에서 검색결과 131건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Roussarie, A; Burke, DL; Abrams, GS; Alam, MS; Blocker, CA; Blondel, A; Boyarski, AM; Breidenbach, M; Carithers, WC; Chinowsky, W; Coles, MW; Cooper, S; Dieterle, WE; Dillon, JB; Dorenbosch, J; Dorfan, JM; Eaton, MW; Feldman, GJ; Franklin, MEB; Gidal, G; Goldhaber, G; Hanson, G; Hayes, KG; Himel, T; Hitlin, DG; Hollebeek, RJ; Innes, WR; Jaros, JA; Jenni, P; Johnson, AD; Kadyk, JA; Lankford, AJ; Larsen, RR; Levi, M; Lüth, V; Millikan, RE; Nelson, ME; Pang, CY; Patrick, JF; Perl, ML; Richter, B; Scharre, DL; Schindler, RH; Schwitters, RF; Siegrist, JL; Strait, J; Taureg, H; Tonutti, M; Trilling, GH; Vella, EN; Vidal, RA; Videau, I; Weiss, JM; Zaccone, H
Physics Letters B. 105(4)
Academic Journal
Cramp RL; School of Biological Sciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland 4072, Australia.; Ohmer MEB; Department of Biology, University of Mississippi, MS, 38677, USA.; Franklin CE; School of Biological Sciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland 4072, Australia.
Publisher: Published on behalf of Society for Experimental Biology [by] Oxford University Press Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 101656116 Publication Model: eCollection Cited Medium: Print ISSN: 2051-1434 (Print) Linking ISSN: 20511434 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Conserv Physiol Subsets: PubMed not MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Nelson, ME; Blondel, A; Trilling, GH; Abrams, GS; Amidei, D; Blocker, CA; Boyarski, AM; Breidenbach, M; Burke, DL; Chinowsky, W; Dieterle, WE; Dillon, JB; Dorfan, JM; Eaton, MW; Feldman, GJ; Franklin, MEB; Gidal, G; Gladney, L; Gold, MS; Goldhaber, G; Golding, LJ; Hanson, G; Hollebeek, RJ; Innes, WR; Jaros, JA; Johnson, AD; Kadyk, JA; Lankford, AJ; Larsen, RR; LeClaire, B; Levi, M; Lockyer, N; Lüth, V; Matteuzzi, C; Patrick, JF; Perl, ML; Richter, B; Rowson, PC; Schaad, T; Schellman, HM; Schlatter, D; Schwitters, RF; Sheldon, PD; Strait, J; de la Vaissière, C; Yelton, JM; Zaiser, C
Physical Review Letters. 50(20)
Academic Journal
Gidal, G; Goldhaber, G; Guy, JG; Millikan, RE; Abrams, GS; Alam, MS; Blocker, CA; Blondel, A; Boyarski, A; Breidenbach, M; Burke, DL; Carithers, WC; Chinowsky, W; Coles, MW; Cooper, S; Dieterle, WE; Dillon, JB; Dorehbosch, J; Dorfan, JM; Eaton, MW; Fe, GJ; Franklin, MEB; Hanson, G; Hayes, KA; Himel, T; Hitlin, DG; Hollebeek, R; Innes, W; Jaros, J; Jenni, P; Johnson, AD; Kadyk, JA; Lankford, AJ; Larsen, RR; Luth, V; Nelson, ME; Pang, CY; Patrick, JF; Richter, B; Roussarie, A; Scharre, DL; Schindler, RH; Schwitters, RF; Siegrist, JL; Strait, J; Taureg, H; Tonutti, M; Trilling, GH; Vella, EN; Vidal, RA; Videau, I; Weiss, JM; Zaccone, H
Physics Letters B. 107(1-2)
Academic Journal
Blocker, CA; Dorfan, JM; Abrams, GS; Alam, MS; Blondel, A; Boyarski, AM; Breidenbach, M; Burke, DL; Carithers, WC; Chinowsky, W; Coles, MW; Cooper, S; Dieterle, WE; Dillon, JB; Dorenbosch, J; Eaton, MW; Feldman, GJ; Franklin, MEB; Gidal, G; Goldhaber, G; Hanson, G; Hayes, KG; Himel, T; Hitlin, DG; Hollebeek, RJ; Innes, WR; Jaros, JA; Jenni, P; Johnson, AD; Kadyk, JA; Lankford, AJ; Larsen, RR; Levi, M; Lu¨th, V; Millikan, RE; Nelson, ME; Pang, CY; Patrick, JF; Perl, ML; Richter, B; Roussarie, A; Scharre, DL; Schindler, RH; Schwitters, RF; Siegrist, JL; Strait, J; Taureg, H; Tonutti, M; Trilling, GH; Vella, EN; Vidal, RA; Videau, I; Weiss, JM; Zaccone, H
Physics Letters B. 109(1-2)
Academic Journal
Abrams, GS; Alam, MS; Blocker, CA; Boyarski, AM; Breidenbach, M; Burke, DL; Carithers, WC; Chinowsky, W; Coles, MW; Cooper, S; Dieterle, WE; Dillon, JB; Dorenbosch, J; Dorfan, JM; Eaton, MW; Feldman, GJ; Franklin, MEB; Gidal, G; Goldhaber, G; Hanson, G; Hayes, KG; Himel, T; Hitlin, DG; Hollebeek, RJ; Innes, WR; Jaros, JA; Jenni, P; Johnson, AD; Kadyk, JA; Lnakford, AJ; Larsen, RR; Longo, MJ; Lüth, V; Millikan, RE; Nelson, ME; Pang, CY; Patrick, JF; Perl, ML; Richter, B; Roussarie, A; Russell, JJ; Scharre, DL; Schindler, RH; Schwitters, RF; Siegrist, JL; Strait, J; Taureg, H; Tonutti, M; Trilling, GH; Vella, EN; Vidal, RA; Videau, I; Weiss, JM; Zaccone, H
Physical Review Letters. 44(1)
Academic Journal
Patrick, JF; Lüth, V; Siegrist, JL; Abrams, GS; Alam, MS; Amidei, D; Bäcker, A; Blocker, CA; Blondel, A; Boyarski, AM; Breidenbach, M; Burke, DL; Carithers, WC; Chinowsky, W; Coles, MW; Cooper, S; Dieterle, WE; Dillon, JB; Dorenbosch, J; Dorfan, JM; Eaton, MW; Feldman, GJ; Franklin, MEB; Gidal, G; Gladney, L; Goldhaber, G; Golding, LJ; Hanson, G; Hayes, KG; Himel, T; Hitlin, DG; Hollebeek, RJ; Innes, WR; Jaros, JA; Jenni, P; Johnson, AD; Kadyk, JA; Lankford, AJ; Larsen, RR; LeClaire, B; Levi, M; Lockyer, N; Lohr, B; Matteuzzi, C; Millikan, RE; Nelson, ME; Pang, CY; Perl, ML; Richter, B; Roussarie, A; Schaad, T; Schellman, H; Schlatter, D; Schwitters, RF; Strait, J; Taureg, H; Tonutti, M; Trilling, GH; Vella, EN; Vidal, RA; Videau, I; von Dardel, G; Wang, Y; Weiss, JM; Werlen, M; Yelton, JM; Zaiser, C; Zaccone, H; Zhao, G
Physical Review Letters. 49(17)
Academic Journal
Abrams, GS; Alam, MS; Blocker, CA; Boyarski, AM; Breidenbach, M; Broll, CH; Burke, DL; Carithers, WC; Chinowsky, W; Coles, MW; Cooper, S; Couchman, B; Dieterle, WE; Dillon, JB; Dorenbosch, J; Dorfan, JM; Eaton, MW; Feldman, GJ; Fischer, HG; Franklin, MEB; Gidal, G; Goldhaber, G; Hanson, G; Hayes, KG; Himel, T; Hitlin, DG; Hollebeek, RJ; Innes, WR; Jaros, JA; Jenni, P; Johnson, AD; Kadyk, JA; Lankford, AJ; Larsen, RR; Lüke, D; Lüth, V; Martin, JF; Millikan, RE; Nelson, ME; Pang, CY; Patrick, JF; Perl, ML; Richter, B; Russel, JJ; Scharre, DL; Schindler, RH; Schwitters, RF; Shannon, SR; Siegrist, JL; Strait, J; Taureg, H; Telnov, VI; Tonutti, M; Trilling, GH; Vella, EN; Vidal, RA; Videau, I; Weiss, JM; Zaccone, H
Physical Review Letters. 43(7)
Academic Journal
Abrams, GS; Alam, MS; Blocker, CA; Boyarski, AM; Breidenbach, M; Burke, DL; Carithers, WC; Chinowsky, W; Coles, MW; Cooper, S; Couchman, B; Dieterle, WE; Dillon, JB; Dorenbosch, J; Dorfan, JM; Eaton, MW; Feldman, GJ; Fischer, HG; Franklin, MEB; Gidal, G; Goldhaber, G; Hanson, G; Hayes, KG; Himel, T; Hitlin, DG; Hollebeek, RJ; Innes, WR; Jaros, J; Jenni, P; Johnson, AD; Kadyk, JA; Lankford, AJ; Larsen, RR; Luth, V; Martin, JF; Millikan, RE; Nelson, ME; Pang, CY; Patrick, JF; Perl, ML; Richter, B; Scharre, DL; Schindler, RH; Schwitters, RF; Shannon, SR; Siegrist, JL; Strait, J; Taureg, H; Tonutti, M; Trilling, GH; Vella, EN; Vidal, RA; Videau, I; Weiss, JM; Zaccone, H
Physical Review Letters. 43(21)
Academic Journal
Eaton, MW; Goldhaber, G; Abrams, GS; Blocker, CA; Carithers, WC; Chinowsky, W; Coles, MW; Cooper, S; Dieterle, WE; Dillon, JB; Gidal, G; Johnson, AD; Kadyk, JA; Lankford, AJ; Levi, M; Millikan, RE; Nelson, ME; Pang, CY; Patrick, JF; Strait, J; Trilling, GH; Vella, E; Videau, I; Alam, MS; Boyarski, AM; Breidenbach, M; Burke, DL; Dorenbosch, J; Dorfan, JM; Feldman, GJ; Franklin, MEB; Hanson, G; Hayes, KG; Himel, T; Hitlin, DG; Hollebeek, RJ; Innes, WR; Jaros, JA; Jenni, P; Larsen, RR; Lüth, V; Perl, ML; Richter, B; Roussarie, A; Scharre, DL; Schindler, RH; Schwitters, RF; Siegrist, JL; Taureg, H; Tonutti, M; Vidal, RA; Weiss, JM; Zaccone, H
Physical Review D. 29(5)
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