
Iran Without Illusions.
Document Type
Nation. 7/26/1993 - 8/2/1993, Vol. 257 Issue 4, p135-136. 2p.
*POLITICAL campaigns
*RELIGIOUS leaders
*POLITICAL candidates
IRANIAN politics & government
The article presents information on the current political situation in Iran. It is reported that, ideological confusion reigns at the highest levels of Iranian society; the bloom is off both the Islamic revolution of 1979 and the era of "pragmatism" that followed it. In the past fourteen months the two rivals who aspire to the mantle of the late Khomeini Ayatollah, a fundamentalist religious leader of Iran, have seen their political legitimacy badly undermined by an increasingly disconsolate electorate. In presidential balloting on June 11, Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, who had been projected to win a second term with over 90 percent of the popular vote, struggled to take 63 percent. His main challenger, a conservative former Labor Minister, won a surprising 24 percent, even though he was, like the other two candidates in the race, a relative political unknown.