
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 450건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
Niemi, MEKKarjalainen, JDaly, MGanna, AMehtonen, JCordioli, MKaunisto, MPigazzini, SDonner, KKivinen, KPalotie, ADaly, MJLiao, RGKanai, MVeerapen, KMinica, CTrankiem, ABalaconis, MKNguyen, HSolomonson, MFrancioli, LWang, QBGreen, RCBryant, SFinucane, HMartin, ARZhou, WNkambule, LKarczewski, KJAtkinson, EGTsuo, KBaya, NTurley, PGupta, RWalters, RKPalmer, DSSarma, GCheng, NLu, WHChurchhouse, CGoldstein, JKing, DSeed, CNeale, BMSatterstrom, FKPathak, GAWendt, FRPolimanti, RAndrews, SJSloofman, LSealfon, SCFernandez-Cadenas, ISchulte, ECProtzer, UStriano, PCoviello, DAZara, FSalpietro, VIacomino, MScudieri, PBocciardi, RMinetti, CVari, MSMadia, FMarouli, EKanoni, SMoutsianas, LKarim, MAGhoussaini, MSchwartzentruber, JDunham, ISavage, JPosthuma, DTissink, EUffelmann, EButler-Laporte, GRichards, JBNakanishi, TMorrison, DRForgetta, VGhosh, BLaurent, LHenry, DAbdullah, TAdeleye, OMamlouk, NKimchi, NAfrasiabi, ZRezk, NVulesevic, BBouab, MGuzman, CPetitjean, LTselios, CXue, XQAfilalo, JAdra, DKim, HNOkada, YByun, JHan, YHUddin, MJSmith, GDWiller, CJBuxbaum, JDSloofman, LGCollins, BLLevy, TUnderwood, SJBritvan, BKeller, KTang, LPeruggia, MHiester, LLNiblo, KAksentijevich, ALabkowsky, AKarp, AZlatopolsky, MArora, JRaychaudhuri, SMercader, JCusick, CPasaniuc, BJulienne, HAschard, HShi, HWBYengo, LChwialkowska, KFrancescatto, MDavis, LKerchberger, VELee, SPriest, JVadgama, NTanigawa, YRenieri, ASankaran, VGvan Heel, Dde Salazar, Avan Heel, DAHunt, KATrivedi, BDeelen, PFranke, LClaringbould, ALopera, EWarmerdam, Rvan Blokland, ILanting, PMooser, VLi, RBelisle, ALepage, PRagoussis, JAuld, DLathrop, GMBiesecker, LBaillie, JKClohisey, SFourman, MHFurniss, JHaley, CLaw, AMillar, JPairo-Castineira, EParkinson, NRawlik, KRussell, CDShih, BTenesa, AWang, BZechner, MHendry, RArmstrong, RBoz, CBrown, ACullum, LDay, NDuncan, EFinernan, PGolightly, ALaw, DLaw, RLaw, SMal, HMcmaster, EMeikle, JOosthuyzen, WPaterson, TStenhouse, ASwets, MSzoor-McElhinney, HTaneski, FWackett, TWard, MWeaver, JCoyle, JGallagher, BLidstone-Scott, RHamilton, DGriffiths, FKeating, SWalsh, TBretherick, ADGrimes, GHayward, CKlaric, LMeynert, AMPonting, CPRichmond, AVitart, VWilson, JFMari, FLista, MPerticaroli, VFallerini, CDaga, SBaldassarri, MFava, FFrullanti, EValentino, FDoddato, GGiliberti, ABruttini, MCroci, SMeloni, IBeligni, GTommasi, ADi Sarno, LPalmieri, MCarriero, MLAlaverdian, DIuso, NInchingolo, GTita, RAmitrano, SMencarelli, MALo Rizzo, CPinto, AMMontagnani, FTumbarello, MFurini, SBenetti, EZguro, KCapitani, KZanelli, GBianchi, FBernasconi, ACeri, SPinoli, PBaillie, SCCanakoglu, AWolford, BFaucon, ADutta, AKPatel, SSchurmann, CHarry, EBirney, ENasir, JMarttila, MDueker, NLimou, SRahmouni, SMbarek, HDarwish, DIsmail, SISaad, CAl-Sarraj, YBadji, RMAl-Muftah, WAl Thani, AUddin, MMAlbertos, RFerrer, RPerez-Tur, JLi, RLMedina-Gomez, CSedaghati-Khayat, BVallerga, CBoer, CKennis-Szilagyi, IPrijatelj, VFolkersen, LMoltke, IKoelling, NSpencer, CATeumer, AKousathanas, APasko, DCaulfield, MJScott, RHWalker, SStuckey, AOdhams, CARhodes, DFowler, TRendon, AChan, GArumugam, PUtrilla, AVerdugo, RAZarate, RGomez-Cabrero, DCarnero-Montoro, EAlarcon-Riquelme, MEMartinez-Bueno, MCadilla, CLMoreno-Estrada, AGarmendia, AMoya, LBoua, PRFave, MJLemacon, AMigeotte, IVarnai, RSzentpeteri, JLSipeky, CColombo, Fvon Hohenstaufen, KLio, PIm, HHan, CSong, HLim, JLee, YKim, SAtanasovska, BAhmad, HFJansen, PHottenga, JJBartels, Mde Geus, EJCNivard, MGKornilov, SASivanadhan, IPerumal, SEsmaeeli, SPearson, NMAuton, AShelton, JFShastri, AJFilshtein-Sonmez, TCoker, DSymons, AAslibekyan, SO'Connell, JYe, CWeldon, CHEsparza-Gordillo, JPerera, MYang, GAlarcon, CHerrmann, SFriedman, PO'Leary, KMazurek, STuck, MBanagan, JHamidi, ZO'Brien, TMeltzer, DRaffat, Nde la Horra, CO'Donnell, PNutescu, EMoreno, DBarbour, AGallego-Duran, RFerwerda, Bvan de Beek, DBrouwer, MCBeudel, MKoning, RVlaar, APJAlgera, AGvan Baarle, FBos, LBotta, Mde Bruin, SBulle, EDongelmans, DElbers, PFleuren, LGirbes, AHagens, LHeunks, LHorn, Jvan Mourik, NPaulus, FRaasveld, JSchultz, MJSmit, MTeunissen, CThoral, Pde Vries, HWiersinga, WJvan Agtmael, MBomers, Mde Brabander, Jde Bree, GChouchane, OGeerlings, SGoorhuis, BGrobusch, MPHarris, VHermans, SMHovius, JWNellen, JPeters, Evan der Poll, TPrins, JMReijnders, TSchinkel, MSchuurman, ASigaloff, KStijnis, CSTsonas, Avan der Valk, Mvan Vugt, MZwinderman, AHKBax, DCloherty, AGeijtenbeek, THafkamp, FPreckel, BBogaard, HJBonta, PNossent, EJBugiani, MGeerts, BHollmann, MVeelo, DHamann, JHemke, Rde Jong, MDStilma, WWouters, DMinnaar, RPKromhout, Avan Uffelen, KWJWolterman, RARoberts, GPark, DBall, CACoignet, MMcCurdy, SKnight, SPartha, RRhead, BZhang, MBerkowitz, NGaddis, MNoto, KRuiz, LPavlovic, MHong, ELRand, KGirshick, AGuturu, HBaltzell, AHGeorges, MMelo, SJacques, NDi Valentin, EGiroule, FCollignon, ARadermecker, CLebrun, MPeree, HLatour, SBarada, OSanchez, JMeunier, MMariavelle, EAnania, SGazon, HMni, MWery, MBelhaj, YGuntz, JJadot, LClaassen, SBeguin, YGofflot, SEl Kandoussi, KThonon, RBouysran, YBusson, APeyrassol, XWilkin, FPichon, BSmits, GVandernoot, IGoffard, JCMoutschen, MMisset, BDarcis, GGuiot, JAzarzar, SDellot, PBertrand, AParzibut, GClarinval, MMoermans, CMalaise, OHuynen, PMesdagh, AJosse, CBoujemla, BJuszczak, DFadeur, MCamby, SMeuris, CThys, MJacques, JHenket, MLeonard, PFrippiat, FGiot, JBSauvage, ASVon Frenckell, CStaderoli, ALambermont, BLouis, EAfilalo, MOliveira, MBrenner, BBrassard, NDurand, MChasse, MKaufmann, DESchurr, EDavis, LKCox, NJBelow, JESealock, JMFaucon, ABShuey, MMPolikowsky, HGPetty, LEShaw, DMChen, HHZhu, WYLudwig, KUSchroder, JRolker, SNothen, MMFazaal, JMaj, CKeitel, VJensen, BEOFeldt, TKnopp, LKurth, IEggermann, TMarx, NDreher, MPink, ICornberg, MIllig, TVolland, SLehmann, CSchommers, PAugustin, MRybniker, JKoehler, PCornely, OAAltmuller, JBerger, MMBrenner, THinney, AWitzke, OBals, RHerr, CLudwig, NWalter, JFuchsberger, CPattaro, CDe Grandi, APramstaller, PEmmert, DMelotti, RFoco, LMascalzoni, DGogele, MDomingues, FHicks, AGignoux, CRWicks, SJCrooks, KBarnes, KCDaya, MShortt, JRafaels, NChavan, SGoldstein, DBKiryluk, KSengupta, SMenon, ASo, YSChung, WReilly, MPKhan, AWang, CGharavi, AGShang, NO'Byrne, SMNandakumar, RPovysil, GBhardwaj, NIonita-Laza, IHod, EPendrick, DPark, SKKim, HLKang, CKPark, WBLee, HJSong, KHHam, SYJung, JKim, ESBin Kim, HYoon, KJPaik, NJSeok, WYoon, HJoo, EJChang, YRyu, SPark, JSPark, KUEllinghaus, DDegenhardt, FJuzenas, STran, FRosenstiel, PSchreiber, SFranke, AWacker, EMUellendahl-Werth, FElAbd, HWienbrandt, LRuhlemann, MCWendorff, MTanck, AGassner, CHemmrich-Stanisak, GKassens, JBasso, MEFSchulzky, MWittig, MBraun, NWesse, TAlbrecht, WYi, XLNebel, APeschuck, AMay, SKarina, BBrunak, SCaceres, MLerga-Jaso, JLenz, TLTeles, AAzuure, COzer, OAlbillos, AMateos, BMesonero, FTellez, LRodriguez-Gandia, MBujanda, LBanales, JMRomero-Gomez, MButi, MMaya-Miles, DGarcia-Etxebarria, KIzquierdo-Sanchez, LRodrigues, PMRodriguez-Frias, FRiveiro-Barciela, MJulia, APalom, AMarsal, SHeidecker, BKurth, FSander, LEMayer, ABraun, ASkurk, CThibeault, CHelbig, ETKraft, JLippert, LJSuwalski, PRipke, SPoller, WWang, XMKaradeniz, ZGarcia, FQuero, JHChueca, NCejudo, TGHanses, FWilfling, SZoller, HSchaefer, BHolter, JCHov, JRKarlsen, THFolseraas, THolten, ARDyrhol-Riise, AMTonby, KLind, AMuller, FDudman, SGrimsrud, MMFernandez, JFerrando, CReverter, EBadia, JRHernandez-Tejero, MCastro, Pde Cid, RNolla, ACCortes, BGalvan-Femenia, IBlay, NFarre, XAsselta, RDuga, SMantovani, AProtti, AAghemo, ALleo, AVoza, AAzzolini, EParaboschi, EMMy, ICecconi, MTentorio, PBadalamenti, SBombace, SCappadona, CRimoldi, VGoerg, SHehr, UPerez, EFLenning, OBVadla, MSMyhre, ROrtiz, ABde Pablo, RChercoles, AGNafria-Jimenez, BRuiz, AHernandez, Ide Rojas, IMarquie, MBoada, MPrati, DBaselli, GValenti, LCherubini, AMuscatello, AHu, CBianco, CGalimberti, DScarpini, ECeriotti, FLamorte, GTerranova, LOstadreza, MZanella, ABandera, AGori, AFracanzani, ALPesenti, APaccapelo, CMartinelli-Boneschi, FPeyvandi, FBlasi, FGrasselli, GCostantino, GSantoro, LScudeller, LCarrabba, MBaldini, MMiozzo, MMontano, NGualtierotti, RPelusi, SBosari, SAliberti, SMonzani, VInvernizzi, PGerussi, AMilani, CRamirez, AAndrade, VBarreira, AKildal, ABGluck, ABahmer, TLatiano, APalmieri, ORando-Segura, ARoade, LSolier, AJimenez, DNieto, RBellinghausen, CQuereda, CNavas, ESpinner, CDSchneider, JLange, CHeyckendorf, JSancho, CIntxausti, MHoff, DALAfset, JEHaider, SPestana, DToapanta, DUrrechaga, EEspana, PPPontali, EGarbarino, LMazzocco, MArana, EAyo, NISanchez, FGMalvestiti, FPezzoli, GNeb, HD'Amato, MGoikoetxea, JMuller, KEHeggelund, LGaede, KSumoy, LKogevinas, MGarcia-Aymerich, JCastano-Vinyals, GDobano, CMoreno, VGutierrez-Stampa, MAVehreschild, MJGTKhodamoradi, YCastoldi, MZheng, THSeilmaier, MJMartinez, NHoffmann, PHeilmann-Heimbach, SBacher, PCiesek, SLandmesser, USkogen, VCalderon, EJMedrano, FJDelgado, JMorilla, RFriaza, VGudbjartsson, DFStefansson, KSulem, PSveinbjornsson, GMelsted, PNorddahl, GMoore, KHSThorsteinsdottir, UHolm, HBernardo, DAmpuero, JRello, SRMagi, RMilani, LMetspalu, ALaisk, TLall, KLepamets, MEsko, TReimann, EAlavere, HMetsalu, KPuusepp, MNaaber, PLaane, EPesukova, JPeterson, PKisand, KTabri, JAllos, RHensen, KStarkopf, JRingmets, ITamm, AKallaste, AKristiansson, KKoskelainen, SPerola, MRivolta, CQuinodoz, MKamdar, DBochud, PYBibert, SBoillat, NNussle, SGAlbrich, WSuh, NNeofytos, DErard, VVoide, CErardFriolet, RVollenweider, PPagani, JLOddo, Mzu Bentrup, FMConen, AClerc, OMarchetti, OGuillet, AGuyat-Jacques, CFoucras, SRime, MChassot, JJaquet, MViollet, RMLannepoudenx, YPortopena, LDesgranges, FFilippidis, PGuery, BHaefliger, DKampouri, EEManuel, OMunting, APapadimitriou-Olivgeris, MRegina, JRochat-Stettler, LSuttelsTadini, ETschopp, JVan Singer, MViala, BBoillat-Blanco, NBrahier, THugli, OMeuwly, JYPantet, OPumarola, TBochud, MD'AcremontYounes, SEAlbrich, WCCerny, AO'Mahony, LFrischknecht, MKleger, GRFilipovic, MKahlert, CRWozniak, HNegro, TRPugin, JBouras, KKnapp, CEgger, TPerret, AMontillier, Pdi Bartolomeo, CBarda, BCarreras, AMercader, JMGuindo-Martinez, MTorrents, DGori, MPicchiotti, NMondelli, MUBruno, RLudovisi, SCastelli, FQuiros-Roldan, EDegli Antoni, MVaghi, MRusconi, SRiva, ASiano, MGabrieli, AFabbiani, MRossetti, BRancan, IBargagli, EBergantini, LD'Alessandro, MCameli, PBennet, DFranchi, FAnedda, FMarcantonio, SScolletta, SMazzei, MAGuerrini, SCantarini, LConticini, EFrediani, BTacconi, DSpertilli, CFeri, MDonati, AScala, RGuidelli, LSpargi, GCorridi, MNencioni, CCroci, LBandini, MSpagnesi, MPiacentini, PDesanctis, ECappelli, SCaldarelli, GPCanaccini, AVerzuri, AAnemoli, VOgnibene, APancrazi, ALorubbio, MMonforte, ADMerlini, EMiraglia, FGGirardis, MBusani, SVenturelli, SAntinori, AEmiliozzi, AVergori, AFrancisci, DSchiaroli, EPaciosi, FScotton, PGAndretta, FPanese, SScaggiante, RGatti, FDella Monica, MPiscopo, CCapasso, MRusso, RAndolfo, IIolascon, AMerla, GFiorentino, GCastori, MCarella, MAucella, FDi Biagio, ABassetti, MMasucci, LGuarnaccia, ASanguinetti, MValente, SDe Vivo, OMandala, MGiorli, ASalerni, LZucchi, PParravicini, PGiannattasio, FTrotta, TCoiro, GMussini, CBosio, GMartinelli, ETavecchia, LBelli, MAMancarella, SCrotti, LParati, GRizzi, MMaggiolo, FRipamonti, DLa Rovere, MTSarzi-Braga, SBussotti, MRavaglia, SSabrina, RArtuso, RPerrella, ARomani, DBergomi, PCatena, EColombo, RDei, STanfoni, MSanarico, MRaimondi, FBiscarini, FStella, ABergomi, MVecchia, MMantovani, SZanella, ICossarizza, AParisi, SGBaratti, SSqueo, GMRaggi, PMarciano, CPerna, RMenatti, ELena, FGabbi, CBachetti, TSuardi, CBotta, GDi Domenico, PTrembath, RCHuang, QQMartin, HCMason, DWright, JFiner, SAkhtar, SAnwar, MArciero, EAshraf, SBreen, GChung, RCurtis, CJChowdhury, MColligan, GDeloukas, PDurham, CGriffiths, CHurles, MHussain, SIslam, KLavery, CLee, SHLerner, RMacArthur, DMacLaughlin, BMartin, HMiah, SNewman, BSafa, NTahmasebi, FGriffiths, CJSmith, ABoughton, APLi, KWLeFaive, JAnnis, AZollner, SWang, JMBeck, AJannes, CEKrieger, JEPereira, ACVelho, MMarques, ELima, IRTada, MTValino, KMcCarthy, MRosenberger, CChang, DHammer, CHunkapiller, JMahajan, APendergrass, SSucheston-Campbell, LYaspan, BLee, JELee, HSShin, EJang, HYKym, SKim, YSJeong, HAlegria, AKwon, KTKim, SWKim, JYJang, YRKim, HALee, JYChoe, KWKang, YMHa Jee, SJung, KJParikh, VWheeler, MDalton, KChristle, JGorzynski, Jde Jong, HSutton, SYoulton, NJoshi, RJimenez-Morales, DHughes, CAmar, DHershman, SKirillova, ASeo, KHuang, YRaja, AZhen, JAshley, EBustamante, CRivas, MIoannidis, APinksy, BShoura, MHammond, NWatson, NHuang, CSahoo, MWang, HFebbo, PFarh, KSchroth, GPDeSouza, FDeboever, CSzalma, SRubinacci, SDelaneau, OMcGuigan, PJWasson, CFinn, SGreen, JCollins, EKing, BMoore, LSPVizcaychipi, MPMartins, LGDCarungcong, JHall, KMapfunde, ICampbell, ASmuts, SDuffield, JSmith, OMallon, LClaire, WNichol, ABrickell, KSmyth, MMurphy, LWard, GBremmer, PPage, VJCarmody, SSemple, MGSolomon, TTurtle, LCWHardwick, HAdeniji, KAgranoff, DEziefula, CAgwuh, KAil, DAldera, ELAllen, LBeranova, ECrisp, NDeery, JHazelton, TKnight, APrice, CTilbey, STurki, STurney, SAngus, BAshish, AAtkinson, DBari, SBarlow, GBarnass, SBarrett, NDouthwaite, SOstermann, MShankar-Hari, MBassford, CBasude, SBaxter, DBeadsworth, MWelters, IBernatoniene, JBerridge, JBest, NBothma, PTupper-Carey, DChadwick, DBrittain-Long, RBulteel, NWrobel, NMcCafferty, SMorrice, KMacLean, ABurden, TBurtenshaw, ACaruth, VChambler, DChee, NChild, JChukkambotla, SClark, TCollini, PEvans, CMills, GHAhmad, NBarker, JBauchmuller, KBird, SCawthron, KHarrington, KJackson, YKibutu, FLenagh, BMasuko, SRaithatha, AWiles, MWillson, JNewell, HLye, ANwafor, LJarman, CRowland-Jones, SFoote, DCole, JThompson, RWatson, JHesseldon, LMacharia, IChetam, LSmith, JFord, AAnderson, SBirchall, KHousley, KMilner, LHanratty, HTrower, HPhillips, POxspring, SDonne, BCosgrove, CCupitt, JCutino-Moguel, MTDark, PDawson, CDervisevic, SDrummond, AUstianowski, ADuRand, IDushianthan, ADyer, TFegan, CFinn, AFullerton, DMatovu, EGarg, SGarg, AGkrania-Klotsas, EMoore, EGodden, JGoldsmith, AGraham, CHardy, EHartshorn, SHarvey, DHavalda, PWorkman, AHawcutt, DBHobrok, MHodgson, LHormis, AJacobs, MJain, SJennings, PKaliappan, AKasipandian, VKegg, SKelsey, MKerrison, CKerslake, IKoch, OBaruah, RMorris, SFerguson, SShepherd, AKoduri, GKoshy, GLeiner, TMortimore, KLaha, SLaird, SLarkin, SLillie, PLimb, JLinnett, VLittle, JLyttle, MMacNaughton, EMankregod, RMasson, HMcCullough, KMcEwen, RWilson, LMeda, MMinton, JWard, KMirfenderesky, MMohandas, KMok, QMoon, JCapps, NJose, SMorgan, PMorris, CMoses, SMpenge, MMulla, RMurphy, MNagel, MNagarajan, TNelson, MO'Shea, MKGreen, CAOtahal, IPais, MPanchatsharam, SPapakonstantinou, DBancroft, HBellamy, MCarmody, MDaglish, JMoore, FRhodes, JSangombe, MKadiri, SScriven, JParaiso, HPatel, BPattison, NPepperell, JPhull, MPintus, SPooni, JSPost, FCavazza, ACockrell, MCorcoran, EDepante, MFinney, CJerome, EMcPhail, MNayak, MNoble, HO'Reilly, KPappa, ESaha, RSaha, SKnighton, APrice, DProut, RRae, NReschreiter, HReynolds, TRichardson, NRoberts, MRoberts, DRose, ARousseau, GRyan, BSaluja, TShah, AShanmuga, PSharma, AShawcross, ASizer, JBastion, VClarke, DDavid, BKent, HLorusso, RLubimbi, GMurdoch, SPenacerrada, MThomas, AValentine, JVochin, AWulandari, RDjeugam, BSmith, RSnelson, CWhitehouse, TSpittle, NStaines, NVisuvanathan, SStambach, TStewart, RSubudhi, PSzakmany, TTatham, KThomas, JThompson, CTridente, ATwagira, MVallotton, NVincent-Smith, LVuylsteke, AWaddy, SWake, RWalden, AWhittaker, PWhittington, APapineni, PWijesinghe, MWinchester, SWiselka, MWolverson, AWooton, DGYates, BYoung, PBeale, RHinds, CGountouna, EPorteous, DJHarrison, DRowan, KBand, GKlenerman, PKnight, JBogaert, DShen, XYang, ZJZhai, RRZheng, CQBulik, CMLanden, MFundin, BWu, YYang, JNorman, LPius, RDrake, TMFairfield, CJKnight, SRMclean, KAMurphy, DShaw, CADocherty, ABHarrison, EMDalton, JGirvan, MSaviciute, ERoberts, SHarrison, JMarsh, LConnor, MHalpin, SJackson, CGamble, CDonohue, CLeeming, GWham, MScott-Brown, JAlex, BBach, BBegg, CHo, AYWHorby, PWLing, LMaslove, DMcAuley, DMontgomery, HOpenshaw, PJMThwaites, RSMoore, SCSummers, CArmstrong, LBates, HDooks, EFarquhar, FHairsine, BMcParland, CPackham, SAlldis, ZAstin-Chamberlain, RBibi, FBiddle, JBlow, SBolton, MBorra, CBowles, RBurton, MChoudhury, YCollier, DCox, AEasthope, AEbano, PFotiadis, SGurasashvili, JHalls, RHartridge, PKallon, DKassam, JLancoma-Malcolm, IMatharu, MMay, PMitchelmore, ONewman, TPatel, MPheby, JPinzuti, IPrime, ZPrysyazhna, OShiel, JTaylor, MTierney, CWood, SZak, AZongo, OForsey, MNicholson, ARiches, JVertue, MGrauslyte, LHussain, MPogreban, TRosaroso, LSalciute, EFranke, GWong, JGeorge, AAkeroyd, LBano, SBromley, MGurr, LLawton, TMorgan, JSellick, KWarren, DWilkinson, BMcGowan, JLedgard, CStacey, APye, KBellwood, RBentley, MLoosley, RMcGuinness, HTench, HWolf-Roberts, RGibson, SLyle, AMcNeela, FRadhakrishnan, JHughes, AAli, ABrady, MDale, SDance, AGledhill, LGreig, JHanson, KHoldroyd, KHome, MKelly, DKitson, RMatapure, LMelia, DMellor, SNortcliffe, TPinnell, JRobinson, MShaw, LShaw, RThomis, LWilson, AWood, TBayo, LAMerwaha, EIshaq, THanley, SAntcliffe, DBanach, DBrett, SCoghlan, PFernandez, ZGordon, ARojo, RArias, SSTempleton, MJha, RKrishnamurthy, VLim, LBi, RScholefield, BAshton, LWilliams, ACheyne, CSaunderson, AMoultrie, SOdam, MAllan, AAnderson, FKaye, CLiew, JMedhora, JScott, TTrumper, EBotello, APolgarova, PStroud, KMeaney, EJones, MNg, AAgrawal, SPathan, NWhite, DDaubney, EElston, KParker, RReddy, ATurner-Bone, IWilding, LHarding, PJacob, RJones, CDenmade, CCroft, MWhite, IGriffin, DMuchenje, NMupudzi, MPartridge, RConyngham, JAThomas, RWright, MCorral, MADawson, JGarrioch, STolson, MAldridge, JBeavis, SDale, KGascoyne, RHawes, JPritchard, KStevenson, LWhileman, ACowley, AHighgate, JCrawley, RCrew, ACunningham, MDaniels, AHarrison, LHope, SInweregbu, KJones, SLancaster, NMatthews, JWray, GBenham, LBradshaw, ZBrown, JCaswell, MMelling, SPreston, SSlawson, NStoddard, EWarden, SCombes, EJoefield, TMonnery, SBeech, VTrotman, SHopkins, BThrasyvoulou, LWillis, HBirch, JHammerton, KO'Leary, RAndrews, EAbernathy, CFoster, LGratrix, AMartinson, VParkinson, PStones, ECarbral-Ortega, LKapoor, RLoader, DCastle, KBrandwood, CSmith, LClark, RKolakaluri, LBaines, DSukumaran, AMeredith, MMorris, LRyan, LClark, ASampson, JPeters, CDent, MLangley, MWei, SYAndrew, AChablani, MKirkby, ANetherton, KBates, MDasgin, JGill, JNilsson, AApetri, EBasikolo, CBlackledge, BCatlow, LCharles, BDoonan, RHarris, JHarvey, AHorner, DKnowles, KLomas, DLyons, CMarsden, TMcLaughlan, DMcMorrow, LPendlebury, JPerez, JPoulaka, MProudfoot, NSlaughter, MSlevin, KThomas, VWalker, DMichael, ACollis, MClark, MCoulding, MJude, EMcCormick, JMercer, OPotla, DRehman, HSavill, HTurner, VDavey, MGolden, DSeaman, RHunt, JDearden, JDobson, EMulcahy, MMunt, SO'Connor, GPhilbin, JRishton, CTully, RWinnard, SCagova, LFofano, AGarner, LHolcombe, HMepham, SMitchell, AMMwaura, LPraman, KZamikula, JBercades, GBrealey, DHass, IMacCallum, NMartir, GRaith, EReyes, ASmyth, DTaylor, AHughes, RAThomas, HRees, ADuskova, MPhipps, JBrooks, SEdwards, MAlexander, PAllen, SBradley-Potts, JBrantwood, CEgan, JFelton, TPadden, GWard, LMoss, SGlasgow, SBeesley, KBoard, SKubisz-Pudelko, ALewis, APerry, JPippard, LWood, DBuckley, CGregory, JO'Connell, SSmith, TBelagodu, ZFuller, BGherman, AOlufuwa, OParamsothy, RStuart, COakley, NKamundi, CTyl, DCollins, KSilva, PTaylor, JKing, LCoates, CCrowley, MWakefield, PBeadle, JJohnson, LSargeant, JAnderson, MJardine, CWilliams, DParris, VQuaid, SWatson, EMelville, JNaisbitt, JJoseph, RLazo, MWalton, ONeal, AHill, MKannan, TWild, LAllan, EDarlington, KDavies, FEaston, JKumar, SLean, RMenzies, DPugh, RQiu, XYDavies, LWilliams, HScanlon, JDavies, GMackay, CLewis, JRees, SCoetzee, SGales, ARaj, MSell, CLangton, HWatters, MNovis, CArbane, GBociek, ACampos, SGrau, NJones, TOLim, RMarotti, MWhitton, CBarron, ACollins, CKaul, SPassmore, HPrendergast, CReed, ARogers, PShokkar, RWoodruff, MMiddleton, HPolgar, ONolan, CThwaites, VMahay, KSri-Chandana, CScherewode, JStephenson, LMarsh, SAyers, AHarrison, WNorth, JGill, MPaul, PRatnam, VShelton, SWynter, IBaptista, DCrowe, RFernandes, RHerdman-Grant, RJoseph, ALoveridge, AMcKenley, IMorino, ENaranjo, ASimms, RSollesta, KSwain, AVenkatesh, HKhera, JFox, JBarber, RHewitt, CHilldrith, AJackson-Lawrence, KShepardson, SWills, MButler, STavares, SCunningham, AHindale, JArif, SGeorge, LTwiss, SWright, DHolland, MKeenan, NLyons, MWassall, HMarsh, CMahenthran, MCarter, EKong, TAdanini, OBhatia, NMsiska, MMew, LMwaura, EWilliams, FWren, LSutherland, SBBattle, CBrinkworth, EHarford, RMurphy, CNewey, LRees, TWilliams, MArnold, SHardy, JHoulden, HMoncur, ETariq, ATucci, AConvery, KFottrell-Gould, DHudig, LKeshet-Price, JRandell, GStammers, KAbdelrazik, MBakthavatsalam, DElhassan, MGanesan, AHaldeos, AMoreno-Cuesta, JPurohit, DVincent, RXavier, KRohit, KAlasdair, FSaleem, MDavid, CJenkins, SLamond, ZWall, AReynolds, JCampbell, HThompsom, MDodds, SDuffy, SButcher, DO'Sullivan, SButterworth-Cowin, NDeacon, BHibbert, MPothecary, CTetla, DWoodford, CDurga, LKennard-Holden, GDe Gordoa, LORPeasgood, EPhillips, CSkinner, DGaylard, JMullan, DNewman, JDavies, ERoche, LSathe, SBrimfield, LDaly, ZPogson, DRose, SCollins, AKhaliq, WGude, ETGiles, JBooth, SBell, GEnglish, KKatary, AWilcox, LCampbell, RClarke, NWhiteside, JMascarenhas, MDonaldson, AMatheson, JBarrett, FO'Hara, MO'Keefe, LBradley, CWalker, RMaynard, VPatel, TSmith, MKazi, AHartley, JDykes, JHijazi, MKeith, SKhan, MRyan-Smith, JSpringle, PTruman, NSaad, SColeman, DFine, CMatt, RGay, BDalziel, JAli, SGoodchild, DHarling, RBhatterjee, RGoddard, WDavison, CDuberly, SHargreaves, JBolton, RVerlander, MBlackman, HCreagh-Brown, BDonlon, SMichalak-Glinska, NMtuwa, SPristopan, VSalberg, ASmith, EStone, SPiercy, CVerula, JBurda, DMontaser, RHarden, LMayangao, IMarriott, CBradley, PHarris, CCooper, JFinch, CLiderth, SQuinn, AWaddington, NFidler, KTagliavini, EDonnelly, KAbel, LBrett, MDigby, BGemmell, LHornsby, JMacGoey, PO'Neil, PPrice, RRodden, NRooney, KSundaram, RThomson, NFlanagan, RHughes, GLatham, SMcKenna, EAnderson, JHull, RRhead, KBranney, DFrankham, JPitts, SWhite, NCristiano, DDormand, NFarzad, ZGummadi, MLiyanage, KSalmi, SSloane, GVarghese, MZborowski, ACBean, SBurt, KSpivey, MEastgate-Jackson, CFilipe, HMartin, DMaharajh, AGarcia, SMDe Neef, MLynch, CHowe, GSSingh, JTurner, KEllis, HStroud, NCherian, SCutler, SHeron, AERoynon-Reed, AWilliams, GRichards, OCheema, YBevan, EMartin, JTrodd, DWatson, GBrown, CWBunni, LJennings, CLatif, MMarshall, RSubramanian, GBandla, NGellamucho, MDavies, MDonnison, PTrim, FEapen, BAhmed, CBaines, BClamp, SColley, JHaq, RHayes, AHulme, JJoseph, SKumar, RMaqsood, ZPurewal, MChandler, BElliott, KMallinson, JTurnbull, ADent, KHorsley, EAkhtar, MNPearson, SPotoczna, DSpencer, SBlakemore, HBorislavova, BFaulkner, BGendall, EGoff, EHayes, KThomas, MWorner, RSmith, KStephens, DDelgado, CCDawson, DDing, LJDurrant, GEzeobu, OFarnell-Ward, SHarrison, AKanu, RLeaver, SMaccacari, EManna, SSaluzzio, RPQueiroz, JSamakomva, TSicat, CTexeira, JDa Gloria, EFLisboa, ARawlins, JMathew, JKinch, AHurt, WJShah, NClark, VThanasi, MYun, NPatel, KCrickmore, VDebreceni, GWilkins, JNicol, LBurn, IHambrook, GManso, KPenn, RShanmugasundaram, PTebbutt, JThornton, DRostron, ARoy, AWoods, LCornell, SWakinshaw, FRogerson, KJarmain, JAnderson, PArcher, KAustin, KDavis, CDurie, AKelsall, OThrush, JVigurs, CWood, HLTranter, HCowley, NMcAlindon, MDigby, SLow, EMorgan, ACother, NRankin, TClayton, SMcCurdy, AAllibone, SMary-Genetu, RPatel, AMac, AMurphy, AMahjoob, PNazari, RWorsley, LFagan, AAli, IAMBeaumont, KBlunt, MCoton, ZCurgenven, HElsaadany, MFernandes, KAlly, SMRangarajan, HSarathy, VSelvanayagam, SVedage, DWhite, MFernandez-Roman, JHamilton, DOJohnson, EJohnston, BMartinez, MLMulla, SShaw, DWaite, AACWaugh, VWelters, IDWilliams, KBemand, TBlack, EDela Rosa, AHowle, RJhanji, SBaikady, RRTatham, KCThomas, BHalkes, MMercer, PThornton, LWest, JBaird, TRuddy, JReece-Anthony, RBirt, MCowton, AKay, AKent, MPotts, KWilkinson, ANaylor, SBrown, EPurvis, SDavies, RDuffin, DHill, HPlayer, BThomas, EBeith, CMBlack, KClements, SMorrison, AStrachan, DClarkson, MD'Sylva, SNorman, KCoventry, TFowler, SMacMahon, MMcGregor, ABrady, AChan, RMcIvor, SPrady, HWhittle, HMathew, BClapham, MHarper, RPoultney, URice, PMutch, RBaird, YButler, AChadbourn, IFolkes, LFox, HGardner, AGomez, RHobden, GKing, KMargarson, MMartindale, TMeadows, ERaynard, DThirlwall, YHelm, DMargalef, JGreer, SShuker, KBirkinshaw, ICarter, JHoward, KIngham, JJoy, RPearson, HRoche, SScott, ZKnights, EPrice, AThorpe, CAbraheem, ABamford, PCawley, KDunmore, CFaulkner, MGirach, RJeffrey, HJones, RLondon, ENagra, INasir, FSainsbury, HSmedley, CKhade, RSundar, ATsinaslanidis, GBehan, TBurnett, CHatton, JHeeney, EMitra, ANewton, MPollard, RStead, RBough, LGoodsell, JTutton, RWilliams, PWilliams, SWinter-Goodwin, BAuld, FDonnachie, JEdmond, IPrentice, LRunciman, NSalutous, DSymon, LTodd, ATurner, PShort, ASweeney, LMurdoch, ESenaratne, DBurns, KHigham, AAnderson, THawcutt, DO'Malley, LRad, LRogers, NSaunderson, PAllison, KSAfolabi, DWhitbread, JJones, DDore, RLankester, LNikitas, NWells, CStowe, BSpencer, KCathcart, SDuffy, KPuxty, APuxty, KTurner, LIreland, JSemple, GBarry, PHilltout, PEvitts, JTyler, AWaldron, JIrvine, VShelley, BAkinkugbe, OBamford, ABeech, EBelfield, HBell, MDavies, CJones, GALMcHugh, TMeghari, HO'Neill, LPeters, MJRay, STomas, ALGorman, CGupta, ATimlick, EBrady, RBonner, SHugill, KJones, JLiggett, SBashyal, ADavidson, NHutton, PMcKechnie, SWilson, JFlint, NRekha, PHales, DCruz, CGopal, SHarris, NLake, VMetherell, SRadford, EClement, IGulati, AHays, CWebster, KHudson, AWebster, AStephenson, EMcCormack, LSlater, VNixon, RHanson, HFearby, MKelly, SBridgett, VRobinson, PAlmaden-Boyle, CAustin, PCabrelli, LCole, SCasey, MChapman, SWhyte, CBrayne, AFisher, EJackson, PKaye, DLove, NParkin, JTuckey, Vvan Koutrik, LCarter, SAndrew, BFindlay, LAdams, KBruce, MConnolly, KDuncan, TT-Michael, HLindergard, GHey, SFox, CAlfonso, JDurrans, LJGuerin, JHruska, MEltayeb, ALamb, THodgkiss, TCooper, LRothwell, JDennis, CSrikaran, SSukha, ADavies, KO'Brien, LOmar, ZPerkins, ELewis, TSutherland, IBrooke, HBuckley, SSuarez, JCCharlesworth, RHansson, KNorris, JPoole, ASandhu, RSloan, BSmithson, EThirumaran, MWagstaff, VMetcalfe, ACamsooksai, JHumphrey, CWadams, BDeAth, YAdams, CAgasou, ABowes, ABoyle, PCarnahan, MCarter, AChilds, DHard, KHussain, YLeigh, MRikunenko, RStickley, JTivenan, HWilcox, RArden, TBeekes, MButton, HDonaldson, DHurford, FJavaid, AMartin, TMillward, HMotherwell, NSummers, JTing, LTonks, LBokhari, MLucas, RMcCormick, WRitzema, JSanderson, AWild, HBaxter, NHenderson, SKennedy-Hay, SRooney, LSim, MMcCreath, GBrunton, MCaterson, JColes, HFrise, MRai, SGKeating, LTilney, EBartley, SBhuie, PDownes, CHolding, KRiches, KHilton, MHayman, MSubramanian, DDaniel, PZitter, LBenyon, SMarriott, SPark, LKeenan, SGordon, EQuinn, HBaines, KAndrew, GBarclay, LCallaghan, MClark, SHope, DMarshall, LMcCulloch, CBriton, KSingleton, JBirch, SSimpson, KCraig, JDemetriou, CEckbad, CHierons, SHowie, LMitchard, SRamos, LSerrano-Ruiz, AWhite, KKelly, FAmin, VAnastasescu, EAnumakonda, VKarthik, KKausar, RReid, KImeson-Wood, JBellini, ABryant, JPickard, ARoe, NSowter, JHowlett, ACriste, KCusack, RGolder, KGolding, HJones, OLeggett, SMale, MMarani, MPrager, KWilliams, TRoberts, BSalmon, KGondo, PHadebe, BKayani, AMasunda, BAhmed, AMorris, AJakkula, SLong, KWhiteley, SWilby, EOgg, BBewley, JGarland, ZGrimmer, LGumbrill, BJohnson, RSweet, KWebster, DEfford, GBennett, SGoodwin, EJackson, MKent, ATibke, CWoodyatt, WZaki, ADaniel, AFinn, JAllan, JGeary, THouston, GMeikle, AO'Brien, PBell, DBoyle, RDouglas, KGlass, LLee, ELennon, LRattray, ACharnock, RMcFarland, DCosgrove, DAttwood, BParsons, POblak, MPopescu, MThankachen, MAltabaibeh, AAlvaro, AGilbert, KMa, LMostoles, LParmar, CJetha, CBooker, LPratley, ACosier, TMillen, GSchumacher, NWeston, HRand, JBarclay, WSChand, MCooke, GSSriskandan, SDunning, JZambon, MFilipe, ADPalmarini, MRobertson, DLScott, JTThomson, ECMcDonald, SEFletcher, THiscox, JAIjaz, SKhoo, SLim, WSMentzer, AJMerson, LSigfrid, LCarson, GNoursadeghi, MPaxton, WAPollakis, GPrice, NRambaut, ASancho-Shimizu, Vde Silva, TStuart, DTedder, RSThompson, AARGupta, RKPalmieri, CSwann, ODumas, MEGriffin, JLTakats, ZAndrikopoulos, POsagie, AOlanipekun, MLiggi, SChechi, KLewis, MRCorreia, GDSands, CJTakis, PMaslen, LGreenhalf, WShaw, VAhmed, KAArmstrong, JAAshworth, MAsiimwe, IGBakshi, SBarlow, SLBooth, LBullock, KCatterall, BWAClark, JJClarke, EACox, HDincarslan, ODunn, CDyer, PElliott, AEvans, AFinch, LFisher, LWSFoster, TGarcia-Dorival, IGunning, PHartley, CJensen, RLJones, CBJones, TRKhandaker, SKiy, RTKoukorava, CLant, SLatawiec, DLavelle-Langham, LLett, LLivoti, LAMancini, MMcDonald, SMcEvoy, LMetelmann, SMiah, NSMiddleton, JMitchell, JMurphy, EGPenrice-Randal, RPilgrim, JPrince, TReynolds, WRidley, PMSales, DShaw, VEShears, RKSmall, BSubramaniam, KSSzemiel, ATanianis-Hughes, JTrochu, Evan Tonder, LWilcock, EZhang, JEFlaherty, LMaziere, NCass, ECarracedo, ADCarlucci, NHolmes, AMassey, HBrennan, BLake, ALefteri, DMcLauchlan, JTaggart, ACoutts, ADonnelly, LFawkes, AGilchrist, THafezi, KMacgillivray, LSchon, KFurlong, ABiggs, HRakitko, AIlinsky, VYermakovich, DPopov, IChernitsov, AKovalenko, EKrasnenko, APlotnikov, NStetsenko, IKim, ACirulli, ETBarrett, KMSBolze, AWhite, SWashington, NLLu, JTRiffle, STanudjaja, FWang, XQRamirez, JMLeonetti, NSandoval, ENeveux, IGrzymski, JJDabe, SMinano, JIEPazos, MDCerrato, LAguirre, LALopez-Collazo, ELozano-Rodriguez, RAvendano-Ortiz, JArcos, VTMontalban-Hernandez, KMQuiroga, JVPascual-Iglesias, AMaroun-Eid, CMartin-Quiros, ANamkoong, HFukunaga, KIshii, MKabata, HMasaki, KKamata, HIkemura, SChubachi, SOkamori, STerai, HTanaka, HMorita, ALee, HAsakura, TEdahiro, RSonehara, KShirai, YSuzuki, KKumanogoh, AImoto, SKatayama, KKitagawa, YSato, THasegawa, NTakeda, YHirata, HShiroyama, TMaeda, YNii, TNoda, YNiitsu, TAdachi, YEnomoto, TAmiya, SHara, RKimura, AAi, MTokunaga, KOmae, YKanai, TNanki, KMikami, YMiyano, STakahashi, KAnzai, THasegawa, TIto, SOgawa, SSasaki, JMorisaki, HUwamino, YTomono, KKato, KMatsuda, FTakahashi, MHizawa, NMiyawaki, SKoike, REndo, AUchimura, YMiyazaki, YHonda, TTateishi, TTohda, SIchimura, NSonobe, KSassa, CNakajima, JNannya, YHarada, NTakagi, HNakamura, AHiki, MTagaya, EArimura, KKawana, MIshiguro, TTakayanagi, NIsono, TTakaku, YTakano, KAnan, RNakajima, YNakano, YNishio, KUeda, SHayashi, RTateno, HHase, IYoshida, SSuzuki, SMitamura, KSaito, FUeda, TAzuma, MNagasaki, THasegawa, YOkamoto, MYasui, YMutoh, YYoshiyama, TShoko, TKojima, MAdachi, TIshikawa, MWatanabe, KManabe, TIto, FFukui, TFunatsu, YKoh, HHirai, YKawashima, HNarita, ANiwa, KSekikawa, YYoshiya, KYoshihara, TSuzuki, YNakayama, SMasuzawa, KNishi, KNishitsuji, MTani, MInoue, THirano, TKobayashi, KMiyazawa, NKimura, YSado, ROgura, TKitamura, HMurohashi, KNakachi, IBaba, RArai, DFuke, SSaito, HKuwahara, NFujiwara, AOkada, TBaba, TNoda, JMashimo, SYagi, KShiomi, THashiguchi, MOdani, TMochimaru, TOyamada, YMori, NIzumi, NNagata, KTaki, RMurakami, KYamada, MSugiura, HHayashi, KShimizu, TGon, YFujitani, SYoshida, TTsuchida, TKagaya, TKita, TSakagami, SKimizuka, YKawana, ANakamura, YIshikura, HTakata, TKikuchi, TTaniyama, DNakamura, MKodama, NKaneyama, YMaeda, SNagasaki, YIshihara, SIto, AChihara, YTakeuchi, MOnoi, KHashimoto, NWakahara, KAndo, AMasuda, MWakabayashi, AWatanabe, HSageshima, HNakada, TAAbe, RShimada, TKawamura, KIchikado, KNishiyama, KYamasaki, MHashimoto, SKusaka, YOhba, TIsogai, STakada, MKanda, HKomase, YSano, FAsano, KOguma, THarada, MTakahashi, TShibusawa, TAbe, SKono, YTogashi, YIzumo, TInomata, MAwano, NOgata, TKanehiro, AOzaki, SFuchimoto, YOgura, SYoshida, KBeppu, SFukuyama, SEriguchi, YYonekawa, AInoue, YYamagata, KChiba, SNarumoto, ONagai, HOoshima, NMotegi, MSagara, HTanaka, AOhta, SShibata, YTanino, YSato, YYamada, YHashino, TShinoki, MIwagoe, HImamura, TUmeda, AShimada, HEndo, MHayashi, SNakano, SYatomi, MMaeno, TIshii, TUtsugi, MOno, AKanaoka, KIhara, SKomuta, KBoezen, MVonk, JMOri, APSObeidat, MCordero, AIHSin, DDBosse, YJoubert, PHao, KSebra, RPJordan, DMGettler, KChaudhary, KSalib, IZyndorf, MSchadt, EECho, JHItan, YDo, RNickle, DTimens, Wvan den Berge, MFeng, YCAMeigs, JBWeiss, STKarlson, EWWoolley, AESmoller, JWMurphy, SNAscolillo, SThompson, RCBeckmann, NDNadkarni, GNBoutros, PCharney, AWHoggart, CChoi, SO'Reilly, PHuckins, LMPreuss, MLoos, RJFBelbin, GMAbul-Husn, NSKenny, EEGeschwind, DHFerreira, MARAbecasis, GRCantor, MNKosmicki, JAHorowitz, JEBaras, AYadav, ALeader, JBGass, MCJustice, AEChittoor, GJosyula, NSCarey, DJMirshahi, TVerma, ARitchie, MDRader, DVerma, SSLucas, ABradford, YLi, BLBrusco, AFerrero, GBButte, MJScala, MRahier, JFGiorgio, ECarli, DAfifi, NKlovins, JRovite, VRescenko, RPeculis, RUstinova, MZeberg, HFrithiof, RHultstrom, MLipcsey, MFreimer, NDing, YChiu, AChang, TSWilson, DJEarle, SGLin, SKArning, NArmstrong, JRudkin, JKCrook, DWWyllie, DHO'Connell, AMCallier, SSoranzo, NZhao, JHDanesh, JDi Angelantonio, EButterworth, ASSun, YHuffman, JEO'Donnell, CJPeloso, GCho, KGaziano, JMHo, YLTsao, PMian, MScaggiante, FChang, XGlessner, JRHakonarson, HVincenti, AFerri, CGrassi, DPessina, GDi Pietro, MLuchi, SBarbieri, CAcquilini, DAndreucci, EPoscente, MPetrocelli, PTiseo, GFalcone, MSegala, FVBaroni, SGarcia-Fernandez, AEBlanco-Grau, ACaballero-Garralda, ACea, CGuerrero, JMAngelini, CKurihara, HCiccarelli, MBocciolone, MPreatoni, POmodei, PMuniz-Diaz, EAziz, FFerrusquia-Acosta, JMoreira, LCardamone, GFoti, GMatullo, GAneli, SDamas, JKRisnes, KBettini, LRAcosta-Herrera, MErdmann, JBergan, JBiondi, AD'Angio, MSolligard, EGustad, LTSchaefer, MPeter, WValsecchi, MGCazzaniga, MFaverio, PBonfanti, PDopazo, X
Nature. 600(7889):472
Academic Journal
Nemkov T; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, USA; Omix Technologies Inc., Aurora, CO, USA.; Stephenson D; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, USA.; Earley EJ; RTI International, Atlanta, GA, USA.; Keele GR; Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME, USA.; Hay A; Department of Pathology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA.; Key A; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, USA.; Haiman ZB; Department of Bioengineering, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA.; Erickson C; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, USA.; Dzieciatkowska M; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, USA.; Reisz JA; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, USA.; Moore A; RTI International, Atlanta, GA, USA.; Stone M; Vitalant Research Institute, San Francisco, CA, USA; Department of Laboratory Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA.; Deng X; Vitalant Research Institute, San Francisco, CA, USA; Department of Laboratory Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA.; Kleinman S; University of British Columbia, Victoria, BC, Canada.; Spitalnik SL; Department of Pathology & Cell Biology, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, NY, USA.; Hod EA; Department of Pathology & Cell Biology, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, NY, USA.; Hudson KE; Department of Pathology & Cell Biology, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, NY, USA.; Hansen KC; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, USA; Omix Technologies Inc., Aurora, CO, USA.; Palsson BO; Department of Bioengineering, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA.; Churchill GA; Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME, USA.; Roubinian N; Vitalant Research Institute, San Francisco, CA, USA; Department of Laboratory Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA; Kaiser Permanente Northern California Division of Research, Oakland, CA, USA.; Norris PJ; Vitalant Research Institute, San Francisco, CA, USA; Department of Laboratory Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA.; Busch MP; Vitalant Research Institute, San Francisco, CA, USA; Department of Laboratory Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA.; Zimring JC; Department of Pathology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA.; Page GP; RTI International, Atlanta, GA, USA.; D'Alessandro A; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, USA; Omix Technologies Inc., Aurora, CO, USA. Electronic address: angelo.dalessandro@cuanschutz.edu.
Publisher: Cell Press Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 101233170 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1932-7420 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 15504131 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Cell Metab Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 101680187 Publication Model: Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 2692-8205 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 26928205 NLM ISO Abbreviation: bioRxiv Subsets: PubMed not MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Sieh L; Department of Neurology, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 177 Fort Washington Ave, New York, NY, 10032, USA.; Peasley E; Department of Neurology, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 177 Fort Washington Ave, New York, NY, 10032, USA.; Mao E; Department of Neurology, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 177 Fort Washington Ave, New York, NY, 10032, USA.; Mitchell A; Department of Neurology, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 177 Fort Washington Ave, New York, NY, 10032, USA.; Heinonen G; Department of Neurology, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 177 Fort Washington Ave, New York, NY, 10032, USA.; Ghoshal S; Department of Neurology, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 177 Fort Washington Ave, New York, NY, 10032, USA.; Agarwal S; Department of Neurology, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 177 Fort Washington Ave, New York, NY, 10032, USA.; Park S; Department of Neurology, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 177 Fort Washington Ave, New York, NY, 10032, USA.; Connolly ES; Department of Neurological Surgery, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.; Claassen J; Department of Neurology, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 177 Fort Washington Ave, New York, NY, 10032, USA.; Moore EE; Department of Surgery, Ernest E. Moore Shock Trauma Center at Denver Health, Denver, CO, USA.; Hansen K; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Colorado Denver, Aurora, CO, USA.; Hod EA; Department of Pathology and Cell Biology, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.; Francis RO; Department of Pathology and Cell Biology, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.; Roh DJ; Department of Neurology, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 177 Fort Washington Ave, New York, NY, 10032, USA. dr2753@cumc.columbia.edu.
Publisher: Humana Press Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 101156086 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1556-0961 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 15416933 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Neurocrit Care Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Ironside N; Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Virginia Health System, Charlottesville, VA, United States.; Melmed K; Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, New York University Grossman School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States.; Chen CJ; Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Virginia Health System, Charlottesville, VA, United States.; Dabhi N; Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Virginia Health System, Charlottesville, VA, United States.; Omran S; Department of Neurology, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO, United States.; Park S; Department of Neurology, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 177 Fort Washington Ave, New York, NY 10032, United States.; Agarwal S; Department of Neurology, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 177 Fort Washington Ave, New York, NY 10032, United States.; Connolly ES; Department of Neurological Surgery, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY, United States.; Claassen J; Department of Neurology, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 177 Fort Washington Ave, New York, NY 10032, United States.; Hod EA; Department of Pathology and Cell Biology, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY, United States.; Roh D; Department of Neurology, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 177 Fort Washington Ave, New York, NY 10032, United States. Electronic address: dr2753@cumc.columbia.edu.
Publisher: Saunders Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 9111633 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1532-8511 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 10523057 NLM ISO Abbreviation: J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Kamel H; Clinical and Translational Neuroscience Unit, Department of Neurology and Feil Family Brain and Mind Research Institute, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, New York.; Longstreth WT Jr; Department of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle.; Department of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle.; Department of Epidemiology, University of Washington, Seattle.; Tirschwell DL; Department of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle.; Kronmal RA; Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington, Seattle.; Marshall RS; Department of Neurology, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, New York.; Broderick JP; Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio.; Aragón García R; Department of Neurology, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, New York.; Plummer P; Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio.; Sabagha N; Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio.; Pauls Q; Department of Public Health Sciences, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston.; Cassarly C; Department of Public Health Sciences, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston.; Dillon CR; Department of Public Health Sciences, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston.; Di Tullio MR; Division of Cardiology, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, New York.; Hod EA; Department of Pathology, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, New York.; Soliman EZ; Epidemiological Cardiology Research Center, Department of Internal Medicine, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina.; Gladstone DJ; Sunnybrook Research Institute, Hurvitz Brain Sciences Program, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, and Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Healey JS; Population Health Research Institute, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.; Sharma M; Population Health Research Institute, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.; Chaturvedi S; Department of Neurology, University of Maryland, and Baltimore VA Hospital, Baltimore.; Janis LS; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.; Krishnaiah B; Department of Neurology, University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center, Memphis.; Nahab F; Departments of Neurology and Pediatrics, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia.; Kasner SE; Department of Neurology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.; Stanton RJ; Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio.; Kleindorfer DO; Department of Neurology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.; Starr M; Department of Neurology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; Winder TR; Neurologic Research Center, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.; Clark WM; Department of Neurology, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland.; Miller BR; Department of Neurology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.; Elkind MSV; Department of Neurology, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, New York.; Department of Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, New York.
Publisher: American Medical Association Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 7501160 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1538-3598 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 00987484 NLM ISO Abbreviation: JAMA Subsets: MEDLINE
Aad, G.Abajyan, T.Abbott, B.Abdallah, J.Khalek, S. AbdelAbdelalim, A. A.Abdinov, O.Aben, R.Abi, B.Abolins, M.AbouZeid, O. S.Abramowicz, H.Abreu, H.Acharya, B. S.Adamczyk, L.Adams, D. L.Addy, T. N.Adelman, J.Adomeit, S.Adragna, P.Adye, T.Aefsky, S.Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.Agustoni, M.Aharrouche, M.Ahlen, S. P.Ahles, R.Ahmad, A.Ahsan, M.Aielli, G.Åkesson, TorstenAkimoto, G.Akimov, A. V.Alam, M. S.Alam, M. A.Albert, J.Albrand, S.Aleksa, M.Aleksandrov, I. N.Alessandria, F.Alexa, C.Alexander, G.Alexandre, G.Alexopoulos, T.Alhroob, M.Aliev, M.Alimonti, G.Alison, J.Allbrooke, B. M. M.Allport, P. P.Allwood-Spiers, S. E.Almond, J.Aloisio, A.Alon, R.Alonso, AlejandroAlonso, F.Altheimer, A.Gonzalez, B. AlvarezAlviggi, M. G.Amako, K.Amelung, C.Ammosov, V. V.Amor Dos Santos, S. P.Amorim, A.Amram, N.Anastopoulos, C.Ancu, L. S.Andari, N.Andeen, T.Anders, C. F.Anders, G.Anderson, K. J.Andreazza, A.Andrei, V.Andrieux, M. -L.Anduaga, X. S.Angelidakis, S.Anger, P.Angerami, A.Anghinolfi, F.Anisenkov, A.Anjos, N.Annovi, A.Antonaki, A.Antonelli, M.Antonov, A.Antos, J.Anulli, F.Aoki, M.Aoun, S.Bella, L. AperioApolle, R.Arabidze, G.Aracena, I.Arai, Y.Arce, A. T. H.Arfaoui, S.Arguin, J-F.Argyropoulos, S.Arik, E.Arik, M.Armbruster, A. J.Arnaez, O.Arnal, V.Arnault, C.Artamonov, A.Artoni, G.Arutinov, D.Asai, S.Ask, S.Asman, B.Asquith, L.Assamagan, K.Astbury, A.Atkinson, M.Aubert, B.Auge, E.Augsten, K.Aurousseau, M.Avolio, G.Avramidou, R.Axen, D.Azuelos, G.Azuma, Y.Baak, M. A.Baccaglioni, G.Bacci, C.Bach, A. M.Bachacou, H.Bachas, K.Backes, M.Backhaus, M.Mayes, J. BackusBadescu, E.Bagnaia, P.Bahinipati, S.Bai, Y.Bailey, D. C.Bain, T.Baines, J. T.Baker, O. K.Baker, M. D.Baker, S.Balek, P.Banas, E.Banerjee, P.Banerjee, Sw.Banfi, D.Bangert, A.Bansal, V.Bansil, H. S.Barak, L.Baranov, S. P.Galtieri, A. BarbaroBarber, T.Barberio, E. L.Barberis, D.Barbero, M.Bardin, D. Y.Barillari, T.Barisonzi, M.Barklow, T.Barlow, N.Barnett, B. M.Barnett, R. M.Baroncelli, A.Barone, G.Barr, A. J.Barreiro, F.da Costa, J. Barreiro GuimaraesBarrillon, P.Bartoldus, R.Barton, A. E.Bartsch, V.Basye, A.Bates, R. L.Batkova, L.Batley, J. R.Battaglia, A.Battistin, M.Bauer, F.Bawa, H. S.Beale, S.Beau, T.Beauchemin, P. H.Beccherle, R.Bechtle, P.Beck, H. P.Becker, A. K.Becker, S.Beckingham, M.Becks, K. H.Beddall, A. J.Beddall, A.Bedikian, S.Bednyakov, V. A.Bee, C. P.Beemster, L. J.Begel, M.Harpaz, S. BeharBehera, P. K.Beimforde, M.Belanger-Champagne, C.Bell, P. J.Bell, W. H.Bella, G.Bellagamba, L.Bellomo, M.Belloni, A.Beloborodova, O.Belotskiy, K.Beltramello, O.Benary, O.Benchekroun, D.Bendtz, K.Benekos, N.Benhammou, Y.Noccioli, E. BenharGarcia, J. A. BenitezBenjamin, D. P.Benoit, M.Bensinger, J. R.Benslama, K.Bentvelsen, S.Berge, D.Kuutmann, E. BergeaasBerger, N.Berghaus, F.Berglund, E.Beringer, J.Bernat, R.Bernhard, R.Bernius, C.Berry, T.Bertella, C.Bertin, A.Bertolucci, F.Besana, M. I.Besjes, G. J.Besson, N.Bethke, S.Bhimji, W.Bianchi, R. M.Bianchini, L.Bianco, M.Biebel, O.Bieniek, S. P.Bierwagen, K.Biesiada, J.Biglietti, M.Bilokon, H.Bindi, M.Binet, S.Bingul, A.Bini, C.Biscarat, C.Bittner, B.Black, C. W.Black, K. M.Blair, R. E.Blanchard, J. -B.Blanchot, G.Blazek, T.Bloch, I.Blocker, C.Blocki, J.Blonde, A.Blum, W.Blumenschein, U.Bobbink, G. J.Bobrovnikov, V. S.Bocchetta, SimonaBocci, A.Boddy, C. R.Boehler, M.Boek, J.Boelaert, N.Bogaerts, J. A.Bogdanchikov, A.Bogouch, A.Bohm, C.Bohm, J.Boisvert, V.Bold, T.Boldea, V.Bolnet, N. M.Bomben, M.Bona, M.Boonekamp, M.Bordoni, S.Borer, C.Borisov, A.Borissov, G.Borjanovic, I.Borri, M.Borroni, S.Bortfeldt, J.Bortolotto, V.Bos, K.Boscherini, D.Bosman, M.Boterenbrood, H.Bouchami, J.Boudreau, J.Bouhova-Thacker, E. V.Boumediene, D.Bourdarios, C.Bousson, N.Boveia, A.Boyd, J.Boyko, I. R.Bozovic-Jelisavcic, I.Bracinik, J.Branchini, R.Brandt, A.Brandt, G.Brandt, O.Bratzler, U.Brau, B.Brau, J. E.Braun, H. M.Brazzale, S. F.Brelier, B.Bremer, J.Brendlinger, K.Brenner, R.Bressler, S.Britton, D.Brochu, F. M.Brock, I.Brock, R.Broggi, F.Bromberg, C.Bronner, J.Brooijmans, G.Brooks, T.Brooks, W. K.Brown, G.Brown, H.Bruckman de Renstrom, P. A.Bruncko, D.Bruneliere, R.Brunet, S.Bruni, A.Bruni, G.Bruschi, M.Buanes, T.Buat, Q.Bucci, F.Buchanan, J.Buchholz, P.Buckingham, R. M.Buckley, A. G.Buda, S. I.Budagov, I. A.Budick, B.Buescher, V.Bugge, L.Bulekov, O.Bundock, A. C.Bunse, M.Buran, T.Burckhart, H.Burdin, S.Burgess, T.Burke, S.Busato, E.Bussey, P.Buszello, C. P.Butler, B.Butler, J. M.Buttar, C. M.Butterworth, J. M.Buttinger, W.Byszewski, M.Cabrera Urban, S.Caforio, D.Cakir, O.Calafiura, P.Calderini, G.Calfayan, P.Calkins, R.Caloba, L. P.Caloi, R.Calvet, D.Calvet, S.Toro, R. CamachoCamarri, P.Cameron, D.Caminada, L. M.Caminal Armadans, R.Campana, S.Campanelli, M.Canale, V.Canelli, F.Canepa, A.Cantero, J.Cantrill, R.Capasso, L.Garrido, M. D. M. CapeansCaprini, I.Caprini, M.Capriotti, D.Capua, M.Caputo, R.Cardarelli, R.Carli, T.Carlino, G.Carminati, L.Caron, B.Caron, S.Carquin, E.Carrillo-Montoya, G. D.Carter, A. A.Carter, J. R.Carvalho, J.Casadei, D.Casado, M. P.Cascella, M.Caso, C.Castaneda Hernandez, A. M.Castaneda-Miranda, E.Gimenez, V. CastilloCastro, N. F.Cataldi, G.Catastini, R.Catinaccio, A.Catmore, J. R.Cattai, A.Cattani, G.Caughron, S.Cavaliere, V.Cavalleri, P.Cavalli, D.Cavalli-Sforza, M.Cavasinni, V.Ceradini, F.Cerqueira, A. S.Cerri, A.Cerrito, L.Cerutti, F.Cetin, S. A.Chafaq, A.Chakraborty, D.Chalupkova, I.Chan, K.Chang, P.Chapleau, B.Chapman, J. D.Chapman, J. W.Chareyre, E.Charlton, D. G.Chavda, V.Barajas, C. A. ChavezCheatham, S.Chekanov, S.Chekulaev, S. V.Chelkov, G. A.Chelstowska, M. A.Chen, C.Chen, H.Chen, S.Chen, X.Chen, Y.Cheng, Y.Cheplakov, A.El Moursli, R. CherkaouiChernyatin, V.Cheu, E.Cheung, S. L.Chevalier, L.Chiefari, G.Chikovani, L.Childers, J. T.Chilingarov, A.Chiodini, G.Chisholm, A. S.Chislett, R. T.Chitan, A.Chizhov, M. V.Choudalakis, G.Chouridou, S.Christidi, I. A.Christov, A.Chromek-Burckhart, D.Chu, M. L.Chudoba, J.Ciapetti, G.Ciftci, A. K.Ciftci, R.Cinca, D.Cindro, V.Ciocca, C.Ciocio, A.Cirilli, M.Cirkovic, R.Citron, Z. H.Citterio, M.Ciubancan, M.Clark, A.Clark, P. J.Clarke, R. N.Cleland, W.Clemens, J. C.Clement, B.Clement, C.Coadou, Y.Cobal, M.Coccaro, A.Cochran, J.Coffey, L.Cogan, J. G.Coggeshall, J.Cogneras, E.Colas, J.Cole, S.Colijn, A. P.Collins, N. J.Collins-Tooth, C.Collot, J.Colombo, T.Colon, G.Compostella, G.Conde Muino, P.Coniavitis, E.Conidi, M. C.Consonni, S. M.Consorti, V.Constantinescu, S.Conta, C.Conti, G.Conventi, F.Cooke, M.Cooper, B. D.Cooper-Sarkar, A. M.Copic, K.Cornelissen, T.Corradi, M.Corriveau, F.Cortes-Gonzalez, A.Cortiana, G.Costa, G.Costa, M. J.Costanzo, D.Cote, D.Courneyea, L.Cowan, G.Cowden, C.Cox, B. E.Cranmer, K.Crescioli, F.Cristinziani, M.Crosetti, G.Crepe-Renaudin, S.Cuciuc, C. -M.Almenar, C. CuencaDonszelmann, T. CuhadarCummings, J.Curatolo, M.Curtis, C. J.Cuthbert, C.Cwetanski, P.Czirr, H.Czodrowski, P.Czyczula, Z.D'Auria, S.D'Onofrio, M.D'Orazio, A.Da Cunha Sargedas De Sousa, M. J.Da Via, C.Dabrowski, W.Dafinca, A.Dai, T.Dallapiccola, C.Dam, M.Dameri, M.Damiani, D. S.Danielsson, H. O.Dao, V.Darbo, G.Darlea, G. L.Dassoulas, J. A.Davey, W.Davidek, T.Davidson, N.Davidson, R.Davies, E.Davies, M.Davignon, O.Davison, A. R.Davygora, Y.Dawe, E.Dawson, I.Daya-Ishmukhametova, R. K.De, K.de Asmundis, R.De Castro, S.De Cecco, S.de Graat, J.De Groot, N.de Jong, P.De la Taille, C.De la Torre, H.De Lorenzi, F.de Mora, L.De Nooij, L.De Pedis, D.De Salvo, A.De Sanctis, U.De Santo, A.De Regie, J. B. De VivieDe Zorzi, G.Dearnaley, W. J.Debbe, R.Debenedetti, C.Dechenaux, B.Dedovich, D. V.Degenhardt, J.Del Peso, J.Del Prete, T.Delemontex, T.Deliyergiyev, M.Dell'Acqua, A.Dell'Asta, L.Della Pietra, M.della Volpe, D.Delmastro, M.Delsart, P. A.Deluca, C.Demers, S.Demichev, M.Demirkoz, B.Denisov, S. P.Derendarz, D.Derkaoui, J. E.Derue, F.Dervan, P.Desch, K.Devetak, E.Deviveiros, P. O.Dewhurst, A.DeWilde, B.Dhaliwal, S.Dhullipudi, R.Di Ciaccio, A.Di Ciaccio, L.Di Donato, C.Di Girolamo, A.Di Girolamo, B.Di Luise, S.Di Mattia, A.Di Micco, B.Di Nardo, R.Di Simone, A.Di Sipio, R.Diaz, M. A.Diehl, E. B.Dietrich, J.Dietzsch, T. A.Diglio, S.Yagci, K. DindarDingfelder, J.Dinut, F.Dionisi, C.Dita, P.Dita, S.Dittus, F.Djama, F.Djobava, T.do Vale, M. A. B.Wemans, A. Do ValleDoan, T. K. O.Dobbs, M.Dobos, D.Dobson, E.Dodd, J.Doglioni, CaterinaDoherty, T.Doi, Y.Dolejsi, J.Dolenc, I.Dolezal, Z.Dolgoshein, B. A.Dohmae, T.Donadelli, M.Donini, J.Dopke, J.Doria, A.Dos Anjos, A.Dotti, A.Dova, M. T.Doxiadis, A. D.Doyle, A. T.Dressnandt, N.Dris, M.Dubbert, J.Dube, S.Duchovni, E.Duckeck, G.Duda, D.Dudarev, A.Dudziak, F.Duehrssen, M.Duerdoth, I. P.Duflot, L.Dufour, M. -A.Duguid, L.Dunford, M.Yildiz, H. DuranDuxfield, R.Dwuznik, M.Dueren, M.Ebenstein, W. L.Ebke, J.Eckweiler, S.Edmonds, K.Edson, W.Edwards, C. A.Edwards, N. C.Ehrenfeld, W.Eifert, T.Eigen, G.Einsweiler, K.Eisenhandler, E.Ekelof, T.El Kacimi, M.Ellert, M.Elles, S.Ellinghaus, F.Ellis, K.Ellis, N.Elmsheuser, J.Elsing, M.Emeliyanov, D.Engelmann, R.Engl, A.Epp, B.Erdmann, J.Ereditato, A.Eriksson, D.Ernst, J.Ernst, M.Ernwein, J.Errede, D.Errede, S.Ertel, E.Escalier, M.Esch, H.Escobar, C.Espinal Curull, X.Esposito, B.Etienne, F.Etienvre, A. I.Etzion, E.Evangelakou, D.Evans, H.Fabbri, L.Fabre, C.Fakhrutdinov, R. M.Falciano, S.Fang, Y.Fanti, M.Farbin, A.Farilla, A.Farley, J.Farooque, T.Farrell, S.Farrington, S. M.Farthouat, P.Fassi, F.Fassnacht, P.Fassouliotis, D.Fatholahzadeh, B.Favareto, A.Fayard, L.Fazio, S.Febbraro, R.Federic, P.Fedin, O. L.Fedorko, W.Fehling-Kaschek, M.Feligioni, L.Feng, C.Feng, E. J.Fenyuk, A. B.Ferencei, J.Fernando, W.Ferrag, S.Ferrando, J.Ferrara, V.Ferrari, A.Ferrari, P.Ferrari, R.de Lima, D. E. FerreiraFerrer, A.Ferrere, D.Ferretti, C.Parodi, A. FerrettoFiascaris, M.Fiedler, F.Filipcic, A.Filthaut, F.Fincke-Keeler, M.Fiolhais, M. C. N.Fiorini, L.Firan, A.Fischer, G.Fisher, M. J.Flechl, M.Fleck, I.Fleckner, J.Fleischmann, P.Fleischmann, S.Flick, T.Floderus, AndersCastillo, L. R. FloresBustos, A. C. FlorezFlowerdew, M. J.Martin, T. FonsecaFormica, A.Forti, A.Fortin, D.Fournier, D.Fowler, A. J.Fox, H.Francavilla, P.Franchini, M.Franchino, S.Francis, D.Frank, T.Franklin, M.Franz, S.Fraternali, M.Fratina, S.French, S. T.Friedrich, C.Friedrich, F.Froeschl, R.Froidevaux, D.Frost, J. A.Fukunaga, C.Torregrosa, E. FullanaFulsom, B. G.Fuster, J.Gabaldon, C.Gabizon, T.Gadfort, T.Gadomski, S.Gagliardi, G.Gagnon, P.Galea, C.Galhardo, B.Gallas, E. J.Gallo, V.Gallop, B. J.Gallus, P.Gan, K. K.Gao, Y. S.Gaponenko, A.Garberson, F.Garcia-Sciveres, M.Garcia, C.Garcia Navarro, J. E.Gardner, R. W.Garelli, N.Garitaonandia, H.Garonne, V.Gatti, C.Gaudio, G.Gaur, B.Gauthier, L.Gauzzi, P.Gavrilenko, I. L.Gay, C.Gaycken, G.Gazis, E. N.Ge, P.Gecse, Z.Gee, C. N. P.Geerts, D. A. A.Geich-Gimbel, Ch.Gellerstedt, K.Gemme, C.Gemmell, A.Genest, M. H.Gentile, S.George, M.George, S.Gerlach, P.Gershon, A.Geweniger, C.Ghazlane, H.Ghodbane, N.Giacobbe, B.Giagu, S.Giakoumopoulou, V.Giangiobbe, V.Gianotti, F.Gibbard, B.Gibson, A.Gibson, S. M.Gilchriese, M.Gillberg, D.Gillman, A. R.Gingrich, D. M.Ginzburg, J.Giokaris, N.Giordani, M. P.Giordano, R.Giorgi, F. M.Giovannini, P.Giraud, P. F.Giugni, D.Giunta, M.Gjelsten, B. K.Gladilin, L. K.Glasman, C.Glatzer, J.Glazov, A.Glitza, K. W.Glonti, G. L.Goddard, J. R.Godfrey, J.Godlewski, J.Goebel, M.Goepfert, T.Goeringer, C.Goessling, C.Goldfarb, S.Golling, T.Gomes, A.Fajardo, L. S. GomezGoncalo, R.Da Costa, J. Goncalves Pinto FirminoGonella, L.Gonzalez de la Hoz, S.Gonzalez Parra, G.Gonzalez Silva, M. L.Gonzalez-Sevilla, S.Goodson, J. J.Goossens, L.Gorbounov, P. A.Gordon, H. A.Gorelov, I.Gorfine, G.Gorini, B.Gorini, E.Gorisek, A.Gornicki, E.Goshaw, A. T.Gosselink, M.Gostkin, M. I.Eschrich, I. GoughGouighri, M.Goujdami, D.Goulette, M. P.Goussiou, A. G.Goy, C.Gozpinar, S.Grabowska-Bold, I.Grafstroem, P.Grahn, K. -J.Gramstad, E.Grancagnolo, F.Grancagnolo, S.Grassi, V.Gratchev, V.Grau, N.Gray, H. M.Gray, J. A.Graziani, E.Grebenyuk, O. G.Greenshaw, T.Greenwood, Z. D.Gregersen, K.Gregor, I. M.Grenier, P.Griffiths, J.Grigalashvili, N.Grillo, A. A.Grinstein, S.Gris, Ph.Grishkevich, Y. V.Grivaz, J. -F.Gross, E.Grosse-Knetter, J.Groth-Jensen, J.Grybel, K.Guest, D.Guicheney, C.Guido, E.Guindon, S.Gul, U.Gunther, J.Guo, B.Guo, J.Gutierrez, P.Guttman, N.Gutzwiller, O.Guyot, C.Gwenlan, C.Gwilliam, C. B.Haas, A.Haas, S.Haber, C.Hadavand, H. K.Hadley, D. R.Haefner, P.Hahn, F.Hajduk, Z.Hakobyan, H.Hall, D.Hamacher, K.Hamal, P.Hamano, K.Hamer, M.Hamilton, A.Hamilton, S.Han, L.Hanagaki, K.Hanawa, K.Hance, M.Handel, C.Hanke, P.Hansen, J. R.Hansen, J. B.Hansen, J. D.Hansen, P. H.Hansson, P.Hara, K.Harenberg, T.Harkusha, S.Harper, D.Harrington, R. D.Harris, O. M.Hartert, J.Hartjes, F.Haruyama, T.Harvey, A.Hasegawa, S.Hasegawa, Y.Hassani, S.Haug, S.Hauschild, M.Hauser, R.Havranek, M.Hawkes, C. M.Hawkings, R. J.Hawkins, AnthonyHayakawa, T.Hayashi, T.Hayden, D.Hays, C. P.Hayward, H. S.Haywood, S. J.Head, S. J.Hedberg, V.Heelan, L.Heim, S.Heinemann, B.Heisterkamp, S.Helary, L.Heller, C.Heller, M.Hellman, S.Hellmich, D.Helsens, C.Henderson, R. C. W.Henke, M.Henrichs, A.Correia, A. M. HenriquesHenrot-Versille, S.Hensel, C.Hernandez, C. M.Hernandez Jimenez, Y.Herrberg, R.Herten, G.Hertenberger, R.Hervas, L.Hesketh, G. G.Hessey, N. P.Higon-Rodriguez, E.Hill, J. C.Hiller, K. H.Hillert, S.Hillier, S. J.Hinchliffe, I.Hines, E.Hirose, M.Hirsch, F.Hirschbuehl, D.Hobbs, J.Hod, N.Hodgkinson, M. C.Hodgson, P.Hoecker, A.Hoeferkamp, M. R.Hoffman, J.Hoffmann, D.Hohlfeld, M.Holder, M.Holmgren, S. O.Holy, T.Holzbauer, J. L.Hong, T. M.van Huysduynen, L. HooftHorner, S.Hostachy, J. -Y.Hou, S.Hoummada, A.Howard, J.Howarth, J.Hristova, I.Hrivnac, J.Hryn'ova, T.Hsu, P. J.Hsu, S. -C.Hu, D.Hubacek, Z.Hubaut, F.Huegging, F.Huettmann, A.Huffman, T. B.Hughes, E. W.Hughes, G.Huhtinen, M.Hurwitz, M.Huseynov, N.Huston, J.Huth, J.Iacobucci, G.Iakovidis, G.Ibbotson, M.Ibragimov, I.Iconomidou-Fayard, L.Idarraga, J.Iengo, P.Igonkina, O.Ikegami, Y.Ikeno, M.Iliadis, D.Ilic, N.Ince, T.Ioannou, P.Iodice, M.Iordanidou, K.Ippolito, V.Irles Quiles, A.Isaksson, C.Ishino, M.Ishitsuka, M.Ishmukhametov, R.Issever, C.Istin, S.Ivashin, A. V.Iwanski, W.Iwasaki, H.Izen, J. M.Izzo, V.Jackson, B.Jackson, J. N.Jackson, P.Jaekel, M. R.Jain, V.Jakobs, K.Jakobsen, S.Jakoubek, T.Jakubek, J.Jamin, D. O.Jana, D. K.Jansen, E.Jansen, H.Janssen, J.Jantsch, A.Janus, M.Jared, R. C.Jarlskog, GöranJeanty, L.Jen-La Plante, I.Jennens, D.Jenni, P.Loevschall-Jensen, A. E.Jez, P.Jezequel, S.Jha, M. K.Ji, H.Ji, W.Jia, J.Jiang, Y.Belenguer, M. JimenezJin, S.Jinnouchi, O.Joergensen, M. D.Joffe, D.Johansen, M.Johansson, K. E.Johansson, P.Johnert, S.Johns, K. A.Jon-And, K.Jones, G.Jones, R. W. L.Jones, T. J.Joram, C.Jorge, P. M.Joshi, K. D.Jovicevic, J.Jovin, T.Ju, X.Jung, C. A.Jungst, R. M.Juranek, V.Jussel, P.Juste Rozas, A.Kabana, S.Kaci, M.Kaczmarska, A.Kadlecik, P.Kado, M.Kagan, H.Kagan, M.Kajomovitz, E.Kalinin, S.Kalinovskaya, L. V.Kama, S.Kanaya, N.Kaneda, M.Kaneti, S.Kanno, T.Kantserov, V. A.Kanzaki, J.Kaplan, B.Kapliy, A.Kaplon, J.Kar, D.Karagounis, M.Karakostas, K.Karnevskiy, M.Kartvelishvili, V.Karyukhin, A. N.Kashif, L.Kasieczka, G.Kass, R. D.Kastanas, A.Kataoka, M.Kataoka, Y.Katsoufis, E.Katzy, J.Kaushik, V.Kawagoe, K.Kawamoto, T.Kawamura, G.Kayl, M. S.Kazama, S.Kazanin, V. A.Kazarinov, M. Y.Keeler, R.Keener, P. T.Kehoe, R.Keil, M.Kekelidze, G. D.Keller, J. S.Kenyon, M.Kepka, O.Kerschen, N.Kersevan, B. P.Kersten, S.Kessoku, K.Keung, J.Khalil-zada, F.Khandanyan, H.Khanov, A.Kharchenko, D.Khodinov, A.Khomich, A.Khoo, T. J.Khoriauli, G.Khoroshilov, A.Khovanskiy, V.Khramov, E.Khubua, J.Kim, H.Kim, S. H.Kimura, N.Kind, O.King, B. T.King, M.King, R. S. B.Kirk, J.Kiryunin, A. E.Kishimoto, T.Kisielewska, D.Kitamura, T.Kittelmann, T.Kiuchi, K.Kladiva, E.Klein, M.Klein, U.Kleinknecht, K.Klemetti, M.Klier, A.Klimek, P.Klimentov, A.Klingenberg, R.Klinger, J. A.Klinkby, E. B.Klioutchnikova, T.Klok, P. F.Klous, S.Kluge, E. -E.Kluge, T.Kluit, P.Kluth, S.Kneringer, E.Knoops, E. B. F. G.Knue, A.Ko, B. R.Kobayashi, T.Kobel, M.Kocian, M.Kodys, P.Koeneke, K.Koenig, A. C.Koenig, S.Koepke, L.Koetsveld, F.Koevesarki, P.Koffas, T.Koffeman, E.Kogan, L. A.Kohlmann, S.Kohn, F.Kohout, Z.Kohriki, T.Koi, T.Kolachev, G. M.Kolanoski, H.Kolesnikov, V.Koletsou, I.Koll, J.Komar, A. A.Komori, Y.Kondo, T.Kono, T.Kononov, A. I.Konoplich, R.Konstantinidis, N.Kopeliansky, R.Koperny, S.Korcyl, K.Kordas, K.Korn, A.Korol, A.Korolkov, I.Korolkova, E. V.Korotkov, V. A.Kortner, O.Kortner, S.Kostyukhin, V. V.Kotov, S.Kotov, V. M.Kotwal, A.Kourkoumelis, C.Kouskoura, V.Koutsman, A.Kowalewski, R.Kowalski, T. Z.Kozanecki, W.Kozhin, A. S.Kral, V.Kramarenko, V. A.Kramberger, G.Krasny, M. W.Krasznahorkay, A.Kraus, J. K.Kreiss, S.Krejci, F.Kretzschmar, J.Krieger, N.Krieger, R.Kroeninger, K.Kroha, H.Kroll, J.Kroseberg, J.Krstic, J.Kruchonak, U.Krueger, H.Kruker, T.Krumnack, N.Krumshteyn, Z. V.Kruse, M. K.Kubota, T.Kuday, S.Kuehn, A.Kugel, A.Kuhl, T.Kuhn, D.Kukhtin, V.Kulchitsky, Y.Kuleshov, S.Kummer, C.Kuna, M.Kunkle, J.Kupco, A.Kurashige, H.Kurata, M.Kurochkin, Y. A.Kus, V.Kuwertz, E. S.Kuze, M.Kvita, J.Kwee, R.La Rosa, A.La Rotonda, L.Labarga, L.Labbe, J.Lablak, S.Lacasta, C.Lacava, F.Lacey, J.Lacker, H.Lacour, D.Lacuesta, V. R.Ladygin, E.Lafaye, R.Laforge, B.Lagouri, T.Lai, S.Laisne, E.Lambourne, L.Lampen, C. L.Lampl, W.Lancon, E.Landgraf, U.Landon, M. P. J.Lang, V. S.Lange, C.Lankford, A. J.Lanni, F.Lantzsch, K.Lanza, A.Laplace, S.Lapoire, C.LaPorte, J. F.Lari, T.Larner, A.Lassnig, M.Laurelli, P.Lavorini, V.Lavrijsen, W.Laycock, P.Le Dortz, O.Le Guirriec, E.Le Menedeu, E.LeCompte, T.Ledroit-Guillon, F.Lee, H.Lee, J. S. H.Lee, S. C.Lee, L.Lefebvre, M.Legendre, M.Legger, F.Leggett, C.Lehmacher, M.Miotto, G. LehmannLeister, A. G.Leite, M. A. L.Leitner, R.Lellouch, D.Lemmer, B.Lendermann, V.Leney, K. J. C.Lenz, T.Lenzen, G.Lenzi, B.Leonhardt, K.Leontsinis, S.Lepold, F.Leroy, C.Lessard, J. -R.Lester, C. G.Lester, C. M.Leveque, J.Levin, D.Levinson, L. J.Lewis, A.Lewis, G. H.Leyko, A. M.Leyton, M.Li, B.Li, H.Li, H. L.Li, S.Li, X.Liang, Z.Liao, H.Liberti, B.Lichard, P.Lichtnecker, M.Lie, K.Liebig, W.Limbach, C.Limosani, A.Limper, M.Lin, S. C.Linde, F.Linnemann, J. T.Lipeles, E.Lipniacka, A.Liss, T. M.Lissauer, D.Lister, A.Litke, A. M.Liu, C.Liu, D.Liu, H.Liu, J. B.Liu, L.Liu, M.Liu, Y.Livan, M.Livermore, S. S. A.Lleres, A.Llorente Merino, J.Lloyd, S. L.Lobodzinska, E.Loch, P.Lockman, W. S.Loddenkoetter, T.Loebinger, F. K.Loginov, A.Loh, C. W.Lohse, T.Lohwasser, K.Lokajicek, M.Lombardo, V. P.Long, R. E.Lopes, L.Mateos, D. LopezLorenz, J.Martinez, N. LorenzoLosada, M.Loscutoff, P.Lo Sterzo, F.Losty, M. J.Lou, X.Lounis, A.Loureiro, K. F.Love, J.Love, P. A.Lowe, A. J.Lu, F.Lubatti, H. J.Luci, C.Lucotte, A.Ludwig, A.Ludwig, D.Ludwig, I.Ludwig, J. J.Luehring, F.Luijckx, G.Lukas, W.Luminari, L.Lund, E.Lund-Jensen, B.Lundberg, BjörnLundberg, J.Lundberg, O.Lundquist, J.Lungwitz, M.Lynn, D.Lytken, ElseMa, H.Ma, L. L.Maccarrone, G.Macchiolo, A.Macek, B.Machado Miguens, J.Macina, D.Mackeprang, R.Madaras, R. J.Maddocks, H. J.Mader, W. F.Maenner, R.Maeno, T.Maettig, P.Maettig, S.Magnoni, L.Magradze, E.Mahboubi, K.Mahlstedt, J.Mahmoud, S.Mahout, G.Maiani, C.Maidantchik, C.Maio, A.Majewski, S.Makida, Y.Makovec, N.Mal, P.Malaescu, B.Malecki, Pa.Malecki, P.Maleev, V. P.Malek, F.Mallik, U.Malon, D.Malone, C.Maltezos, S.Malyshev, V.Malyukov, S.Mameghani, R.Mamuzic, J.Manabe, A.Mandelli, L.Mandic, I.Mandrysch, R.Maneira, J.Manfredini, A.Manhaes de Andrade Filho, L.Ramos, J. A. ManjarresMann, A.Manning, P. M.Manousakis-Katsikakis, A.Mansoulie, B.Mapelli, A.Mapelli, L.March, L.Marchand, J. F.Marchese, F.Marchiori, G.Marcisovsky, M.Marino, C. P.Marroquim, F.Marshall, Z.Marti, L. F.Marti-Garcia, S.Martin, B.Martin, J. P.Martin, T. A.Martin, V. J.Latour, B. Martin DitMartin-Haugh, S.Martinez, M.Outschoorn, V. MartinezMartyniuk, A. C.Marx, M.Marzano, F.Marzin, A.Masetti, L.Mashimo, T.Mashinistov, R.Masik, J.Maslennikov, A. L.Massa, I.Massaro, G.Massol, N.Mastrandrea, P.Mastroberardino, A.Masubuchi, T.Matricon, P.Matsunaga, H.Matsushita, T.Mattravers, C.Maurer, J.Maxfield, S. J.Maximov, D. A.Mayne, A.Mazini, R.Mazur, M.Mazzaferro, L.Mazzanti, M.Mc Donald, J.Mc Kee, S. P.McCarn, A.McCarthy, R. L.McCarthy, T. G.McCubbin, N. A.McFarlane, K. W.Mcfayden, J. A.Mchedlidze, G.Mclaughlan, T.McMahon, S. J.McPherson, R. A.Meade, A.Mechnich, J.Mechtel, M.Medinnis, M.Meehan, S.Meera-Lebbai, R.Meguro, T.Mehlhase, S.Mehta, A.Meier, K.Meirose, BernhardMelachrinos, C.Garcia, B. R. MelladoMeloni, F.Navas, L. MendozaMeng, Z.Mengarelli, A.Menke, S.Meoni, E.Mercurio, K. M.Mermod, P.Merola, L.Meroni, C.Merritt, F. S.Merritt, H.Messina, A.Metcalfe, J.Mete, A. S.Meyer, C.Meyer, J. -P.Meyer, J.Michal, S.Micu, L.Middleton, R. P.Migas, S.Mijovic, L.Mikenberg, G.Mikestikova, M.Mikuz, M.Miller, D. W.Miller, R. J.Mills, W. J.Mills, C.Milov, A.Milstead, D. A.Milstein, D.Minaenko, A. A.Minano Moya, M.Minashvili, I. A.Mincer, A. I.Mindur, B.Mineev, M.Ming, Y.Mir, L. M.Mirabelli, G.Mitrevski, J.Mitsou, V. A.Mitsui, S.Miyagawa, P. S.Mjörnmark, UlfMoa, T.Moeller, V.Moenig, K.Moeser, N.Mohapatra, S.Mohr, W.Moles-Valls, R.Molfetas, A.Monk, J.Monnier, E.Montejo Berlingen, J.Monticelli, F.Monzani, S.Moore, R. W.Moorhead, G. F.Herrera, C. MoraMoraes, A.Morange, N.Morel, J.Morello, G.Moreno, D.Moreno Llacer, M.Morettini, P.Morgenstern, M.Morii, M.Morley, A. K.Mornacchi, G.Morris, J. D.Morvaj, L.Moser, H. G.Mosidze, M.Moss, J.Mount, R.Mountricha, E.Mouraviev, S. V.Moyse, E. J. W.Mueller, F.Mueller, J.Mueller, K.Mueller, T. A.Mueller, T.Muenstermann, D.Munwes, Y.Murray, W. J.Mussche, I.Musto, E.Myagkov, A. G.Myska, M.Nackenhorst, O.Nadal, J.Nagai, K.Nagai, R.Nagano, K.Nagarkar, A.Nagasaka, Y.Nagel, M.Nairz, A. M.Nakahama, Y.Nakamura, K.Nakamura, T.Nakano, I.Nanava, G.Napier, A.Narayan, R.Nash, M.Nattermann, T.Naumann, T.Navarro, G.Neal, H. A.Nechaeva, P. Yu.Neep, T. J.Negri, A.Negri, G.Negrini, M.Nektarijevic, S.Nelson, A.Nelson, T. K.Nemecek, S.Nemethy, P.Nepomuceno, A. A.Nessi, M.Neubauer, M. S.Neumann, M.Neusiedl, A.Neves, R. M.Nevski, P.Newcomer, F. M.Newman, P. R.Hong, V. Nguyen ThiNickerson, R. B.Nicolaidou, R.Nicquevert, B.Niedercorn, F.Nielsen, J.Nikiforou, N.Nikiforov, A.Nikolaenko, V.Nikolic-Audit, I.Nikolics, K.Nikolopoulos, K.Nilsen, H.Nilsson, P.Ninomiya, Y.Nisati, A.Nisius, R.Nobe, T.Nodulman, L.Nomachi, M.Nomidis, I.Norberg, S.Nordberg, M.Norton, P. R.Novakova, J.Nozaki, M.Nozka, L.Nugent, I. M.Nuncio-Quiroz, A. -E.Hanninger, G. NunesNunnemann, T.Nurse, E.O'Brien, B. J.O'Neil, D. C.O'Shea, V.Oakes, L. B.Oakham, F. G.Oberlack, H.Ocariz, J.Ochi, A.Oda, S.Odaka, S.Odier, J.Ogren, H.Oh, A.Oh, S. H.Ohm, C. C.Ohshima, T.Okamura, W.Okawa, H.Okumura, Y.Okuyama, T.Olariu, A.Olchevski, A. G.Olivares Pino, S. A.Oliveira, M.Damazio, D. OliveiraOliver Garcia, E.Olivito, D.Olszewski, A.Olszowska, J.Onofre, A.Onyisi, P. U. E.Oram, C. J.Oreglia, M. J.Oren, Y.Orestano, D.Orlando, N.Orlov, I.Barrera, C. OropezaOrr, R. S.Osculati, B.Ospanov, R.Osuna, C.Otero y Garzon, G.Ottersbach, J. P.Ouchrif, M.Ouellette, E. A.Ould-Saada, F.Ouraou, A.Ouyang, Q.Ovcharova, A.Owen, M.Owen, S.Ozcan, V. E.Ozturk, N.Pacheco Pages, A.Padilla Aranda, C.Griso, S. PaganPaganis, E.Pahl, C.Paige, F.Pais, P.Pajchel, K.Palacino, G.Paleari, C. P.Palestini, S.Pallin, D.Palma, A.Palmer, J. D.Pan, Y. B.Panagiotopoulou, E.Vazquez, J. G. PanduroPani, P.Panikashvili, N.Panitkin, S.Pantea, D.Papadelis, A.Papadopoulou, Th. D.Paramonov, A.Hernandez, D. ParedesPark, W.Parker, M. A.Parodi, F.Parsons, J. A.Parzefall, U.Pashapour, S.Pasqualucci, E.Passaggio, S.Passeri, A.Pastore, F.Pastore, Fr.Pasztor, G.Pataraia, S.Patel, N.Pater, J. R.Patricelli, S.Pauly, T.Pecsy, M.Pedraza Lopez, S.Morales, M. I. PedrazaPeleganchuk, S. V.Pelikan, D.Peng, H.Penning, B.Penson, A.Penwell, J.Perantoni, M.Perez, K.Cavalcanti, T. PerezCodina, E. PerezPerez Garcia-Estan, M. T.Reale, V. PerezPerini, L.Pernegger, H.Perrino, R.Perrodo, P.Peshekhonov, V. D.Peters, K.Petersen, B. A.Petersen, J.Petersen, T. C.Petit, E.Petridis, A.Petridou, C.Petrolo, E.Petrucci, F.Petschull, D.Petteni, M.Pezoa, R.Phan, A.Phillips, P. W.Piacquadio, G.Picazio, A.Piccaro, E.Piccinini, M.Piec, S. M.Piegaia, R.Pignotti, D. T.Pilcher, J. E.Pilkington, A. D.Pina, J.Pinamonti, M.Pinder, A.Pinfold, J. L.Pinto, B.Pizio, C.Plamondon, M.Pleier, M. -A.Plotnikova, E.Poblaguev, A.Poddar, S.Podlyski, F.Poggioli, L.Pohl, D.Pohl, M.Polesello, G.Policicchio, A.Polini, A.Poll, J.Polychronakos, V.Pomeroy, D.Pommes, K.Pontecorvo, L.Pope, B. G.Popeneciu, G. A.Popovic, D. S.Poppleton, A.Bueso, X. PortellPospelov, G. E.Pospisil, S.Potrap, I. N.Potter, C. J.Potter, C. T.Poulard, G.Poveda, J.Pozdnyakov, V.Prabhu, R.Pralavorio, P.Pranko, A.Prasad, S.Pravahan, R.Prell, S.Pretzl, K.Price, D.Price, J.Price, L. E.Prieur, D.Primavera, M.Prokofiev, K.Prokoshin, F.Protopopescu, S.Proudfoot, J.Prudent, X.Przybycien, M.Przysiezniak, H.Psoroulas, S.Ptacek, E.Pueschel, E.Purdham, J.Purohit, M.Puzo, P.Pylypchenko, Y.Qian, J.Quadt, A.Quarrie, D. R.Quayle, W. B.Quinonez, F.Raas, M.Radeka, V.Radescu, V.Radloff, P.Ragusa, F.Rahal, G.Rahimi, A. M.Rahm, D.Rajagopalan, S.Rammensee, M.Rammes, M.Randle-Conde, A. S.Randrianarivony, K.Rauscher, F.Rave, T. C.Raymond, M.Read, A. L.Rebuzzi, D. M.Redelbach, A.Redlinger, G.Reece, R.Reeves, K.Reinsch, A.Reisinger, I.Rembser, C.Ren, Z. L.Renaud, A.Rescigno, M.Resconi, S.Resende, B.Reznicek, P.Rezvani, R.Richter, R.Richter-Was, E.Ridel, M.Rijpstra, M.Rijssenbeek, M.Rimoldi, A.Rinaldi, L.Rios, R. R.Riu, I.Rivoltella, G.Rizatdinova, F.Rizvi, E.Robertson, S. H.Robichaud-Veronneau, A.Robinson, D.Robinson, J. E. M.Robson, A.de Lima, J. G. RochaRoda, C.Dos Santos, D. RodaRoe, A.Roe, S.Rohne, O.Rolli, S.Romaniouk, A.Romano, M.Romeo, G.Romero Adam, E.Rompotis, N.Roos, L.Ros, E.Rosati, S.Rosbach, K.Rose, A.Rose, M.Rosenbaum, G. A.Rosenberg, E. I.Rosendahl, P. L.Rosenthal, O.Rosselet, L.Rossetti, V.Rossi, E.Rossi, L. P.Rotaru, M.Roth, I.Rothberg, J.Rousseau, D.Royon, C. R.Rozanov, A.Rozen, Y.Ruan, X.Rubbo, F.Rubinskiy, I.Ruckstuhl, N.Rud, V. I.Rudolph, C.Rudolph, G.Ruehr, F.Ruiz-Martinez, A.Rumyantsev, L.Rurikova, Z.Rusakovich, N. A.Ruschke, A.Rutherfoord, J. P.Ruzicka, P.Ryabov, Y. F.Rybar, M.Rybkin, G.Ryder, N. C.Saavedra, A. F.Sadeh, I.Sadrozinski, H. F-W.Sadykov, R.Tehrani, E. SafaiSakamoto, H.Salamanna, G.Salamon, A.Saleem, M.Salek, D.Salihagic, D.Salnikov, A.Salt, J.Ferrando, B. M. SalvachuaSalvatore, D.Salvatore, F.Salvucci, A.Salzburger, A.Sampsonidis, D.Samset, B. H.Sanchez, A.Sanchez Martinez, V.Sandaker, H.Sander, H. G.Sanders, M. P.Sandhoff, M.Sandoval, T.Sandoval, C.Sandstroem, R.Sankey, D. P. C.Sansoni, A.Rios, C. SantamarinaSantoni, C.Santonico, R.Santos, H.Castillo, I. SantoyoSaraiva, J. G.Sarangi, T.Sarkisyan-Grinbaum, E.Sarrazin, B.Sarri, F.Sartisohn, G.Sasaki, O.Sasaki, Y.Sasao, N.Satsounkevitch, I.Sauvage, G.Sauvan, E.Sauvan, J. B.Savard, P.Savinov, V.Savu, D. O.Sawyer, L.Saxon, D. H.Saxon, J.Sbarra, C.Sbrizzi, A.Scannicchio, D. A.Scarcella, M.Schaarschmidt, J.Schacht, P.Schaefer, D.Schaefer, U.Schaelicke, A.Schaepe, S.Schaetzel, S.Schaffer, A. C.Schaile, D.Schamberger, R. D.Schamov, A. G.Scharf, V.Schegelsky, V. A.Scheirich, D.Schernau, M.Scherzer, M. I.Schiavi, C.Schieck, J.Schioppa, M.Schlenker, S.Schmidt, E.Schmieden, K.Schmitt, C.Schmitt, S.Schneider, B.Schnoor, U.Schoeffel, L.Schoening, A.Schorlemmer, A. L. S.Schott, M.Schouten, D.Schovancova, J.Schram, M.Schroeder, C.Schroer, N.Schultens, M. J.Schultes, J.Schultz-Coulon, H. -C.Schulz, H.Schumacher, M.Schumm, B. A.Schune, Ph.Schwanenberger, C.Schwartzman, A.Schwegler, Ph.Schwemling, Ph.Schwienhorst, R.Schwierz, R.Schwindling, J.Schwindt, T.Schwoerer, M.Sciacca, F. G.Sciolla, G.Scott, W. G.Searcy, J.Sedov, G.Sedykh, E.Seidel, S. C.Seiden, A.Seifert, F.Seixas, J. M.Sekhniaidze, G.Sekula, S. J.Selbach, K. E.Seliverstov, D. M.Sellden, B.Sellers, G.Seman, M.Semprini-Cesari, N.Serfon, C.Serin, L.Serkin, L.Seuster, R.Severini, H.Sfyrla, A.Shabalina, E.Shamim, M.Shan, L. Y.Shank, J. T.Shao, Q. T. Q.Shapiro, M.Shatalov, P. B.Shaw, K.Sherman, D.Sherwood, P.Shimizu, S.Shimojima, M.Shin, T.Shiyakova, M.Shmeleva, A.Shochet, M. J.Short, D.Shrestha, S.Shulga, E.Shupe, M. A.Sicho, P.Sidoti, A.Siegert, F.Sijacki, Dj.Silbert, O.Silva, J.Silver, Y.Silverstein, D.Silverstein, S. B.Simak, V.Simard, O.Simic, Li.Simion, S.Simioni, E.Simmons, B.Simoniello, R.Simonyan, M.Sinervo, P.Sinev, N. B.Sipica, V.Siragusa, G.Sircar, A.Sisakyan, A. N.Sivoklokov, S. Yu.Sjoelin, J.Sjursen, T. B.Skinnari, L. A.Skottowe, H. P.Skovpen, K.Skubic, P.Slater, Nr. M.Slavicek, T.Sliwa, K.Smakhtin, V.Smart, B. H.Smestad, L.Smirnov, S. Yu.Smirnov, Y.Smirnova, L. N.Smirnova, OxanaSmith, B. C.Smith, D.Smith, K. M.Smizanska, M.Smolek, K.Snesarev, A. A.Snow, S. W.Snow, J.Snyder, S.Sobie, R.Sodomka, J.Soffer, A.Solans, C. A.Solar, M.Solc, J.Soldatov, E. Yu.Soldevila, U.Camillocci, E. SolfaroliSolodkov, A. A.Soiovyallv, V.Solovyev, V.Soni, N.Sood, A.Sopko, V.Sopko, B.Sosebee, M.Soualah, R.Soukharev, A.Spagnolo, S.Spano, F.Spighi, R.Spigo, G.Spiwoks, R.Spousta, M.Spreitzer, T.Spurlock, B.Denis, R. D. St.Stahlman, J.Stamen, R.Stanecka, E.Stanek, R. W.Stanescu, C.Stanescu-Bellu, M.Stanitzki, M. M.Stapnes, S.Starchenko, E. A.Stark, J.Staroba, P.Starovoitov, P.Staszewski, R.Staude, A.Stavina, P.Steele, G.Steinbach, P.Steinberg, P.Stekl, I.Stelzer, B.Stelzer, H. J.Stelzer-Chilton, O.Stenzel, H.Stern, S.Stewart, G. A.Stillings, J. A.Stockton, M. C.Stoerig, K.Stoicea, G.Stonjek, S.Strachota, P.Stradling, A. R.Straessner, A.Strandberg, J.Strandberg, S.Strandlie, A.Strang, M.Strauss, E.Strauss, M.Strizenec, P.Stroehmer, R.Strom, D. M.Strong, J. A.Stroynowski, R.Stugu, B.Stumer, I.Stupak, J.Sturm, P.Styles, N. A.Soh, D. A.Su, D.Subramania, H. S.Subramaniam, R.Succurro, A.Sugaya, Y.Suhr, C.Suk, M.Sulin, V. V.Sultansoy, S.Sumida, T.Sun, X.Sundermann, J. E.Suruliz, K.Susinno, G.Sutton, M. R.Suzuki, Y.Svatos, M.Swedish, S.Sykora, I.Sykora, T.Sanchez, J.Ta, D.Tackmann, K.Taffard, A.Tafirout, R.Taiblum, N.Takahashi, Y.Takai, H.Takashima, R.Takeda, H.Takeshita, T.Takubo, Y.Talby, M.Talyshev, A.Tamsett, M. C.Tan, K. G.Tanaka, J.Tanaka, R.Tanaka, S.Tanasijczuk, A. J.Tani, K.Tannoury, N.Tapprogge, S.Tardif, D.Tarem, S.Tarrade, F.Tartarelli, G. F.Tas, P.Tasevsky, M.Tassi, E.Tayalati, Y.Taylor, C.Taylor, F. E.Taylor, G. N.Taylor, W.Teinturier, M.Teischinger, Ea.Castanheira, M. Teixeira DiasTeixeira-Dias, P.Temming, K. K.Ten Kate, H.Teng, P. K.Terada, S.Terashi, K.Terron, J.Testa, M.Teuscher, R. J.Therhaag, J. J.Theveneaux-Pelzer, T.Thoma, S.Thomas, J. P.Thompson, E. N.Thompson, P. D.Thompson, A. S.Thomsen, L. A.Thomson, E.Thomson, M.Thong, W. M.Thun, R. P.Tian, F.Tibbetts, M. J.Tic, T.Tikhomirov, V. O.Tikhonov, Y. A.Timoshenko, S.Tiouchichine, E.Tipton, P.Tisserant, S.Todorov, T.Todorova-Nova, S.Toggerson, B.Tojo, J.Tokar, S.Tokushuku, K.Tollefson, K.Tomoto, M.Tompkins, L.Toms, K.Tonoyan, A.Topfel, C.Topilin, N. D.Torrence, E.Torres, H.Torro Pastor, E.Toth, J.Touchard, F.Tovey, D. R.Trefzger, T.Tremblet, L.Tricoli, A.Trigger, I. M.Trincaz-Duvoid, S.Tripiana, M. F.Triplett, N.Trischuk, W.Trocme, B.Troncon, C.Trottier-McDonald, M.True, P.Trzebinski, M.Trzupek, A.Tsarouchas, C.Tseng, J. C-L.Tsiakiris, M.Tsiareshka, PvTsionou, D.Tsipolitis, G.Tsiskaridze, S.Tsiskaridze, V.Tskhadadze, E. G.Tsukerman, I. I.Tsulaia, V.Tsung, J. -W.Tsuno, S.Tsybychev, D.Tua, A.Tudorache, A.Tudorache, V.Tuggle, J. M.Tuna, A. N.Turala, M.Turecek, D.Cakir, I. TurkTurlay, E.Turra, R.Tuts, P. M.Tykhonov, A.Tylmad, M.Tyndel, M.Tzanakos, G.Uchida, K.Ueda, I.Ueno, R.Ugland, M.Uhlenbrock, M.Uhrmacher, M.Ukegawa, F.Unal, G.Undrus, A.Unel, G.Unno, Y.Urbaniec, D.Urquijo, P.Usai, G.Uslenghi, M.Vacavant, L.Vacek, V.Vachon, B.Vahsen, S.Valenta, J.Valentinetti, S.Valero, A.Valkar, S.Valladolid Gallego, E.Vallecorsa, S.Valls Ferrer, J. A.Van Berg, R.Van der Deijl, P. C.van der Geer, R.van der Graaf, H.van der Leeuw, R.van der Poe, E.van der Ster, D.van Eldik, N.van Gemmeren, P.van Vulpen, I.Vanadia, M.Vandelli, W.Vaniachine, A.Vankov, P.Vannucci, F.Vari, R.Varnes, E. W.Varol, T.Varouchas, D.Vartapetian, A.Varvell, K. E.Vassilakopoulos, V. I.Vazeille, F.Schroeder, T. VazquezVegni, G.Veillet, J. I.Veloso, F.Veness, R.Veneziano, S.Ventura, A.Ventura, D.Venturi, M.Venturi, N.Vercesi, V.Verducci, M.Verkerke, W.Vermeulen, J. C.Vest, A.Vetterli, M. C.Vichou, I.Vickey, T.Boeriu, O. E. VickeyViehhauser, G. H. A.Viel, S.Villa, M.Villaplana Perez, M.Vilucchi, E.Vincter, M. G.Vinek, E.Vinogradov, V. B.Virchaux, M.Virzi, J.Vitells, O.Viti, M.Vivarelli, I.Vague, F. VivesVlachos, S.Vladoiu, D.Vlasak, M.Vogel, A.Vokac, P.Volpi, G.Volpi, M.Volpini, G.von der Schmitt, H.von Radziewski, H.von Toerne, E.Vorobel, V.Vorwerk, V.Vos, M.Voss, R.Voss, T. T.Vossebeld, J. H.Vranjes, N.Milosavljevic, M. VranjesVrba, V.Vreeswijk, M.Anh, T. VuVuillermet, R.Vukotic, I.Wagner, W.Wagner, P.Wahlen, H.Wahrmund, S.Wakabayashi, J.Walch, S.Walder, J.Walker, R.Walkowiak, W.Wall, R.Waller, P.Walsh, B.Wang, C.Wang, H.Wang, J.Wang, R.Wang, S. M.Wang, T.Warburton, A.Ward, C. P.Wardrope, D. R.Warsinsky, M.Washbrook, A.Wasicki, C.Watanabe, I.Watkins, P. M.Watson, A. T.Watson, I. J.Watson, M. F.Watts, G.Watts, S.Waugh, A. T.Waugh, B. M.Weber, M. S.Webster, J. S.Weidberg, A. R.Weigell, P.Weingarten, J.Weiser, C.Wells, P. S.Wenaus, T.Wendland, D.Wengu, Z.Wengler, T.Wenig, S.Wermes, N.Werner, M.Werner, P.Werth, M.Wessels, M.Wetter, J.Weydert, C.Whalen, K.White, A.White, M. J.White, S.Whitehead, S. R.Whiteson, D.Whittington, D.Wicek, F.Wicke, D.Wickens, F. J.Wiedenmann, W.Wielers, M.Wienemann, P.Wiglesworth, C.Wiik-Fuchs, L. A. M.Wijeratne, P. A.Wildauer, A.Wildt, M. A.Wilhelm, I.Wilkens, H. G.Will, J. Z.Williams, E.Williams, H. H.Willis, W.Willocoq, S.Wilson, J. A.Wilson, M. G.Wilson, A.Wingerter-Seez, I.Winkelmann, S.Winklmeier, F.Wittgen, M.Wollstadt, S. J.Wolter, M. W.Wolters, H.Wong, W. C.Wooden, G.Wosiek, B. K.Wotschack, J.Woudstra, M. J.Wozniak, K. W.Wraight, K.Wright, M.Wrona, B.Wu, S. L.Wu, X.Wu, Y.Wulf, E.Wynne, B. M.Xella, S.Xiao, M.Xie, S.Xu, C.Xu, D.Xu, L.Yabsley, B.Yacoob, S.Yamada, M.Yamaguchi, H.Yamamoto, A.Yamamoto, K.Yamamoto, S.Yamamura, T.Yamanaka, T.Yamazaki, T.Yamazaki, Y.Yan, Z.Yang, H.Yang, U. K.Yang, Y.Yang, Z.Yanush, S.Yao, L.Yao, Y.Yasu, Y.Smit, G. V. YbelesYe, J.Ye, S.Yilmaz, M.Yoosoofmiya, R.Yorita, K.Yoshida, R.Yoshihara, K.Young, C.Young, C. J.Youssef, S.Yu, D.Yu, D. R.Yu, J.Yuan, L.Yurkewicz, A.Zabinski, B.Zaidan, R.Zaitsev, A. M.Zajacova, Z.Zanello, L.Zanzi, D.Zaytsev, A.Zeitnitz, C.Zeman, M.Zemla, A.Zendler, C.Zenin, O.Zenis, T.Zinonos, Z.Zerwas, D.della Porta, G. ZeviZhang, D.Zhang, H.Zhang, J.Zhang, X.Zhang, Z.Zhao, L.Zhao, Z.Zhemchugov, A.Zhong, J.Zhou, B.Zhou, N.Zhou, Y.Zhu, C. G.Zhu, H.Zhu, J.Zhu, Y.Zhuang, X.Zhuravlov, V.Zibell, A.Zieminska, D.Zimin, N. I.Zimmermann, R.Zimmermann, S.Ziolkowski, M.Zitoun, R.Zivkovic, L.Zmouchko, V. V.Zobernig, G.Zoccoli, A.zur Nedden, M.Zutshi, V.Zwalinski, L.
Physics Letters. Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics eSSENCE: The e-Science Collaboration. 719(4-5):242-260
Academic Journal
Roh DJ; From the Departments of Neurology (D.J.R., K.G., S.R., P.P.B., K.K., A.J.S.-A., D.J.B., R.S.M., J. Gutierrez), Pathology and Cell Biology (A.C., E.A.H.), Biomedical Engineering (R.J., E.K.), Psychiatry (J. Guo), and Department of Radiology (V.S.), Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (R.M.-F.), Louisiana State University Health Shreveport; Department of Neurology (F.K.), St. Louis University, MO; Department of Neurology (M.S.), Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (T.R.), University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, FL; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (C.B.W.),, Bethesda, MD; and Department of Epidemiology (M.S.V.E.), Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY.; Murguia-Fuentes R; From the Departments of Neurology (D.J.R., K.G., S.R., P.P.B., K.K., A.J.S.-A., D.J.B., R.S.M., J. Gutierrez), Pathology and Cell Biology (A.C., E.A.H.), Biomedical Engineering (R.J., E.K.), Psychiatry (J. Guo), and Department of Radiology (V.S.), Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (R.M.-F.), Louisiana State University Health Shreveport; Department of Neurology (F.K.), St. Louis University, MO; Department of Neurology (M.S.), Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (T.R.), University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, FL; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (C.B.W.),, Bethesda, MD; and Department of Epidemiology (M.S.V.E.), Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY.; Gurel K; From the Departments of Neurology (D.J.R., K.G., S.R., P.P.B., K.K., A.J.S.-A., D.J.B., R.S.M., J. Gutierrez), Pathology and Cell Biology (A.C., E.A.H.), Biomedical Engineering (R.J., E.K.), Psychiatry (J. Guo), and Department of Radiology (V.S.), Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (R.M.-F.), Louisiana State University Health Shreveport; Department of Neurology (F.K.), St. Louis University, MO; Department of Neurology (M.S.), Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (T.R.), University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, FL; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (C.B.W.),, Bethesda, MD; and Department of Epidemiology (M.S.V.E.), Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY.; Khasiyev F; From the Departments of Neurology (D.J.R., K.G., S.R., P.P.B., K.K., A.J.S.-A., D.J.B., R.S.M., J. Gutierrez), Pathology and Cell Biology (A.C., E.A.H.), Biomedical Engineering (R.J., E.K.), Psychiatry (J. Guo), and Department of Radiology (V.S.), Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (R.M.-F.), Louisiana State University Health Shreveport; Department of Neurology (F.K.), St. Louis University, MO; Department of Neurology (M.S.), Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (T.R.), University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, FL; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (C.B.W.),, Bethesda, MD; and Department of Epidemiology (M.S.V.E.), Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY.; Rahman S; From the Departments of Neurology (D.J.R., K.G., S.R., P.P.B., K.K., A.J.S.-A., D.J.B., R.S.M., J. Gutierrez), Pathology and Cell Biology (A.C., E.A.H.), Biomedical Engineering (R.J., E.K.), Psychiatry (J. Guo), and Department of Radiology (V.S.), Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (R.M.-F.), Louisiana State University Health Shreveport; Department of Neurology (F.K.), St. Louis University, MO; Department of Neurology (M.S.), Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (T.R.), University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, FL; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (C.B.W.),, Bethesda, MD; and Department of Epidemiology (M.S.V.E.), Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY.; Bueno PP; From the Departments of Neurology (D.J.R., K.G., S.R., P.P.B., K.K., A.J.S.-A., D.J.B., R.S.M., J. Gutierrez), Pathology and Cell Biology (A.C., E.A.H.), Biomedical Engineering (R.J., E.K.), Psychiatry (J. Guo), and Department of Radiology (V.S.), Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (R.M.-F.), Louisiana State University Health Shreveport; Department of Neurology (F.K.), St. Louis University, MO; Department of Neurology (M.S.), Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (T.R.), University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, FL; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (C.B.W.),, Bethesda, MD; and Department of Epidemiology (M.S.V.E.), Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY.; Kozii K; From the Departments of Neurology (D.J.R., K.G., S.R., P.P.B., K.K., A.J.S.-A., D.J.B., R.S.M., J. Gutierrez), Pathology and Cell Biology (A.C., E.A.H.), Biomedical Engineering (R.J., E.K.), Psychiatry (J. Guo), and Department of Radiology (V.S.), Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (R.M.-F.), Louisiana State University Health Shreveport; Department of Neurology (F.K.), St. Louis University, MO; Department of Neurology (M.S.), Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (T.R.), University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, FL; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (C.B.W.),, Bethesda, MD; and Department of Epidemiology (M.S.V.E.), Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY.; Spagnolo-Allende AJ; From the Departments of Neurology (D.J.R., K.G., S.R., P.P.B., K.K., A.J.S.-A., D.J.B., R.S.M., J. Gutierrez), Pathology and Cell Biology (A.C., E.A.H.), Biomedical Engineering (R.J., E.K.), Psychiatry (J. Guo), and Department of Radiology (V.S.), Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (R.M.-F.), Louisiana State University Health Shreveport; Department of Neurology (F.K.), St. Louis University, MO; Department of Neurology (M.S.), Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (T.R.), University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, FL; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (C.B.W.),, Bethesda, MD; and Department of Epidemiology (M.S.V.E.), Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY.; Cottarelli A; From the Departments of Neurology (D.J.R., K.G., S.R., P.P.B., K.K., A.J.S.-A., D.J.B., R.S.M., J. Gutierrez), Pathology and Cell Biology (A.C., E.A.H.), Biomedical Engineering (R.J., E.K.), Psychiatry (J. Guo), and Department of Radiology (V.S.), Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (R.M.-F.), Louisiana State University Health Shreveport; Department of Neurology (F.K.), St. Louis University, MO; Department of Neurology (M.S.), Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (T.R.), University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, FL; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (C.B.W.),, Bethesda, MD; and Department of Epidemiology (M.S.V.E.), Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY.; Simonetto M; From the Departments of Neurology (D.J.R., K.G., S.R., P.P.B., K.K., A.J.S.-A., D.J.B., R.S.M., J. Gutierrez), Pathology and Cell Biology (A.C., E.A.H.), Biomedical Engineering (R.J., E.K.), Psychiatry (J. Guo), and Department of Radiology (V.S.), Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (R.M.-F.), Louisiana State University Health Shreveport; Department of Neurology (F.K.), St. Louis University, MO; Department of Neurology (M.S.), Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (T.R.), University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, FL; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (C.B.W.),, Bethesda, MD; and Department of Epidemiology (M.S.V.E.), Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY.; Ji R; From the Departments of Neurology (D.J.R., K.G., S.R., P.P.B., K.K., A.J.S.-A., D.J.B., R.S.M., J. Gutierrez), Pathology and Cell Biology (A.C., E.A.H.), Biomedical Engineering (R.J., E.K.), Psychiatry (J. Guo), and Department of Radiology (V.S.), Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (R.M.-F.), Louisiana State University Health Shreveport; Department of Neurology (F.K.), St. Louis University, MO; Department of Neurology (M.S.), Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (T.R.), University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, FL; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (C.B.W.),, Bethesda, MD; and Department of Epidemiology (M.S.V.E.), Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY.; Guo J; From the Departments of Neurology (D.J.R., K.G., S.R., P.P.B., K.K., A.J.S.-A., D.J.B., R.S.M., J. Gutierrez), Pathology and Cell Biology (A.C., E.A.H.), Biomedical Engineering (R.J., E.K.), Psychiatry (J. Guo), and Department of Radiology (V.S.), Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (R.M.-F.), Louisiana State University Health Shreveport; Department of Neurology (F.K.), St. Louis University, MO; Department of Neurology (M.S.), Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (T.R.), University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, FL; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (C.B.W.),, Bethesda, MD; and Department of Epidemiology (M.S.V.E.), Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY.; Spektor V; From the Departments of Neurology (D.J.R., K.G., S.R., P.P.B., K.K., A.J.S.-A., D.J.B., R.S.M., J. Gutierrez), Pathology and Cell Biology (A.C., E.A.H.), Biomedical Engineering (R.J., E.K.), Psychiatry (J. Guo), and Department of Radiology (V.S.), Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (R.M.-F.), Louisiana State University Health Shreveport; Department of Neurology (F.K.), St. Louis University, MO; Department of Neurology (M.S.), Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (T.R.), University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, FL; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (C.B.W.),, Bethesda, MD; and Department of Epidemiology (M.S.V.E.), Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY.; Hod EA; From the Departments of Neurology (D.J.R., K.G., S.R., P.P.B., K.K., A.J.S.-A., D.J.B., R.S.M., J. Gutierrez), Pathology and Cell Biology (A.C., E.A.H.), Biomedical Engineering (R.J., E.K.), Psychiatry (J. Guo), and Department of Radiology (V.S.), Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (R.M.-F.), Louisiana State University Health Shreveport; Department of Neurology (F.K.), St. Louis University, MO; Department of Neurology (M.S.), Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (T.R.), University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, FL; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (C.B.W.),, Bethesda, MD; and Department of Epidemiology (M.S.V.E.), Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY.; Burke DJ; From the Departments of Neurology (D.J.R., K.G., S.R., P.P.B., K.K., A.J.S.-A., D.J.B., R.S.M., J. Gutierrez), Pathology and Cell Biology (A.C., E.A.H.), Biomedical Engineering (R.J., E.K.), Psychiatry (J. Guo), and Department of Radiology (V.S.), Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (R.M.-F.), Louisiana State University Health Shreveport; Department of Neurology (F.K.), St. Louis University, MO; Department of Neurology (M.S.), Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (T.R.), University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, FL; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (C.B.W.),, Bethesda, MD; and Department of Epidemiology (M.S.V.E.), Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY.; Konofagou E; From the Departments of Neurology (D.J.R., K.G., S.R., P.P.B., K.K., A.J.S.-A., D.J.B., R.S.M., J. Gutierrez), Pathology and Cell Biology (A.C., E.A.H.), Biomedical Engineering (R.J., E.K.), Psychiatry (J. Guo), and Department of Radiology (V.S.), Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (R.M.-F.), Louisiana State University Health Shreveport; Department of Neurology (F.K.), St. Louis University, MO; Department of Neurology (M.S.), Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (T.R.), University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, FL; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (C.B.W.),, Bethesda, MD; and Department of Epidemiology (M.S.V.E.), Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY.; Rundek T; From the Departments of Neurology (D.J.R., K.G., S.R., P.P.B., K.K., A.J.S.-A., D.J.B., R.S.M., J. Gutierrez), Pathology and Cell Biology (A.C., E.A.H.), Biomedical Engineering (R.J., E.K.), Psychiatry (J. Guo), and Department of Radiology (V.S.), Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (R.M.-F.), Louisiana State University Health Shreveport; Department of Neurology (F.K.), St. Louis University, MO; Department of Neurology (M.S.), Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (T.R.), University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, FL; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (C.B.W.),, Bethesda, MD; and Department of Epidemiology (M.S.V.E.), Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY.; Wright CB; From the Departments of Neurology (D.J.R., K.G., S.R., P.P.B., K.K., A.J.S.-A., D.J.B., R.S.M., J. Gutierrez), Pathology and Cell Biology (A.C., E.A.H.), Biomedical Engineering (R.J., E.K.), Psychiatry (J. Guo), and Department of Radiology (V.S.), Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (R.M.-F.), Louisiana State University Health Shreveport; Department of Neurology (F.K.), St. Louis University, MO; Department of Neurology (M.S.), Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (T.R.), University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, FL; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (C.B.W.),, Bethesda, MD; and Department of Epidemiology (M.S.V.E.), Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY.; Marshall RS; From the Departments of Neurology (D.J.R., K.G., S.R., P.P.B., K.K., A.J.S.-A., D.J.B., R.S.M., J. Gutierrez), Pathology and Cell Biology (A.C., E.A.H.), Biomedical Engineering (R.J., E.K.), Psychiatry (J. Guo), and Department of Radiology (V.S.), Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (R.M.-F.), Louisiana State University Health Shreveport; Department of Neurology (F.K.), St. Louis University, MO; Department of Neurology (M.S.), Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (T.R.), University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, FL; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (C.B.W.),, Bethesda, MD; and Department of Epidemiology (M.S.V.E.), Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY.; Elkind MSV; From the Departments of Neurology (D.J.R., K.G., S.R., P.P.B., K.K., A.J.S.-A., D.J.B., R.S.M., J. Gutierrez), Pathology and Cell Biology (A.C., E.A.H.), Biomedical Engineering (R.J., E.K.), Psychiatry (J. Guo), and Department of Radiology (V.S.), Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (R.M.-F.), Louisiana State University Health Shreveport; Department of Neurology (F.K.), St. Louis University, MO; Department of Neurology (M.S.), Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (T.R.), University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, FL; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (C.B.W.),, Bethesda, MD; and Department of Epidemiology (M.S.V.E.), Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY.; Gutierrez J; From the Departments of Neurology (D.J.R., K.G., S.R., P.P.B., K.K., A.J.S.-A., D.J.B., R.S.M., J. Gutierrez), Pathology and Cell Biology (A.C., E.A.H.), Biomedical Engineering (R.J., E.K.), Psychiatry (J. Guo), and Department of Radiology (V.S.), Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (R.M.-F.), Louisiana State University Health Shreveport; Department of Neurology (F.K.), St. Louis University, MO; Department of Neurology (M.S.), Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY; Department of Neurology (T.R.), University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, FL; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (C.B.W.),, Bethesda, MD; and Department of Epidemiology (M.S.V.E.), Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY.
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 0401060 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1526-632X (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 00283878 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Neurology Subsets: MEDLINE
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