
T-Bill Deluge Risks Draining Bank Reserves, St. Louis Fed Warns.
Document Type
Bloomberg.com. 8/24/2023, pN.PAG-N.PAG. 1p.
*Bank reserves
*Treasury bills
*Interest rates
*Investment banking
*Government debt limit
*Money market funds
(Bloomberg) -- As the US Treasury borrows heavily in the bills market, the Federal Reserve may find it has to pause its efforts to shrink its balance sheet to ensure the banking system remains stable, according to the St. Louis Fed. If too much money instead comes from the banking system, lenders could find themselves with too few reserves to meet regulatory requirements, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis economists Amalia Estenssoro and Kevin Kliesen wrote in a research note this week. The St. Louis Fed economists said that in the last bout of quantitative tightening, about five years ago, bank reserves needed to be equal to about 7% of nominal gross domestic product to prevent money market rates from spiking. [Extracted from the article]

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