공지 & 행사

(Restored)Mobile pass error in PNU Library app(6/4~)
작성자 이소현
작성일 2024.06.05
조회수 1,344

The mobile pass is completely restored.


Currently, the mobile pass is not working properly in the library app.

If you need a QR code to use library services, please use the Pusan ​​National University Smart Campus app or the PNU Place app.

We will restore it as soon as possible.

[Detail Info]

📅 Date : 2024. 6. 4. ~

📱 Interrupted service : Library app mobile pass(QR code)

📱 App that can be bypassed: Pusan ​​National University Smart Campus or PNU Place

Inquiry : Team Information Technology Services(051-510-1306)