에서 검색결과 92건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Mullish, B.H.; Merrick, B.; Quraishi, M.N.; Bak, A.; Green, C.A.; Moore, D.J.; Porter, R.J.; Elumogo, N.T.; Segal, J.P.; Sharma, N.; Marsh, B.; Kontkowski, G.; Manzoor, S.E.; Hart, A.L.; Settle, C.; Keller, J.J.; Hawkey, P.; Iqbal, T.H.; Goldenberg, S.D.; Williams, H.R.T.
Journal of Hospital Infection. 148:189-219
Editorial & Opinion
Journal of Hospital Infection. 148:178-188
Academic Journal
Akhbari, P.; Jaggard, M.K.; Boulangé, C.L.; Vaghela, U.; Graça, G.; Bhattacharya, R.; Lindon, J.C.; Williams, H.R.T.; Gupte, C.M.
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 27(12):1768-1777
Academic Journal
Sanchez-Garrido, J.; Baghshomali, Y.N.; Frankel, G.; Kaushal, P.; Kozik, Z.; Choudhary, J.; Perry, R.W.; Williams, H.R.T.
In: Mucosal Immunology . (Mucosal Immunology, October 2024, 17(5):939-957)
Academic Journal
Jaggard, M.K.J. ; Boulangé, C.L. ; Akhbari, P. ; Vaghela, U. ; Bhattacharya, R. ; Williams, H.R.T. ; Lindon, J.C. ; Gupte, C.M.
In Osteoarthritis and Cartilage April 2019 27(4):560-570
Academic Journal
Perry, R.W.; Mullish, B.H.; Alexander, J.L.; Shah, R.; Roberts, L.; Liu, Z.; Chrysostomou, D.; Radhakrishnan, S.T.; Balarajah, S.; Barry, R.; Hicks, L.C.; Williams, H.R.T.; Marchesi, J.R.; Danckert, N.P.; Blanco, J.M.
In: Scientific Reports . (Scientific Reports, December 2024, 14(1))
Academic Journal
Stevenson, H.; Parkes, M.; Austin, L.; Jaggard, M.; Akhbari, P.; Vaghela, U.; Williams, H.R.T.; Gupte, C.; Cann, P.
In Biotribology June 2018 14:1-10
Academic Journal
Noor, N.M.; Brezina, B.; De La Revilla Negro, J.; Raine, T.; Subramanian, S.; Parkes, M.; Bond, S.; Dowling, F.; Upponi, S.S.; McKinney, E.F.; Lyons, P.A.; Smith, K.G.C.; Lee, J.C.; Patel, K.V.; Seward, A.; Ahmad, T.; Kennedy, N.A.; Banim, P.J.; Berrill, J.W.; Cooney, R.; de Silva, S.; Din, S.; Durai, D.; Gordon, J.N.; Irving, P.M.; Johnson, M.; Kent, A.J.; Kok, K.B.; Lindsay, J.O.; Moran, G.W.; Mowat, C.; Patel, P.; Probert, C.S.; Saich, R.; Sharpstone, D.; Smith, M.A.; Wiles, A.; Williams, H.R.T.; van den Brink, G.R.; Vermeire, S.; Jairath, V.; D'Haens, G.R.
In: The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology . (The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, May 2024, 9(5):415-427)
Academic Journal
Liu, Z.; Alexander, J.L.; Eng, K.Y.; Ibraheim, H.; Anandabaskaran, S.; Saifuddin, A.; Constable, L.; Seoane, R.C.; Balarajah, S.; Hicks, L.C.; Williams, H.R.T.; Teare, J.P.; Powell, N.; Hart, A.L.; Bewshea, C.; Nice, R.; Goodhand, J.R.; Kennedy, N.A.; Ahmad, T.; D’Mello, A.; Jones, G.R.; Lees, C.W.; Fiorentino, F.; Sebastian, S.; Irving, P.M.; Kent, A.J.; Linger, R.; Parkes, M.; Kok, K.; Patel, K.V.; Altmann, D.M.; Boyton, R.J.; Pollock, K.M.
In: Journal of Crohn's and Colitis . (Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, 1 April 2024, 18(4):560-569)
Academic Journal
In: British Journal of General Practice . (British Journal of General Practice, March 2024, 74(740):134-136)
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[검색어] Williams, H.R.T.
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