
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 38건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
Barnes, DRSilvestri, VLeslie, GMcGuffog, LDennis, JYang, XAdlard, JAgnarsson, BAAhmed, MAittomaki, KAndrulis, ILArason, AArnold, NAuber, BAzzollini, JBalmana, JBarkardottir, RBBarrowdale, DBarwell, JBelotti, MBenitez, JBerthet, PBoonen, SEBorg, ABozsik, ABrady, AFBrennan, PBrewer, CBrunet, JBucalo, ABuys, SSCaldes, TCaligo, MACampbell, ICassingham, HChristensen, LLCini, GClaes, KBMCook, JCoppa, ACortesi, LDamante, GDarder, EDavidson, Rde la Hoya, MDe Leeneer, Kde Putter, RDel Valle, JDiez, ODing, YCDomchek, SMDonaldson, AEason, JEeles, REngel, CEvans, DGFeliubadalo, LFostira, FFrone, MFrost, DGallagher, DGehrig, AGiraud, SGlendon, GGodwin, AKGoldgar, DEGreene, MHGregory, HGross, EHahnen, EHamann, UHansen, TVOHanson, HHentschel, JHorvath, JIzatt, LIzquierdo, AJames, PAJanavicius, RJensen, UBJohannsson, OTJohn, EMKramer, GKroeldrup, LKruse, TALautrup, CLazaro, CLesueur, FLopez-Fernandez, AMai, PLManoukian, SMatrai, ZMatricardi, LMaxwell, KNMebirouk, NMeindl, AMontagna, MMonteiro, ANMorrison, PJMuranen, TAMurray, ANathanson, KLNeuhausen, SLNevanlinna, HTu, NDNiederacher, DOlah, EOlopade, OIPalli, DParsons, MTPedersen, ISPeissel, BPerez-Segura, PPeterlongo, PPetersen, AHPinto, PPorteous, MEPottinger, CPujana, MARadice, PRamser, JRantala, JRobson, MRogers, MTRonlund, KRump, Ade Abajo, AMSShah, PDSharif, SSide, LESinger, CFStadler, ZSteele, LStoppa-Lyonnet, DSutter, CTan, YYTeixeira, MRTeule, AThull, DLTischkowitz, MToland, AETommasi, SToss, ATrainer, AHTripathi, VValentini, Vvan Asperen, CJVenturelli, MViel, AVijai, JWalker, LWang-Gohrke, SWappenschmidt, BWhaite, AZanna, IOffit, KThomassen, MCouch, FJSchmutzler, RKSimard, JEaston, DFChenevix-Trench, GAntoniou, ACOttini, L
Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 114(1):109-122
Academic Journal
Barnes, DRRookus, MAMcGuffog, LLeslie, GMooij, TMDennis, JMavaddat, NAdlard, JAhmed, MAittomaki, KAndrieu, NAndrulis, ILArnold, NArun, BKAzzollini, JBalmana, JBarkardottir, RBBarrowdale, DBenitez, JBerthet, PBialkowska, KBlanco, AMBlok, MJBonanni, BBoonen, SEBorg, ABozsik, ABradbury, ARBrennan, PBrewer, CBrunet, JBuys, SSCaldes, TCaligo, MACampbell, IChristensen, LLChung, WKClaes, KBMColas, CCollonge-Rame, MACook, JDaly, MBDavidson, Rde la Hoya, Mde Putter, RDelnatte, CDevilee, PDiez, ODing, YCDomchek, SMDorfling, CMDumont, MEeles, REjlertsen, BEngel, CEvans, DGFaivre, LForetova, LFostira, FFriedlander, MFriedman, EFrost, DGanz, PAGarber, JGehrig, AGerdes, AMGesta, PGiraud, SGlendon, GGodwin, AKGoldgar, DEGonzalez-Neira, AGreene, MHGschwantler-Kaulich, DHahnen, EHamann, UHanson, HHentschel, JHogervorst, FBLHooning, MJHorvath, JHu, CLHulick, PJImyanitov, ENIsaacs, CIzatt, LIzquierdo, AJakubowska, AJames, PAJanavicius, RJohn, EMJoseph, VKarlan, BYKast, KKoudijs, MKruse, TAKwong, ALaitman, YLasset, CLazaro, CLester, JLesueur, FLiljegren, ALoud, JTLubinski, JMai, PLManoukian, SMari, VMebirouk, NMeijers-Heijboer, HEJMeindl, AMensenkamp, ARMiller, AMontagna, MMouret-Fourme, EMukherjee, SMulligan, AMNathanson, KLNeuhausen, SLNevanlinna, HNiederacher, DNielsen, FCNikitina-Zake, LNogues, COlah, EOlopade, OIOng, KRO'Shaughnessy-Kirwan, AOsorio, AOtt, CEPapi, LPark, SKParsons, MTPedersen, ISPeissel, BPeixoto, APeterlongo, PPfeiler, GPhillips, KAPrajzendanc, KPujana, MARadice, PRamser, JRamus, SJRantala, JRennert, GRisch, HARobson, MRonlund, KSalani, RSchuster, HSenter, LShah, PDSharma, PSide, LESinger, CFSlavin, TPSoucy, PSouthey, MCSpurdle, ABSteinemann, DSteinsnyder, ZStoppa-Lyonnet, DSutter, CTan, YYTeixeira, MRTeo, SHThull, DLTischkowitz, MTognazzo, SToland, AETrainer, AHTung, Nvan Engelen, Kvan Rensburg, EJVega, AVierstraete, JWagner, GWalker, LWang-Gohrke, SWappenschmidt, BWeitzel, JNYadav, SYang, XYannoukakos, DZimbalatti, DOffit, KThomassen, MCouch, FJSchmutzler, RKSimard, JEaston, DFChenevix-Trench, GAntoniou, AC
Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics. 22(11):1653-1666
Academic Journal
Rebbeck, TRFriebel, TMFriedman, EHamann, UHuo, DZKwong, AOlah, EOlopade, OISolano, ARTeo, SHThomassen, MWeitzel, JNChan, TLFergus, JGoldgar, DEKruse, TAEdenir, IPark, SKTorres, Dvan Rensburg, EJMcGuffog, LParsons, MTLeslie, GAalfs, CMAbugattas, JAdlard, JAgata, SAittomaki, KAndrews, LAndrulis, ILArason, AArnold, NArun, BKAsseryanis, EAuerbach, LAzzollini, JBalmana, JBarile, MBarkardottir, RBBarrowdale, DBenitez, JBerger, ABerger, RBlanco, AMBlazer, KRBlok, MJBonadona, VBonanni, BBradbury, ARBrewer, CBuecher, BBuys, SSCaldes, TCaliebe, ACaligo, MACampbell, ICaputo, SMChiquette, JChung, WKClaes, KBMCollee, JMCook, JDavidson, Rde la Hoya, MDe Leeneer, Kde Pauw, ADelnatte, CDiez, ODing, YCDitsch, NDomchek, SDorfling, CMVelazquez, CDworniczak, BEason, JEaston, DFEeles, REhrencrona, HEjlertsen, BEngel, CEngert, SEvans, DGFaivre, LFeliubadalo, LFerrer, SFForetova, LFowler, JFrost, DGalvao, HCRGanz, PAGarber, JGauthier-Villars, MGehrig, AGerdes, AMGesta, PGiannini, GGiraud, SGlendon, GGodwin, AKGreene, MHGronwald, JGutierrez-Barrera, AHahnen, EHauke, JHenderson, AHentschel, JHogervorst, FBLHonisch, EImyanitov, ENIsaacs, CIzatt, LIzquierdo, AJakubowska, AJames, PJanavicius, RJensen, UBJohn, EMVijai, JKaczmarek, KKarlan, BYKast, KKim, SWKonstantopoulou, IKorach, JLaitman, YLasa, ALasset, CLazaro, CLee, ALee, MHLester, JLesueur, FLiljegren, ALindor, NMLongy, MLoud, JTLu, KHLubinski, JMachackova, EManoukian, SMari, VMartinez-Bouzas, CMatrai, ZMebirouk, NMeijers-Heijboer, HEJMeindl, AMensenkamp, ARMickys, UMiller, AMontagna, MMoysich, KBMulligan, AMMusinsky, JNeuhausen, SLNevanlinna, HNgeow, JNguyen, HPNiederacher, DNielsen, HRNielsen, FCNussbaum, RLOffit, KOfverholm, AOng, KROsorio, APapi, LPapp, JPasini, BPedersen, ISPeixoto, APeruga, NPeterlongo, PPohl, EPradhan, NPrajzendanc, KPrieur, FPujol, PRadice, PRamus, SJRantala, JRashid, MURhiem, KRobson, MRodriguez, GCRogers, MTRudaitis, VSchmidt, AYSchmutzler, RKSenter, LShah, PDSharma, PSide, LESimard, JSinger, CFSkytte, ABSlavin, TPSnape, KSobol, HSouthey, MSteele, LSteinemann, DSukiennicki, GSutter, CSzabo, CITan, YYTeixeira, MRTerry, MBTeule, AThomas, AThull, DLTischkowitz, MTognazzo, SToland, AETopka, STrainer, AHTung, Nvan Asperen, CJvan der Hout, AHvan der Kolk, LEvan der Luijt, RBVan Heetvelde, MVaresco, LVaron-Mateeva, RVega, AVillarreal-Garza, Cvon Wachenfeldt, AWalker, LWang-Gohrke, SWappenschmidt, BWeber, BHFYannoukakos, DYoon, SYZanzottera, CZidan, JZorn, KKSelkirk, CGHHulick, PJChenevix-Trench, GSpurdle, ABAntoniou, ACNathanson, KL
Human mutation. 39(5):593-620
Academic Journal
Hakkaart, CPearson, JFMarquart, LDennis, JWiggins, GARBarnes, DRRobinson, BAMace, PDAittomaki, KAndrulis, ILArun, BKAzzollini, JBalmana, JBarkardottir, RBBelhadj, SBerger, LBlok, MJBoonen, SEBorde, JBradbury, ARBrunet, JBuys, SSCaligo, MACampbell, IChung, WKClaes, KBMCollonge-Rame, MACook, JCosgrove, CCouch, FJDaly, MBDandiker, SDavidson, Rde la Hoya, Mde Putter, RDelnatte, CDhawan, MDiez, ODing, YCDomchek, SMDonaldson, AEason, JEaston, DFEhrencrona, HEngel, CEvans, DGFaust, UFeliubadalo, LFostira, FFriedman, EFrone, MFrost, DGarber, JGayther, SAGehrig, AGesta, PGodwin, AKGoldgar, DEGreene, MHHahnen, EHake, CRHamann, UHansen, TVOHauke, JHentschel, JHerold, NHonisch, EHulick, PJImyanitov, ENIsaacs, CIzatt, LIzquierdo, AJakubowska, AJames, PAJanavicius, RJohn, EMJoseph, VKarlan, BYKemp, ZKirk, JKonstantopoulou, IKoudijs, MKwong, ALaitman, YLalloo, FLasset, CLautrup, CLazaro, CLegrand, CLeslie, GLesueur, FMai, PLManoukian, SMari, VMartens, JWMMcGuffog, LMebirouk, NMeindl, AMiller, AMontagna, MMoserle, LMouret-Fourme, EMusgrave, HNambot, SNathanson, KLNeuhausen, SLNevanlinna, HYie, JNYNguyen-Dumont, TNikitina-Zake, LOffit, KOlah, EOlopade, OIOsorio, AOtt, CEPark, SKParsons, MTPedersen, ISPeixoto, APerez-Segura, PPeterlongo, PPocza, TRadice, PRamser, JRantala, JRodriguez, GCRonlund, KRosenberg, EHRossing, MSchmutzler, RKShah, PYDSharif, SSharma, PSide, LESimard, JSinger, CFSnape, KSteinemann, DStoppa-Lyonnet, DSutter, CTan, YYTeixeira, MRTeo, SHThomassen, MThull, DLTischkowitz, MToland, AETrainer, AHTripathi, VTung, NAvan Engelen, Kvan Rensburg, EJVega, AViel, AWalker, LWeitzel, JNWevers, MRChenevix-Trench, GSpurdle, ABAntoniou, ACWalker, LC
Communications biology. 5(1):1061
Academic Journal
Ferreira, MAGamazon, ERAl-Ejeh, FAittomaki, KAndrulis, ILAnton-Culver, HArason, AArndt, VAronson, KJArun, BKAsseryanis, EAzzollini, JBalmana, JBarnes, DRBarrowdale, DBeckmann, MWBehrens, SBenitez, JBermisheva, MBialkowska, KBlomqvist, CBogdanova, NBojesen, SEBolla, MKBorg, ABrauch, HBrenner, HBroeks, ABurwinkel, BCaldes, TCaligo, MACampa, DCampbell, ICanzian, FCarter, JCarter, BDCastelao, JEChang-Claude, JChanock, SJChristiansen, HChung, WKClaes, KBMClarke, CLCouch, FJCox, ACross, SSCzene, KDaly, MBde la Hoya, MDennis, JDevilee, PDiez, ODork, TDunning, AMDwek, MEccles, DMEjlertsen, BEllberg, CEngel, CEriksson, MFasching, PAFletcher, OFlyger, HFriedman, EFrost, DGabrielson, MGago-Dominguez, MGanz, PAGapstur, SMGarber, JGarcia-Closas, MGarcia-Saenz, JAGaudet, MMGiles, GGGlendon, GGodwin, AKGoldberg, MSGoldgar, DEGonzalez-Neira, AGreene, MHGronwald, JGuenel, PHaiman, CAHall, PHamann, UHe, WHeyworth, JHogervorst, FBLHollestelle, AHoover, RNHopper, JLHulick, PJHumphreys, KImyanitov, ENIsaacs, CJakimovska, MJakubowska, AJames, PAJanavicius, RJankowitz, RCJohn, EMJohnson, NJoseph, VKarlan, BYKhusnutdinova, EKiiski, JKo, YDJones, MEKonstantopoulou, IKristensen, VNLaitman, YLambrechts, DLazaro, CLeslie, GLester, JLesueur, FLindstrom, SLong, JRLoud, JTLubinski, JMakalic, EMannermaa, AManoochehri, MMargolin, SMaurer, TMavroudis, DMcGuffog, LMeindl, AMenon, UMichailidou, KMiller, AMontagna, MMoreno, FMoserle, LMulligan, AMNathanson, KLNeuhausen, SLNevanlinna, HNevelsteen, INielsen, FCNikitina-Zake, LNussbaum, RLOffit, KOlah, EOlopade, OOlsson, HOsorio, APapp, JPark-Simon, TWParsons, MTPedersen, ISPeixoto, APeterlongo, PPharoah, PDPPlaseska-Karanfilska, DPoppe, BPresneau, NRadice, PRantala, JRennert, GRisch, HASaloustros, ESanden, KSawyer, EJSchmidt, MKSchmutzler, RKSharma, PShu, XOSimard, JSinger, CFSoucy, PSouthey, MCSpinelli, JJSpurdle, ABStone, JSwerdlow, AJTapper, WJTaylor, JATeixeira, MRTerry, MBTeule, AThomassen, MThone, KThull, DLTischkowitz, MToland, AETorres, DTruong, TTung, NVachon, CMvan Asperen, CJvan den Ouweland, AMWvan Rensburg, EJVega, AViel, AWang, QWappenschmidt, BWeitzel, JNWendt, CWinqvist, RYang, XHRYannoukakos, DZiogas, AKraft, PAntoniou, ACZheng, WEaston, DFMilne, RLBeesley, JChenevix-Trench, GArnold, NAuber, BBogdanova-Markov, NBorde, JCaliebe, ADitsch, NDworniczak, BEngert, SFaust, UGehrig, AHahnen, EHauke, JHentschel, JHerold, NHonisch, EJust, WKast, KLarsen, MLemke, JNguyen, HPNiederacher, DOtt, CEPlatzer, KPohl-Rescigno, ERamser, JRhiem, KSteinemann, DSutter, CVaron-Mateeva, RWang-Gohrke, SWeber, BHFPrieur, FPujol, PSagne, CSevenet, NSobol, HSokolowska, JStoppa-Lyonnet, DVenat-Bouvet, LAdlard, JAhmed, MBarwell, JBrady, ABrewer, CCook, JDavidson, RDonaldson, AEason, JEeles, REvans, DGGregory, HHanson, HHenderson, AHodgson, SIzatt, LKennedy, MJLalloo, FMiller, CMorrison, PJOng, KRPerkins, JPorteous, MERogers, MTSide, LESnape, KWalker, LHarrington, PAHeemskerk-Gerritsen, BAMRookus, MASeynaeve, CMvan der Baan, FHvan der Hout, AHvan der Kolk, LEvan der Luijt, RBvan Deurzen, CHMvan Doorn, HCvan Engelen, Kvan Hest, Lvan Os, TAMVerhoef, SVogel, MJWijnen, JTMiron, AKapuscinski, MBane, ARoss, EBuys, SSConner, TABalleine, RBaxter, RBraye, SCarpenter, JDahlstrom, JForbes, JLee, SCMarsh, DMorey, APathmanathan, NSimpson, PSpigelman, AWilcken, NYip, D
Nature communications. 10(1):1741
Academic Journal
Beijert IJ; Department of Surgical Oncology (Urology), Netherlands Cancer Institute-Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Plesmanlaan 121, 1066 CX, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Urology, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Hentschel AE; Department of Surgical Oncology (Urology), Netherlands Cancer Institute-Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Plesmanlaan 121, 1066 CX, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Urology, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Bründl J; Urology, Caritas St. Josef Medical Center, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany.; Compérat EM; European Association of Urology, Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands.; Pathology, Tenon Hospital, AP-HP, Sorbonne University, Paris, France.; Plass K; European Association of Urology, Guidelines Office Board, Arnhem, The Netherlands.; Rodríguez O; Urology, Fundacio Puigvert, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.; Subiela Henríquez JD; Urology, Fundacio Puigvert, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.; Hernández V; European Association of Urology, Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands.; Urology, Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón, Madrid, Spain.; de la Peña E; Urology, Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón, Madrid, Spain.; Alemany I; Pathology, Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón, Madrid, Spain.; Turturica D; Urology, Città della Salute e della Scienza, University of Torino School of Medicine, Turin, Italy.; Pisano F; Urology, Fundacio Puigvert, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.; Urology, Città della Salute e della Scienza, University of Torino School of Medicine, Turin, Italy.; Soria F; Urology, Città della Salute e della Scienza, University of Torino School of Medicine, Turin, Italy.; Čapoun O; European Association of Urology, Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands.; Urology, General Teaching Hospital and 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Praha, Prague, Czech Republic.; Bauerová L; Pathology, General Teaching Hospital and 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Praha, Prague, Czech Republic.; Pešl M; Urology, General Teaching Hospital and 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Praha, Prague, Czech Republic.; Bruins HM; European Association of Urology, Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands.; Urology, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.; Urology, Zuyderland Medical Center, Sittard/Heerlen, The Netherlands.; Runneboom W; Pathology, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.; Herdegen S; Urology, Caritas St. Josef Medical Center, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany.; Breyer J; Urology, Caritas St. Josef Medical Center, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany.; Brisuda A; Urology, Teaching Hospital Motol and 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Praha, Prague, Czech Republic.; Calatrava A; Pathology, Fundación Instituto Valenciano de Oncología (I.V.O.), Valencia, Spain.; Rubio-Briones J; Urology, Fundación Instituto Valenciano de Oncología (I.V.O.), Valencia, Spain.; Seles M; Urology, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria.; Mannweiler S; Pathology, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria.; Bosschieter J; Urology, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Kusuma VRM; Urology, The Stokes Centre for Urology, Royal Surrey Hospital, Guildford, UK.; Ashabere D; Urology, The Stokes Centre for Urology, Royal Surrey Hospital, Guildford, UK.; Huebner N; Urology, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Medical University Vienna, Vienna General Hospital, Vienna, Austria.; Cotte J; Urology, Pitié Salpétrière Hospital, AP-HP, GRC no 5, ONCOTYPE-URO, Sorbonne University, 75013, Paris, France.; Contieri R; Department of Surgical Oncology (Urology), Netherlands Cancer Institute-Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Plesmanlaan 121, 1066 CX, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Mertens LS; Department of Surgical Oncology (Urology), Netherlands Cancer Institute-Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Plesmanlaan 121, 1066 CX, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Claps F; Department of Surgical Oncology (Urology), Netherlands Cancer Institute-Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Plesmanlaan 121, 1066 CX, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Masson-Lecomte A; European Association of Urology, Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands.; Liedberg F; European Association of Urology, Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands.; Cohen D; European Association of Urology, Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands.; Urology, Royal Free London-NHS Foundation Trust, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK.; Lunelli L; Urology, Tenon Hospital, AP-HP, Sorbonne University, Paris, France.; Cussenot O; Urology, Tenon Hospital, AP-HP, Sorbonne University, Paris, France.; El Sheikh S; Pathology, Royal Free London-NHS Foundation Trust, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK.; Volanis D; Urology, Royal Free London-NHS Foundation Trust, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK.; Côté JF; Pathology, Pierre et Marie Curie Medical School, Pitié Salpétrière Hospital, AP-HP, Sorbonne University, Paris, France.; Rouprêt M; European Association of Urology, Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands.; Urology, Pitié Salpétrière Hospital, AP-HP, GRC no 5, ONCOTYPE-URO, Sorbonne University, 75013, Paris, France.; Haitel A; Pathology, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Medical University Vienna, Vienna General Hospital, Vienna, Austria.; Shariat SF; European Association of Urology, Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands.; Urology, Teaching Hospital Motol and 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Praha, Prague, Czech Republic.; Urology, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Medical University Vienna, Vienna General Hospital, Vienna, Austria.; Mostafid AH; European Association of Urology, Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands.; Urology, The Stokes Centre for Urology, Royal Surrey Hospital, Guildford, UK.; Nieuwenhuijzen JA; Urology, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Zigeuner R; European Association of Urology, Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands.; Urology, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria.; Dominguez-Escrig JL; European Association of Urology, Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands.; Urology, Fundación Instituto Valenciano de Oncología (I.V.O.), Valencia, Spain.; Hacek J; Pathology, Teaching Hospital Motol and 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Praha, Prague, Czech Republic.; Zlotta AR; Surgical Oncology (Urology), University Health Network, Princess Margaret Cancer Center, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.; Burger M; Urology, Caritas St. Josef Medical Center, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany.; European Association of Urology, Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands.; Evert M; Pathology, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany.; Hulsbergen-van de Kaa CA; Pathology, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.; van der Heijden AG; Urology, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.; Kiemeney LALM; Health Evidence and Urology, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.; Soukup V; European Association of Urology, Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands.; Urology, General Teaching Hospital and 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Praha, Prague, Czech Republic.; Molinaro L; Pathology, Città della Salute e della Scienza, University of Torino School of Medicine, Turin, Italy.; Gontero P; European Association of Urology, Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands.; Urology, Città della Salute e della Scienza, University of Torino School of Medicine, Turin, Italy.; Llorente C; Urology, Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón, Madrid, Spain.; Algaba F; Pathology, Fundacio Puigvert, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.; Palou J; European Association of Urology, Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands.; Urology, Fundacio Puigvert, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.; N'Dow J; European Association of Urology, Guidelines Office Board, Arnhem, The Netherlands.; Ribal MJ; European Association of Urology, Guidelines Office Board, Arnhem, The Netherlands.; van der Kwast TH; Laboratory Medicine Program, University Health Network, Princess Margaret Cancer Center, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.; Babjuk M; European Association of Urology, Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands.; Urology, Teaching Hospital Motol and 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Praha, Prague, Czech Republic.; Urology, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Medical University Vienna, Vienna General Hospital, Vienna, Austria.; Sylvester RJ; European Association of Urology, Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands.; van Rhijn BWG; Department of Surgical Oncology (Urology), Netherlands Cancer Institute-Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Plesmanlaan 121, 1066 CX, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. b.v.rhijn@nki.nl.; Urology, Caritas St. Josef Medical Center, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany. b.v.rhijn@nki.nl.; European Association of Urology, Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands. b.v.rhijn@nki.nl.; Surgical Oncology (Urology), University Health Network, Princess Margaret Cancer Center, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. b.v.rhijn@nki.nl.
Publisher: Springer Country of Publication: Netherlands NLM ID: 0262521 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1573-2584 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 03011623 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Int Urol Nephrol Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
van der Pol Y; Pathology, Amsterdam UMC Location Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Cancer Center Amsterdam, Imaging and Biomarkers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Tantyo NA; Pathology, Amsterdam UMC Location Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Cancer Center Amsterdam, Imaging and Biomarkers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Evander N; Pathology, Amsterdam UMC Location Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Cancer Center Amsterdam, Imaging and Biomarkers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Hentschel AE; Pathology, Amsterdam UMC Location Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Urology, Amsterdam UMC Location Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Wever BM; Pathology, Amsterdam UMC Location Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Cancer Center Amsterdam, Imaging and Biomarkers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Ramaker J; Pathology, Amsterdam UMC Location Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Cancer Center Amsterdam, Imaging and Biomarkers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Bootsma S; Amsterdam UMC Location University of Amsterdam, Center for Experimental and Molecular Medicine, Laboratory for Experimental Oncology and Radiobiology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Cancer Center Amsterdam, Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Oncode Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Fransen MF; Cancer Center Amsterdam, Imaging and Biomarkers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Pulmonology, Amsterdam UMC Location Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Lenos KJ; Amsterdam UMC Location University of Amsterdam, Center for Experimental and Molecular Medicine, Laboratory for Experimental Oncology and Radiobiology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Cancer Center Amsterdam, Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Oncode Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Vermeulen L; Amsterdam UMC Location University of Amsterdam, Center for Experimental and Molecular Medicine, Laboratory for Experimental Oncology and Radiobiology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Cancer Center Amsterdam, Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Oncode Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Schneiders FL; Cancer Center Amsterdam, Imaging and Biomarkers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Pulmonology, Amsterdam UMC Location Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Bahce I; Cancer Center Amsterdam, Imaging and Biomarkers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Pulmonology, Amsterdam UMC Location Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Nieuwenhuijzen JA; Cancer Center Amsterdam, Imaging and Biomarkers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Urology, Amsterdam UMC Location Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Steenbergen RD; Pathology, Amsterdam UMC Location Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Cancer Center Amsterdam, Imaging and Biomarkers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Pegtel DM; Pathology, Amsterdam UMC Location Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Cancer Center Amsterdam, Imaging and Biomarkers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Moldovan N; Pathology, Amsterdam UMC Location Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Cancer Center Amsterdam, Imaging and Biomarkers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Mouliere F; Pathology, Amsterdam UMC Location Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Cancer Center Amsterdam, Imaging and Biomarkers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 101487380 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1757-4684 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 17574676 NLM ISO Abbreviation: EMBO Mol Med Subsets: MEDLINE
Sylvester RJ; European Association of Urology Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands. Electronic address: richard.sylvester@skynet.be.; Rodríguez O; Department of Urology, Fundacio Puigvert, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.; Hernández V; European Association of Urology Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands; Department of Urology, Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón, Madrid, Spain.; Turturica D; Department of Urology, Città della Salute e della Scienza, University of Torino School of Medicine, Torino, Italy.; Bauerová L; Department of Pathology, General Teaching Hospital and 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Praha, Prague, Czech Republic.; Max Bruins H; European Association of Urology Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands; Department of Urology, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.; Bründl J; Department of Urology, Caritas St. Josef Medical Center, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany.; van der Kwast TH; Laboratory Medicine Program, University Health Network, Princess Margaret Cancer Center, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.; Brisuda A; Department of Urology, Teaching Hospital Motol and 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Praha, Prague, Czech Republic.; Rubio-Briones J; Department of Urology, Fundación Instituto Valenciano de Oncología, Valencia, Spain.; Seles M; Department of Urology, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria.; Hentschel AE; Department of Urology, Amsterdam University Medical Center, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Department of Surgical Oncology (Urology), Netherlands Cancer Institute, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Kusuma VRM; Department of Urology, The Stokes Centre for Urology, Royal Surrey Hospital, Guildford, UK.; Huebner N; Department of Urology, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Medical University Vienna, Vienna General Hospital, Vienna, Austria.; Cotte J; Department of Urology, Pitié Salpétrière Hospital, AP-HP, Sorbonne University, Paris, France.; Mertens LS; Department of Surgical Oncology (Urology), Netherlands Cancer Institute, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Volanis D; Department of Urology, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK.; Cussenot O; Department of Urology, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK.; Subiela Henríquez JD; Department of Urology, Fundacio Puigvert, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.; de la Peña E; Department of Urology, Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón, Madrid, Spain.; Pisano F; Department of Urology, Fundacio Puigvert, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; Department of Urology, Città della Salute e della Scienza, University of Torino School of Medicine, Torino, Italy.; Pešl M; Department of Urology, General Teaching Hospital and 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Praha, Prague, Czech Republic.; van der Heijden AG; Department of Urology, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.; Herdegen S; Department of Urology, Caritas St. Josef Medical Center, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany.; Zlotta AR; Department of Surgical Oncology (Urology), University Health Network, Princess Margaret Cancer Center, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.; Hacek J; Department of Pathology, Teaching Hospital Motol and 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Praha, Prague, Czech Republic.; Calatrava A; Department of Pathology, Fundación Instituto Valenciano de Oncología, Valencia, Spain.; Mannweiler S; Department of Pathology, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria.; Bosschieter J; Department of Urology, Amsterdam University Medical Center, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Ashabere D; Department of Urology, The Stokes Centre for Urology, Royal Surrey Hospital, Guildford, UK.; Haitel A; Department of Pathology, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Medical University Vienna, Vienna General Hospital, Vienna, Austria.; Côté JF; Department of Pathology, Pitié Salpétrière Hospital, AP-HP, Pierre et Marie Curie Medical School, Sorbonne University, Paris, France.; El Sheikh S; Department of Pathology, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK.; Lunelli L; Department of Urology, Tenon Hospital, AP-HP, Sorbonne University, Paris, France.; Algaba F; Department of Pathology, Fundacio Puigvert, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.; Alemany I; Department of Pathology, Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón, Madrid, Spain.; Soria F; Department of Urology, Città della Salute e della Scienza, University of Torino School of Medicine, Torino, Italy.; Runneboom W; Department of Pathology, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.; Breyer J; Department of Urology, Caritas St. Josef Medical Center, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany.; Nieuwenhuijzen JA; Department of Urology, Amsterdam University Medical Center, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.; Llorente C; Department of Urology, Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón, Madrid, Spain.; Molinaro L; Department of Pathology, Città della Salute e della Scienza, University of Torino School of Medicine, Torino, Italy.; Hulsbergen-van de Kaa CA; Department of Pathology, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.; Evert M; Department of Pathology, Caritas St. Josef Medical Center, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany.; Kiemeney LALM; Department of Health Evidence, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.; N'Dow J; European Association of Urology Guidelines Office, Arnhem, The Netherlands.; Plass K; European Association of Urology Guidelines Office, Arnhem, The Netherlands.; Čapoun O; European Association of Urology Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands; Department of Urology, General Teaching Hospital and 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Praha, Prague, Czech Republic.; Soukup V; European Association of Urology Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands; Department of Urology, General Teaching Hospital and 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Praha, Prague, Czech Republic.; Dominguez-Escrig JL; European Association of Urology Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands; Department of Urology, Fundación Instituto Valenciano de Oncología, Valencia, Spain.; Cohen D; European Association of Urology Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands; Department of Urology, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK.; Palou J; European Association of Urology Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands; Department of Urology, Fundacio Puigvert, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.; Gontero P; European Association of Urology Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands; Department of Urology, Città della Salute e della Scienza, University of Torino School of Medicine, Torino, Italy.; Burger M; European Association of Urology Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands; Department of Urology, Caritas St. Josef Medical Center, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany.; Zigeuner R; European Association of Urology Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands; Department of Urology, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria.; Mostafid AH; European Association of Urology Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands; Department of Urology, The Stokes Centre for Urology, Royal Surrey Hospital, Guildford, UK.; Shariat SF; European Association of Urology Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands; Department of Urology, Teaching Hospital Motol and 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Praha, Prague, Czech Republic; Department of Urology, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Medical University Vienna, Vienna General Hospital, Vienna, Austria.; Rouprêt M; European Association of Urology Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands; Department of Urology, Pitié Salpétrière Hospital, AP-HP, Sorbonne University, Paris, France.; Compérat EM; European Association of Urology Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands; Department of Pathology, Tenon Hospital, AP-HP, Sorbonne University, Paris, France.; Babjuk M; European Association of Urology Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands; Department of Urology, Teaching Hospital Motol and 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Praha, Prague, Czech Republic; Department of Urology, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Medical University Vienna, Vienna General Hospital, Vienna, Austria.; van Rhijn BWG; European Association of Urology Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel, Arnhem, The Netherlands; Department of Urology, Caritas St. Josef Medical Center, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany; Department of Surgical Oncology (Urology), Netherlands Cancer Institute, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Department of Surgical Oncology (Urology), University Health Network, Princess Margaret Cancer Center, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
Publisher: Elsevier Science Country of Publication: Switzerland NLM ID: 7512719 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1873-7560 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 03022838 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Eur Urol Subsets: PubMed not MEDLINE; MEDLINE
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