에서 검색결과 114건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Carré, Claire; Mendes de Castro Melo, Pedro Augusto; Bec, Béatrice; Cabanez, Leandro Ferreira; Cordeiro, Isis Amália; Farias, Gabriel Bittencourt; Jales, Marina Cavalcanti; Lacerda, Sírleis Rodrigues; Silva, Nayana Buarque Antao; Simier, Monique; Silva-Cunha, Maria da Glória Gonçalves; Bertrand, Arnaud
In Regional Studies in Marine Science 30 December 2024 80
Academic Journal
Tosetto, Everton Giachini; Neumann-Leitão, Sigrid; Farias, Gabriel Bittencourt; de Castro Melo, Pedro Augusto Mendes; de Figueiredo Porto Neto, Fernando; Carré, Claire; Bertrand, Arnaud
In Journal of Marine Systems November 2024 246
Academic Journal
Bergeon, Lauriane; Azémar, Frédéric; Carré, Claire; Dubillot, Bénédicte; Emery, Claire; Agogué, Hélène; Pineau, Philippe; Lacoue-Labarthe, Thomas; Bouvy, Marc; Tackx, Michèle; Dupuy, Christine
In Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 30 September 2023 291
Academic Journal
González-García, Cristina; Agustí, Susana; Aiken, Jim; Bertrand, Arnaud; Bittencourt Farias, Gabriel; Bode, Antonio; Carré, Claire; Gonçalves-Araujo, Rafael; Harbour, Derek S.; Huete-Ortega, María; Melo, Pedro A.M.C.; Moreno-Ostos, Enrique; Rees, Andrew P.; Rodríguez, Jaime; da Silva, Sonia; Zubkov, Mikhail; Marañón, Emilio
In Progress in Oceanography September-October 2023 217
Academic Journal
Farias, Gabriel Bittencourt; Molinero, Juan-Carlos; Carré, Claire; Bertrand, Arnaud; Bec, Béatrice; Melo, Pedro Augusto Mendes de Castro
In Journal of Marine Systems March 2022 227
Academic Journal
Bouvy, Marc; Bélières, Alice; Carré, Claire; Got, Patrice; Pagano, Marc; Agogué, Hélène; Bec, Béatrice; Roques, Cécile; Bigot, Lionel; Chabanet, Pascale; Dupuy, Christine
In Marine Pollution Bulletin January 2022 174
Academic Journal
Pringault, Olivier; Bouvy, Marc; Carre, Claire; Mejri, Kaouther; Bancon-Montigny, Chrystelle; Gonzalez, Catherine; Leboulanger, Christophe; Hlaili, Asma Sakka; Goni-Urriza, Marisol
In Chemosphere September 2021 278
Academic Journal
Farias, Gabriel Bittencourt; Melo, Pedro Augusto Mendes de Castro; López-Abbate, María Celeste; Bertrand, Arnaud; Carré, Claire; Bec, Béatrice; Molinero, Juan-Carlos
Academic Journal
Pringault, Olivier; Bouvy, Marc; Carre, Claire; Fouilland, Eric; Meddeb, Marouan; Mejri, Kaouther; Leboulanger, Christophe; Sakka Hlaili, Asma
In Chemosphere October 2020 257
Academic Journal
Galès, Amandine; Triplet, Sébastien; Geoffroy, Thibault; Roques, Cécile; Carré, Claire; Le Floc’h, Emilie; Lanfranchi, Mélissa; Simier, Monique; Roque d’Orbcastel, Emmanuelle; Przybyla, Cyrille; Fouilland, Eric
In Journal of CO2 Utilization May 2020 38:187-193
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[AR] Carre, Claire
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