에서 검색결과 5,790건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Olsen, M.; Zeitzer, J.M.; Nakase-Richardson, R.; Musgrave, V.H.; Sorensen, H.B.D.; Mignot, E.; Jennum, P.J.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 71(8):2506-2517 Aug, 2024
Academic Journal
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics IEEE J. Biomed. Health Inform. Biomedical and Health Informatics, IEEE Journal of. 27(9):4285-4292 Sep, 2023
Academic Journal
Osathitporn, P.; Sawadwuthikul, G.; Thuwajit, P.; Ueafuea, K.; Mateepithaktham, T.; Kunaseth, N.; Choksatchawathi, T.; Punyabukkana, P.; Mignot, E.; Wilaiprasitporn, T.
IEEE Internet of Things Journal IEEE Internet Things J. Internet of Things Journal, IEEE. 10(18):15943-15952 Sep, 2023
Academic Journal
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 70(9):2508-2518 Sep, 2023
Academic Journal
Olsen, M.; Zeitzer, J.M.; Richardson, R.N.; Davidenko, P.; Jennum, P.J.; Sorensen, H.B.D.; Mignot, E.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 70(1):228-237 Jan, 2023
Academic Journal
Hanif, U.; Leary, E.; Schneider, L.; Paulsen, R.; Morse, A.M.; Blackman, A.; Schweitzer, P.; Kushida, C.A.; Liu, S.; Jennum, P.; Sorensen, H.; Mignot, E.
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics IEEE J. Biomed. Health Inform. Biomedical and Health Informatics, IEEE Journal of. 25(11):4185-4194 Nov, 2021
Academic Journal
Le Guen, Y; Luo, G; Ambati, A; Damotte, V; Jansen, I; Yu, E; Nicolas, A; de Rojasj, I; Leal, TP; Miyashita, A; Bellenguez, C; Lian, MM; Parveen, K; Morizono, T; Park, H; Grenier-Boley, B; Naito, T; Kucukali, F; Talyansky, SD; Yogeshwar, SM; Sempere, V; Satake, W; Alvarez, V; Arosio, B; Belloy, ME; Benussi, L; Boland, A; Borroni, B; Bullido, MJ; Caffarra, P; Clarimon, J; Daniele, A; Darling, D; Debette, S; Deleuze, JF; Dichgans, M; Dufouil, C; During, E; Duzel, E; Galimberti, D; Garcia-Ribas, G; Garcia-Alberca, JM; Garcia-Gonzalez, P; Giedraitis, V; Goldhardt, O; Graff, C; Grunblatt, E; Hanon, O; Hausner, L; Heilmann-Heimbach, S; Holstege, H; Hort, J; Jung, YJ; Jurgen, D; Kern, S; Kuulasmaa, T; Lee, KH; Lin, L; Masullo, C; Mecocci, P; Mehrabian, S; de Mendonca, A; Boada, M; Mir, P; Moebus, S; Moreno, F; Nacmias, B; Nicolas, G; Niida, S; Nordestgaard, BG; Papenberg, G; Papma, J; Parnetti, L; Pasquier, F; Pastor, P; Peters, O; Pijnenburg, YAL; Pinol-Ripoll, G; Popp, J; Porcel, LM; Perez-Tur, RPJ; Rainero, I; Ramakers, I; Real, LM; Riedel-Heller, S; Rodriguez-Rodriguez, E; Ross, OA; Royo, JL; Rujescu, D; Scarmeas, N; Scheltens, P; Scherbaum, N; Schneider, A; Seripa, D; Skoog, I; Solfrizzi, V; Spalletta, G; Squassina, A; van Swieten, J; Sanchez-Valle, R; Tan, EK; Tegos, T; Teunissen, C; Thomassen, JQ; Tremolizzo, L; Vyhnalek, M; Verhey, F; Waern, M; Wiltfang, J; Zhangc, J; Zetterberg, H; Blennow, K; He, ZH; Williams, J; Amouyel, P; Jessen, F; Kehoe, PG; Andreassen, OA; Van Duin, C; Tsolaki, M; Sanchez-Juan, P; Frikke-Schmidt, R; Sleegers, K; Todau, T; Zettergren, A; Ingelsson, M; Okada, Y; Rossi, G; Hiltunen, M; Gim, J; Ozaki, K; Sims, R; Foo, JN; van der Fliere, W; Ikeuchi, T; Ramirez, A; Mata, I; Ruiz, A; Gan-Or, Z; Lambert, JC; Greicius, MD; Mignot, E
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120(36):e2302720120
Academic Journal
Ambati, A; Luo, G; Pradhan, E; Louis, J; Lin, L; Leib, RD; Ollila, HM; Poiret, T; Adams, C; Mignot, E
Vaccines. 8(4)
Academic Journal
Boeve, B.; Bui, Q.; De La Cruz, H.; Avidan, A.; Bliwise, D.; Campbell, M.; Criswell, S.; Davis, A.; Elliott, J.; Ehgoetz-Martens, K.; Ferman, T.; Fields, J.; Forsberg, L.; Gagnon, J.-F.; Gan-Or, Z.; Howell, M.; Hu, M.; Huddleston, D.; Kantarci, K.; Kotzbauer, P.; McLeland, J.; Lim, M.; Lowe, V.; Miglis, M.; Mignot, E.; Miyagawa, T.; Pelletier, A.; Ross, O.; Singer, W.; St. Louis, E.; Videnovic, A.; Xiong, C.; Postuma, R.; Ju, Y.-E.
Sleep Medicine. 115:304-305
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