 470 nm. The mean directionality factors ρ that we have measured at 470 nm and 532 nm were equal to 0.239+/-0.028 and 0.210+/-0.028 mm^−2, respectively. They were correlated (p<0.0001) and followed the spectral dependence suggested by Marcos.