
Towards a culture-specific model of sexual aggression in Latino college students.
Document Type
Dissertation Abstracts International; Dissertation Abstract International; 64-09B.
Psychology, Clinical
Sociology, Ethnic and Racial Studies
Summary: The roles of intrapersonal, interpersonal, culturally embedded, and minority status variables in samples of U.S. Latino (N = 48), Asian American (N = 48), and European American (N = 50) college students were examined. A path model for Latino students suggested an interpersonal path, an intrapersonal path, and a minority status path to sexual aggression. A path model for Asian American students suggested an interpersonal path, a path dictated by substance use before or during sex, and a minority status path to sexual aggression. Strength of identification with one's own ethnic group was a relevant variable in sexual aggression for both Latinos and Asian Americans. A path model for European American students revealed only an intrapersonal path to sexual aggression consisting of misogynous beliefs. The results supported a bicultural hypothesis that ethnic minority students' sexually aggressive behavior is a function of both interpersonal and intrapersonal influences. The results also supported a displacement hypothesis that Latino student's sexually aggressive behavior is a function of the negative effects of perceived societal discrimination. Contrary to the study's premise, the displacement hypothesis was also supported for Asian Americans. The study suggests that a contemporary model of sexual aggression, while sufficient for European American students, is insufficient for Latino and Asian American students and that culture-specific models of sexual aggression do exist. The existence of culture-specific models of sexual aggression may necessitate that prevention and intervention programs seeking to reduce these behaviors consider the combination of sociocultural determinants that are particular to each ethnic group.