
Studies on Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activities of Extracts and Active Fraction of Pachypodanthium staudtii (Annonaceae) Stem Bark.
Document Type
Pakistan Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research Series B: Biological Sciences. Jan-Apr2024, Vol. 67 Issue 1, p30-41. 12p.
This study evaluates the antioxidant and hepatoproteetive aetivities of the stem bark extraets (methanol, PSM and diehloromethane, PSD) and aetive fraetion of Pachypodanthium staudtii. In-vitro antioxidant aetivity was determined by DPPH, total phenolie eontent (TPC) and redueing power assay (RPA), while the hepatoproteetive aetivity was verified against CCl4-indueed aeute hepatotoxieity in rats. Serum biomarkers (ALT, AST, ALP), in-vivo antioxidant (superoxide dismutase, SOD and eatalase, CAT) and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were estimated using standard models. Histopathologieal studies were earried out on the liver isolates. The result showed that PSM signifieantly inhibited DPPH (IC50=63.70 pg/mL) eompared to PSD (IC50=1591.58 pg/mL). PSM showed a higher phenolie eontent of 2536.26 mgGAE/g eompared to 1916.78 mgGAE/g for PSD. Fraetion A showed a phenolie eontent of 553.01 mgGAE/g. Signifieant (P<0.05) deerease in hepatie biomarkers (ALT, AST, ALP) was observed at varying degrees in PSM and PSD treated groups eompared to CCl4-eontrol group. Fraetion A showed signifieant (P<0.05) effeet on hepatie biomarkers (ALT, AST, ALP), in vivo antioxidant (SOD, CAT) and MDA levels eompared to the CCl4-eontrol group. Histopathology studies revealed restoration of liver arehiteeture and healing from CCl4 intoxieation in the liver. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]