
EBSCO Discovery Service
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 365건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
Pantazis, NThomadakis, Cdel Amo, JAlvarez-del Arco, DBurns, FMFakoya, ITouloumi, GAerssens, AAguado, MAlimi, BAlvarez, DAnagnostou, OAnderson, JAntoniadou, AArando, MBarbera, MJBarros, HBarthelemy, ABelda-Ibanez, JBertisch, BBil, JBlanco, JRBlock, KBoesecke, CBoura, MBurgos, JCabo, JCalabuig, ECampbell, LCardoso, OClaudia, WClumeck, NColucci, ACorrao, SCuellar, SCunha, JDaikos, GDarling, Kdel Romero, JDellot, PDixneuf, MDomingo, PDronda, FEbeling, FEngelhardt, AEngler, BFarrell, JFehr, JFeijo, MFernandez, EGarcia, EFFernandez, TFortes, ALFox, Jde Olalla, PGGarcia, FGargalianos-Kakolyris, PGennotte, AFGermano, IGilleran, GGilson, RGoepel, SGogos, HASirvent, JLGGountas, IGregg, AGutierrez, FGutierrez, MMHermans, IIribarren, JAKnobel, HKoulai, LKourkounti, SLa Morte, CLeCompte, TLedergerber, BLeonidou, LLigero, MCLindergard, GLino, SLopes, MJLirola, ALLouhenapessy, MLourida, GLuzi, AMMaltez, FManirankunda, LMartin-Perez, AMartins, LMasia, MMateu, MGMeireles, PMendes, AMetallidis, SMguni, SMilinkovic, AMiro, JMMohrmann, KMonge, SMontero, MMouhebati, TMoutschen, MMuller, MMurphy, CNostlinger, COcana, IOkumu-Fransche, SOnwuchekwa, GOspina, JEOtiko, DPacheco, PPalacios, RPaparizos, VPapastamopoulos, VParedes, VPatel, NPellicer, TPena, APetrosillo, NPinheiro, APocas, JPortillo, APost, FPrestileo, FPrestileo, TPrins, MPrins, PProtopapas, KPsichogiou, MPulido, FRebollo, JRibeirinho, ARio, IRobau, MRockstroh, JKRodrigues, ERodriguez, MSajani, CSalavert, MSalman, RSanz, NSchuettfort, GSchuttfort, GSchwarze-Zander, CSerrao, RSilva, DSilva, VSilverio, PSkoutelis, AStaehelin, CStephan, CStretton, CStyles, FSutre, AFTaylor, STeixeira, BThierfelder, CTsachouridou, OTudor, KValadas, Evan Frankenhuijsen, MVazquez, MArribas, MVVera, MVinciana, PVolny-Anne, AVoudouri, NWasmuth, JCWengenroth, CWilkins, EYoung, LYurdakul, SEspinosa, TZZuure, FDel Amo, JMeyer, LBucher, HCChene, GHamouda, OPillay, DRosinska, MSabin, CPorter, KOlson, ACartier, AFradette, LWalker, SBabiker, ADe Luca, AFisher, MMuga, RKelleher, TCooper, DGrey, PFinlayson, RBloch, MRamacciotti, TGelgor, LSmith, DZangerle, RGill, JLutsar, IDabis, FThiebaut, RCostagliola, DGuiguet, MVanhems, PChaix, MLGhosn, JBoufassa, FMeixenberger, KBannert, NBartmeyer, BChrysos, GDaikos, GLKatsarou, ORezza, GDorrucci, MMonforte, ADGeskus, Rvan der Helm, JSchuitemaker, HSannes, MBrubakk, OKran, AMBTor, JCayla, JMoreno, SPerez-Hoyos, SSonnerborg, AGunthard, HScherrer, AMalyuta, RMurphy, GJohnson, APhillips, AMorrison, CSalata, RMugerwa, RChipato, TPrice, MAGilmour, JKamali, AKarita, E
Statistical methods in medical research. 28(7):1979-1997
Electronic Resource
Bündner Monatsblatt : Zeitschrift für Bündner Geschichte, Landeskunde und Baukultur; 535863-2; 1011-6885; -; 2007; 2; 171
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
Luzi AM; Operational Unit of Psycho-Socio-Behavioural Research, Communication and Training, Infectious Diseases Department, National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy.; Colucci A; Operational Unit of Psycho-Socio-Behavioural Research, Communication and Training, Infectious Diseases Department, National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy.; Gallo P; Operational Unit of Psycho-Socio-Behavioural Research, Communication and Training, Infectious Diseases Department, National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy.; De Mei B; National Centre for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Unit of Risk Factors Surveillance and Health Promotion Strategies, National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy.; Mastrobattista L; Unit of Risk Factors Surveillance and Health Promotion Strategies, National Center for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy.; De Santis M; National Centre for Rare Diseases, National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy.; Pacifici R; Unit of Risk Factors Surveillance and Health Promotion Strategies, National Center for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy.; Taruscio D; National Centre for Rare Diseases, National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy.; Gallo C; Student of Communication, Technologies and Digital Culture, Faculty of Political Science, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy.
Publisher: Societa Editrice Universo Country of Publication: Italy NLM ID: 9002865 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1120-9135 (Print) Linking ISSN: 11209135 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Ann Ig Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Fakoya, IbidunArco, Débora Álvarez?DelMonge, SusanaCopas, Andrew J.Gennotte, Anne?FrancoiseVolny?Anne, AlainWengenroth, ClaudiaTouloumi, GiotaPrins, MariaBarros, HenriqueDarling, Katharine EaPrestileo, TullioDel Amo, JuliaBurns, Fiona M.Aerssens, AAguado, MAlimi, BAnagnostou, OAnderson, JAntoniadou, AArando, MBarberà, MjBarthélemy, ABelda?Ibáñez, JBertisch, BBil, JBlanco, JrBlock, KBoesecke, CBoura, MBurgos, JCabo, JCalabuig, ECampbell, LCardoso, OClaudia, WClumeck, NColucci, ACorrao, SCuellar, SCunha, JDaikos, GDarling, KRomero, JDellot, PDomingo, PDronda, FEbeling, FEngelhardt, AEngler, BFarrell, JFehr, JFeijó, MFernández, EGarcía, E FernándezFernandez, TFortes, AlFox, JDe Olalla, P GarciaGarcía, FGargalianos?Kakolyris, PGermano, IGilleran, GGilson, RGoepel, SGogos, HaSirvent, Jl GómezGountas, IGregg, AGutiérrez, FGutierrez, MmHermans, IIribarren, JaKnobel, HKoulai, LKourkounti, SLa Morté, CLecompte, TLedergerber, BLeonidou, LLigero, McLindergard, GLino, SLopes, MjLirola, A LopezLouhenapessy, MLourida, GLuzi, AmMaltez, FManirankunda, LMartín?Pérez, AMartins, LMasía, MMateu, MgMeireles, PMendes, AMetallidis, SMguni, SMilinkovic, AMiró, JmMohrmann, KMontero, MMouhebati, TMoutschen, MMüller, MMurphy, CNöstlinger, COcaña, IOkumu?Fransche, SOnwuchekwa, GOspina, JeOtiko, DPacheco, PPalacios, RPaparizos, VPapastamopoulos, VParedes, VPatel, NPellicer, TPeña, APetrosillo, NPinheiro, APoças, JPortillo, APost, FPrestileo, FPrins, PProtopapas, KPsichogiou, MPulido, FRebollo, JRibeirinho, ARío, IRobau, MRockstroh, JkRodrigues, ERodríguez, MSajani, CSalavert, MSalman, RSanz, NSchuettfort, GSchüttfort, GZander, C Schwarze?Serrão, RSilva, DSilva, VSilverio, PSkoutelis, AStaehelin, CStephan, CStretton, CStyles, FSutre, AfTaylor, STeixeira, BThierfelder, CTsachouridou, OTudor, KValadas, EFrankenhuijsen, MVázquez, MArribas, M VelascoVera, MVinciana, PVoudouri, NWasmuth, JcWilkins, EYoung, LYurdakul, SEspinosa, T ZafraZuilhof, WZuure, F
Journal of the International AIDS Society. July, 2018, Vol. 21
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[검색어] Luzi, AM
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