
Book Reviews.
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Book Review
German Quarterly. Fall2008, Vol. 81 Issue 4, p493-530. 38p.
*BOOKS & reading
*INFORMATION resources
*BOOK reviewing
Book reviewed in this issue. 18th and 19th Century Literature and Culture. Blechschmidt, Stefan, and Andrea Heinz, eds. Dilettantismus um 1800. Borgards, Roland. Poetik des Schmerzes: Physiologie und Literatur von Brockes bis Büchner. Goozé, Marjanne, ed. Challenging Separate Spheres: Female Bildung in Eighteenth-and Nineteenth-Century Germany. Kanz, Christine, ed. Zerreissproben/Double Bind: Familie und Geschlecht in der deutschen Literatur des 18. und des 19. Jahrhunderts. Kraft, Helga W., and Dagmar C. Lorenz, eds. From Fin-de-Siècle to Theresienstadt: The Works and Life of the Writer Elsa Porges-Bernstein. Napierala, Mark. Archive der Kritik. Die Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung und das Athenaeum. Saul, Nicholas. Gypsies and Orientalism in German Literature and Anthropology of the Long Nineteenth Century. Schade, Richard E., and Dieter Sevin, eds. Practicing Progress: The Promise of Enlightenment. Festschrift for John A. McCarthy. Schwartz, Agatha. Shifting Voices: Feminist Thought and Women's Writing in Finde-Siècle Austria and Hungary. Ujma, Christina. Fanny Lewalds urbanes Arkadien: Studien zu Stadt, Kunst und Politik in ihren italienischen Reiseberichten aus Vormärz, Nachmärz und Gründerzeit. 20th and 21st Century Literature and Culture Günter Grass. Catalogue Raisonné. Bd. 1, Die Radierungen; Bd. 2, Die Lithographien. Ed. Hilke Ohsoling. Haase, Christine. When Heimat Meets Hollywood. German Filmmakers and America, 1985–2005. Hermand, Jost. Deutsche Kulturgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Karlauf, Thomas. Stefan George. Die Entdeckung des Charisma. Koepnick, Lutz. Framing Attention: Windows on Modern German Culture. Lee, Frances. Overturning Dr. Faustus. Rereading Thomas Mann's Novel in Light of Observations of a Non-Political Man. Loentz, Elizabeth. Let Me Continue to Speak the Truth: Bertha Pappenheim as Author and Activist. Sayner, Joanne. Women without a Past? German Autobiographical Writings and Fascism. Taberner, Stuart, ed. Contemporary German Fiction. Writing in the Berlin Republic. Tomko, Helena M. Sacramental Realism: Gertrud von le Fort and German Catholic Literature in the Weimar Republic and Third Reich (1924–46). German Studies across the Disciplines Beller, Steven. A Concise History of Austria. Berman, Russell A. Fiction Sets You Free: Literature, Liberty, and Western Culture. Cooper, John Michael. Mendelssohn, Goethe, and the Walpurgis Night: The Heathen Muse in European Culture, 1700–1850. Stephan, Alexander. Überwacht, Ausgebürgert, Exiliert. Schriftsteller und der Staat. Thorun, Claudia. Sara Bernhardt: Inszenierung von Weiblichkeit im Fin de siècle. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]