
'Proving up' on a claim in Custer County, Nebraska: Identity, power, and history in the Solomon D. Butcher photographic archive (1886--1892).
Document Type
Dissertation Abstracts International; Dissertation Abstract International; 66-01A.
History, United States
American Studies
Art History
Summary: The archive and this approach reveals the specific experience of the Plains in the 1880s as a moment and location of profound transition when the colonializing agendas and structures of industrialism, the long-term nature of the Plains, and a fledgling regional identity all increasingly put pressure on the received beliefs and identities of the county's settlers. This transition was experienced self-conscious of an audience. Created to record the county's participation in national history, the archive itself acted as a venue for settlers to both conceal the agendas of their received identities to their perceived audience, and yet also to reveal the nature of the systematic failings operative in their experience.