
EBSCO Discovery Service
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 1,348건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
NINE: A Journal of Baseball History and Culture. 31(1):126-128
Academic Journal
Brittain, ClaireMcCarthy, AndrewIrizarry, Michael CMcDermott, DanaBiglan, KevinHöglinger, Günter ULorenzl, Stefandel Ser, TeodoroBoxer, Adam LGroup, The AL-108-231 StudyWilliams, DavidLafontaine, Anne LouiseMarras, ConnieJog, MandarPanisset, MichaelLang, AnthonyParker, LesleyStewart, Alistair JCorvol, Jean-ChristopheAzulay, Jean-PhilippeCouratier, PhilippeMollenhauer, BritLudolph, AlbertBenecke, ReinerHoglinger, GunterLipp, AxelReichmann, HeinzWoitalla, DirkChan, DennisZermansky, AdamBurn, DavidLees, AndrewGozes, IllanaBoxer, AdamMiller, Bruce LLobach, Iryna VRoberson, ErikHonig, LawrenceZamrini, EdwardPahwa, RajeshBordelon, YvetteDriver-Dunkley, ErikaLessig, StephanieLew, MarkWomack, KyleBoeve, BradFerrara, JosephHillis, ArgyleKaufer, DanielKumar, RajeevXie, TaoGunzler, StevenZesiewicz, TheresaDayalu, PraveenGolbe, LawrenceGrossman, MurrayJankovic, JosephMcGinnis, ScottSantiago, AnthonyTuite, PaulIsaacson, StuartLeegwater-Kim, JulieLitvan, IreneKnopman, David SSchneider, Lon SDoody, Rachelle SGolbe, Lawrence IRoberson, Erik DKoestler, MaryJack, Clifford RVan Deerlin, VivianaRandolph, ChristopherWhitaker, SteveHirman, JoeGold, MichaelMorimoto, Bruce Hinvestigators, The PROPSPERAG, Georg NueblingHensler, MiraPaul, SabineZwergal, Andreas4RNTI-1authorsHeuer, Hilary WTartaglia, Maria CMcGinnis, Scott MDickerson, Bradford CKornak, JohnSchuff, NorbertRabinovici, Gil DRosen, Howard JInvestigators, Tau Restoration on PSPGómez, JCTijero, BBerganzo, Kde Yebenes, J Garc'ıaSendón, JL LopezGarcia, G
2007 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the International Quantum Electronics Conference Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2007 and the International Quantum Electronics Conference. CLEOE-IQEC 2007. European Conference on. :1-1 Jun, 2007
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[검색어] Hensler, S
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