
Kindergarten emergent literacy skills in Spanish predicting later reading outcomes assessed at the end of first grade in English.
Document Type
Dissertation Abstracts International; Dissertation Abstract International; 69-04A.
Education, Bilingual and Multicultural
Education, Tests and Measurements
Education, Reading
Summary: The present study investigated the extent to which kindergarten literacy skills of phonological awareness, print knowledge, and orthographic knowledge measured in Spanish could predict first grade literacy achievement in English. The same measures were used to explore the extent to which they could accurately predict students' risk status for reading difficulties in English. Hierarchical multiple regressions showed that spelling and concept of word tasks in Spanish were the strongest predictors of English first grade reading. Overall the model accounted for 27.2% of the variance in English first grade reading. A logistic regression model comprised of concept of word and spelling tasks accurately classified 77% of the participants (n = 88) as at risk or not at risk for potential reading difficulties.