에서 검색결과 54건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Wyne, K.L.; Nair, L.; Schneiderman, C.P.; Pinsky, B.; Antunez Flores, O.; Guo, D.; Barger, B.; Tessnow, A.H.
In: Journal of the Endocrine Society . (Journal of the Endocrine Society, 1 January 2023, 7(1))
Academic Journal
Bradley, D.; Smith, A.J.; Blaszczak, A.; Shantaram, D.; Bergin, S.M.; Jalilvand, A.; Wright, V.; Wyne, K.L.; Joseph, J.J.; Liu, J.; Hsueh, W.A.; Dewal, R.S.; Baer, L.A.; Wright, K.R.; Stanford, K.I.; Needleman, B.; Brethauer, S.; Noria, S.; Renton, D.; Lovett-Racke, A.
In: Nature Communications . (Nature Communications, December 2022, 13(1))
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Clinical Lipidology . (Journal of Clinical Lipidology, 1 March 2022, 16(2):115-127)
Academic Journal
Handelsman, Y.; Jellinger, P.S.; Guerin, C.K.; Bloomgarden, Z.T.; Brinton, E.A.; Budoff, M.J.; Davidson, M.H.; Einhorn, D.; Fazio, S.; Fonseca, V.A.; Garber, A.J.; Grunberger, G.; Krauss, R.M.; Mechanick, J.I.; Rosenblit, P.D.; Smith, D.A.; Wyne, K.L.
In: Endocrine Practice . (Endocrine Practice, October 2020, 26(10):1196-1224)
Academic Journal
In: Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics . (Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, 1 June 2016, 18(6):399-403)
Academic Journal
Handelsman, Y.; Mechanick, J.I.; Blonde, L.; Grunberger, G.; Bloomgarden, Z.T.; Bray, G.A.; Dagogo-Jack, S.; Davidson, J.A.; Einhorn, D.; Ganda, O.; Garber, A.J.; Hirsch, I.B.; Horton, E.S.; Ismail-Beigi, F.; Jellinger, P.S.; Jones, K.L.; Jovanovič, L.; Lebovitz, H.; Levy, P.; Moghissi, E.S.; Orzeck, E.A.; Vinik, A.I.; Wyne, K.L.; AACE Task Force for Developing Diabetes Comprehensive Care Plan
In: Endocrine practice : official journal of the American College of Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists . (Endocrine practice : official journal of the American College of Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, 2011 Mar-Apr, 17 Suppl 2:1-53)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Endocrinological Investigation . (Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, May 2008, 31(5):450-458)
Academic Journal
In: Drug Benefit Trends . (Drug Benefit Trends, February 2006, 18(2):134-144)
Academic Journal
In: Postgraduate medicine . (Postgraduate medicine, 2006 Jul-Aug, 119(2):8-14)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of the cardiometabolic syndrome . (Journal of the cardiometabolic syndrome, 2006 Summer, 1(3):220-221)
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[검색어] Wyne, K.L.
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