에서 검색결과 1,447건 | 목록
Antibody titers against oxidized LDL are not elevated in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia
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Academic Journal
Sampson, John H.; Crotty, Laura E.; Lee, Samson; Archer, Gary E.; Ashley, David M.; Wikstrand, Carol J.; Hale, Laura P.; Small, Clayton; Dranoff, Glenn; Friedman, Allan H.; Friedman, Henry S.; Bigner, Darell D.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2000 Jun . 97(13), 7503-7508.
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Reith, C.; Preiss, D.; Blackwell, L.; Emberson, J.; Spata, E.; Davies, K.; Halls, H.; Harper, C.; Holland, L.; Wilson, K.; Roddick, A.J.; Cannon, C.P.; Clarke, R.; Colhoun, H.M.; Durrington, P.N.; Goto, S.; Hitman, G.A.; Hovingh, G.K.; Jukema, J.W.; Koenig, W.; Marschner, I.; Mihaylova, B.; Newman, C.; Probsfield, J.L.; Ridker, P.M.; Sabatine, M.S.; Sattar, N.; Schwartz, G.G.; Tavazzi, L.; Tonkin, A.; Trompet, S.; White, H.; Yusuf, S.; Armitage, J.; Keech, A.; Simes, J.; Collins, R.; Baigent, C.; Barnes, E.; Fulcher, J.; Herrington, W.G.; Kirby, A.; O'Connell, R.; Amarenco, P.; Arashi, H.; Barter, P.; Betteridge, D.J.; Blazing, M.; Blauw, G.J.; Bosch, J.; Bowman, L.; Braunwald, E.; Bulbulia, R.; Byington, R.; Clearfield, M.; Cobbe, S.; Dahlöf, B.; Davis, B.; de Lemos, J.; Downs, J.R.; Fellström, B.; Flather, M.; Ford, I.; Franzosi, M.G.; Fuller, J.; Furberg, C.; Glynn, R.; Goldbourt, U.; Gordon, D.; Gotto, A.; Grimm, R.; Gupta, A.; Hawkins, C.M.; Haynes, R.; Holdaas, H.; Hopewell, J.; Jardine, A.; Kastelein, J.J.; Kean, S.; Kearney, P.; Kitas, G.; Kjekshus, J.; Knatterud, G.; Knopp, R.H.; Koren, M.; Krane, V.; Landray, M.; LaRosa, J.; Latini, R.; Lonn, E.; Lucci, D.; MacFadyen, J.; Macfarlane, P.; MacMahon, S.; Maggioni, A.; Marchioli, R.; Moyé, L.; Murphy, S.; Neil, A.; Nicolis, E.B.; Packard, C.; Parish, S.; Pedersen, T.R.; Peto, R.; Pfeffer, M.; Poulter, N.; Pressel, S.; Probstfield, J.; Rahman, M.; Robertson, M.; Sacks, F.; Schmieder, R.; Serruys, P.; Sever, P.; Shaw, J.; Shepherd, J.; Simpson, L.; Sleight, P.; Smeeth, L.; Tobert, J.; Tognoni, G.; Varigos, J.; Wanner, C.; Wedel, H.; Weis, S.; Welch, K.M.; Wikstrand, J.; Wilhelmsen, L.; Wiviott, S.; Yamaguchi, J.; Young, R.; Zannad, F.
In: The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology . (The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, May 2024, 12(5):306-319)
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Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases. 19(5):327-333
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Atherosclerosis. 189(1):178-185
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