
Evaluation of Decentralized Reactive Swing-Leg Controllers on Powered Robotic Legs.
Document Type
Dissertation Abstracts International; Dissertation Abstract International; 78-05B(E).
Mechanical engineering
Computer science
Computer engineering
Summary: In parallel to this control transfer, a synthesis method for creating compact nonlinear springs with user-defined torque-deflection profiles is presented to explore methods for improving RNL's series elastic actuators. The springs use rubber as their elastic element, which, while enabling a compact spring design, introduce viscoelastic behavior in the spring that needs to be accounted for with additional control. To accurately estimate force developed in the rubber, an empirically characterized constitutive rubber model is developed and integrated into the series elastic actuator controller used by the RNL test platforms. Benchtop experiments show that in conjunction with an observer, the nonlinear spring prototype achieves desired behavior at actuation frequencies up to 2 Hz, after which spring behavior degrades due to rubber hysteresis. These results show that while the presented methodology is capable of realizing compact nonlinear springs, careful rubber selection that mitigates viscoelastic behavior is necessary during the spring design process.