에서 검색결과 233건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Pringault, Olivier; Bouvy, Marc; Carre, Claire; Mejri, Kaouther; Bancon-Montigny, Chrystelle; Gonzalez, Catherine; Leboulanger, Christophe; Hlaili, Asma Sakka; Goni-Urriza, Marisol
In Chemosphere September 2021 278
Academic Journal
Garnier, Antoine; Bancon-Montigny, Chrystelle; Delpoux, Sophie; Spinelli, Sylvie; Avezac, Murielle; Gonzalez, Catherine
In Talanta 1 November 2020 219
Academic Journal
Ospina-Alvarez, Andres; de Juan, Silvia; Davis, Katrina J.; González, Catherine; Fernández, Miriam; Navarrete, Sergio A.
In Science of the Total Environment 1 September 2020 733
Academic Journal
Gonzalez, Catherine; Zide, Benjamin S.; Avila-Urizar, Claudia Margarita; Farah, Subrina; Urizar, Carmen Maria; Rosales, Elsy; Urizar, Juan Carlos
In The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry: Open Science, Education, and Practice December 2024 4:10-15
Academic Journal
Bancon-Montigny, Chrystelle; Gonzalez, Catherine; Delpoux, Sophie; Avenzac, Muriel; Spinelli, Sylvie; Mhadhbi, Takoua; Mejri, Kaouther; Hlaili, Asma Sakka; Pringault, Olivier
In Chemosphere November 2019 235:651-661
Academic Journal
Triki, Habiba Zmerli; Laabir, Mohamed; Lafabrie, Céline; Malouche, Dhafer; Bancon-Montigny, Chrystelle; Gonzalez, Catherine; Deidun, Alan; Pringault, Olivier; Daly-Yahia, Ons Kéfi
In Science of the Total Environment 1 October 2017 595:380-392
Academic Journal
In Biosensors and Bioelectronics 15 May 2016 79:835-842
Academic Journal
Pringault, Olivier; Lafabrie, Céline; Avezac, Murielle; Bancon-Montigny, Chrystelle; Carre, Claire; Chalghaf, Mohamed; Delpoux, Sophie; Duvivier, Adrien; Elbaz-Poulichet, Françoise; Gonzalez, Catherine; Got, Patrice; Leboulanger, Christophe; Spinelli, Sylvie; Sakka Hlaili, Asma; Bouvy, Marc
In Chemosphere February 2016 144:1060-1073
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[AR] Gonzalez, Catherine
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