
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 25건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
In: Journal of High Energy Physics. (Journal of High Energy Physics, May 2024, 2024(5))
Academic Journal
In: Environment, Development and Sustainability. (Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2024)
Academic Journal
Potter, T.Cronin, J.N.Nurmi, E.Wong, D.J.N.Ahmad, I.El-Boghdadly, K.Kua, J.Cook, T.M.Abberton, T.Abdelaziz, A.Addy, M.Aduse-Poku, M.Afifi, M.Afzal, A.Ahmad, A.Ahmad, H.Ainsworth, J.Alexander, R.Ali, Y.Allen, C.Aly, H.Amer, S.Anderson, C.Andorka, M.Applegate, R.Armstrong, M.Ashiru, G.Ashton, L.Aspinall, M.Aulakh, A.Avery, B.Aziz, R.Azize, M.Babits, A.Bailes, J.Baker, C.Baker-Beal, L.Bang, J.H.Barker, O.Barnes, J.Barrett, V.Bartlett, A.Baxter, B.Bayliss, E.Beattie, R.Bedwell, T.Begbey, A.Bennett, A.Berg, J.Beverley, S.Bewley, J.Bhatia, K.Bhatti, R.Bhudia, N.Bishop, N.Bloomfield, S.Blundell, N.Boampomaa, M.Boles, S.Bolton, G.Boney, O.Bose, S.Bottomley, T.Bower, J.Bowes, K.Bradford, J.Brady, W.Brathwaite-Shirley, C.Brookes, J.Brown, A.Brown, J.Bukowska, I.Burden, A.Burke, O.Burr, J.Burrows, M.Burton, M.Butcher, A.Cain, H.Calabria, C.Caldow, D.Carley-Smith, A.Carnaby-Bull, G.Carter, H.Carter, J.P.Carver, A.Carver, J.Casey, J.Cassin-Scott, R.Castle, D.Celnik, D.Chaddock, C.Chalmers, L.Chan, L.Chan, T.Chatburn, A.Chauhan, N.Chisti, K.Chockalingam, P.Chowdhury, R.Church, J.Clark, A.Coady, G.Cochran, D.Cohen, J.Collet, P.Collett, P.Colter, P.Conti, J.Cook, T.Cooper, M.Cope, E.Cope, T.Coppack, K.Coulton, M.Crabtree, S.Craven, R.Crockett, B.Cromarty, E.Cronin, J.Cunnane, S.Cushley, C.Dalmonte, E.Datta, P.Daum, P.Davenport, T.Davies, C.Davies, J.Davies, T.Davies, T.Davies, V.De Silva, A.Derry, C.Desbruslais, S.Dhuna, S.Docking, R.Dolan, S.Don, O.Donohue, A.Dow, O.Dowse, C.Dykes, B.Eardley, J.Eardley, M.Edgeley, R.Efthymiou, P.Ekambaram, R.El otmani, W.Elfaioumy, A.Elkhawad, A.Ellimah, T.Elwkhiee, M.Emms, T.Eshelby, S.Estrada, M.Evans, E.Exley, J.Falkner, P.Feddon, J.Fedorova, D.Fenner, T.Fisher, J.Fisher, J.Flower, L.Folley, R.Foreman, S.Foster, C.Fox, J.Foxwell, K.Froud, O.Fullbrook, A.Gagrani, V.Gallaher, J.Gallop, F.Gambino, G.Ganesan, C.Gauntlett, L.George, D.George, D.Georgiou, C.Ghosh, P.Gilfedder, A.Gill, N.Gillan, C.Glarbo, S.Glover, I.Goodman, J.Goodman, J.Gosal, A.Graham, A.Grant, A.Gray, J.Greener, D.Greenlee, H.Greenshields, N.Griffiths, M.Grimes, R.Gui, J.Gullis, A.Gupta, A.Gupta, S.Hadfield, J.Halford, P.Hall, T.Hammon, L.Hardern, K.Harding, K.Hare, A.Harman, W.Haroon-Mowahed, Y.Harper, J.Harris, J.Harrison, C.M.Harrogate, S.Harrold, R.Harrold, R.Harvey, N.Harvey, R.Hassan, A.Hassani, M.Hassan-Reshat, S.Haththotuwegama, A.Hattaway, M.Hawes, R.Hawkins, T.He, J.Heaton, T.Henderson, K.Heselden, E.Heward, S.Hinds, F.Hirst, J.Hobbiger, E.Hodgetts, J.Hodrali, N.Hogan, N.Hollis-Smith, S.Hollway, S.Honstvet, C.Hossack, D.Howes, B.Howes, H.Howey, S.Htyn, M.Hu, K.Huckle, D.Hughes, C.Hughes, D.Hughes, R.Hughes, R.Hughes, T.Humphry, E.Hurug, C.Hussain, T.Huszka, H.Huws, E.Iliff, H.A.Irfan, M.Jackson, E.Jackson, K.Jackson, M.Jacobs, E.Jain, P.Jamadarkhana, S.Jambunathan, V.Jani, P.Jesani, L.Jester, N.Jones, A.Jones, B.Jones, R.Jones, R.Jones, S.Jones, W.Joshi, N.Joyce, M.Kafle-Nath, S.Kakad, S.Kamaraj, K.Kangesan, I.Karlicka, D.Kaur, L.Kaye, D.Kelly, K.Kenesey, K.Kent, S.Kerr, M.Keshvara, K.Khalil, J.Khan-Perez, J.Kidd, E.Kirby, J.Kirschen, T.Ko, S.Kubisz-Pudelko, A.Kulikouskaya, S.Kumaran, G.Lakhani, A.Lalabekyan, B.Lee, A.R.Lee, T.Lewis, M.Lewsey, R.Li, A.Liddicoat, P.Lie, J.Lignos, L.Lim, D.Lindberg, E.Lindskog, J.Littler, C.Liu, B.Loka, T.Lotlikar, A.Lyons, M.MacCarrick, T.Macnaughton, K.MacTaggart, J.Mactier, I.Madden, M.Maese, S.Magnano Di San Lio, S.Mahalingam, G.Majeed, S.Mak, K.Makepeace, J.Malik, Z.Manalayil, J.Mangham, T.Markes, R.Marriott, H.Massa, T.Mawondo, K.May, S.McAndrew, K.McGreneghan, E.McGuckin, D.McGuire, B.McIndoe, A.McKavanagh, E.McKechnie, A.Mcphail, S.Mcpherson, K.Mctighe, A.Mee, C.Meeks, D.Mehrotra, S.Mehta, U.Mehta, R.Menon, A.Meredith, R.Merris, S.Mew, E.Middleditch, A.Milward, J.Min, J.Y.Misquita, L.Mitchard, M.Mitra, S.Moffitt, P.Mohite, S.Molloy, P.Molyneux, M.Molyneux, S.Moncrieff, G.Moore, S.Moore, T.Morgan, R.Morgan, S.Morgan, T.Morley, O.Morris, B.Morrison, S.Mount, M.Moxon, H.Muddanna, A.Murphy, E.Murphy, E.Murphy, R.Muschik, S.Mushonga, K.L.Nagarajan, V.Nassar, H.Natarajan, S.Nepal, K.Newton, T.Nimaiyar, H.Nixon, A.Noble Johnston, J.Nolan, L.O'Doherty, J.Oakey, M.O'Doherty, J.O'Donnell, A.O'Donnell, L.O'Higgins, F.Oldham, T.O'Mahony, H.Onyemuchara, I.Orme, R.Ormerod, V.Osagie, O.Osborne, L.Osborne, S.Osicki, T.Otto, Q.Overend, J.Padman, D.Park, N.Parrott, N.Patchell, I.Patel, J.Patel, M.Patel, N.Patel, R.Patterson, G.Patwardhan, P.Paul, G.Peakall, L.Peiris, C.Pemberton, V.Perella, P.Perry, D.Phull, M.Pickles, E.Pickworth, S.Picton, G.Pitts, W.Poncia, J.Pookayil, S.Poulter, S.Powell, E.Powell, J.Powell, L.Powell, L.Pramanik, I.Prasad, P.Preston, N.Prince, B.Puranik, S.Qaiser, A.Quintela, E.Qureshi, E.Radwan, M.Rae, O.Raeside, N.Rai, B.Raja, J.Rajab, S.Rajapaksa, D.Rajendram, J.Rajput, Z.Ramesh, A.Range, C.Rashwan, A.Read, M.Reddy, A.Reddy, H.Reed, S.Rees, G.Rehill, H.Reid, K.Reynolds, H.Riddell, N.Riley, F.Rimmer, A.Rivers, J.Roach, M.Roberts, A.Robson, M.Rodgers, G.Rogers, P.Rowley, H.Ruscitto, A.Sadeghi, A.Sahni, A.Sakathevan, J.Salim, F.Salman, R.Salwey, O.Samways, A.Samwel, P.Sandrasegaram, N.Sanganee, U.Sasi, B.Satti, S.Saud Khan, M.Saunders, M.Saward, S.Schneider, N.Schutzer-Weissmann, J.Schwiebert, C.Scott, E.Sell, C.Servante, A.Sethi, R.Shah, S.Sharif, B.Sharma, A.Shaw, D.Shawaf, S.Sheikh, M.Y.Shen, Y.Shepherd, A.Sheriff, N.Shinner, B.J.Shipway, T.Short, A.Simpson, A.Simpson, B.Singh, A.Singh, A.Singh, M.Singh, M.Sinnott, M.Skidmore, K.Slattery, J.Slavova, I.Smee, E.Smith, A.Smith, D.Smith, T.Snell, T.Sonde, O.Souleimanova, I.Southern, J.Spencer, L.Spiking, J.Spilsbury, Z.Spiro, R.Squire, Y.Sriharan, S.Stabler, R.Stacey, L.Stagg, K.Stark, A.Stenning-Smith, P.Stevenson, S.Storey, M.Sturrock, D.Sudan, S.Summons, G.Swann, P.Sykes, P.Symonds, B.Szakmany, T.Tadikamalla, S.Takacs, R.Tate, S.Taylor, I.Teasdale, F.Temperton, A.Tham, S.Thammaiah, Y.Thomas, A.Thomas, O.Thomas, S.Thompson, E.Thurairatnam, R.Tian, S.Timoney, R.Titterington, M.Todhunter, S.Tomkins, S.Tomlins, S.Townsend, R.Trisolini Longobardi, G.Trivedi, V.Tung, W.S.Vaghani, J.Vaghani, S.Van Oss, R.Van-Hien, A.Vaghani, V.Vere, R.Vetuz, G.Vincent, J.Vinnakota, K.Violaris, A.Vitarana, R.Walker, B.Walker, S.Walton, A.Wanigabadu, L.Ward, W.Watson, J.R.Watts, E.Whitehead, N.Wickramasuriya, T.Williams, A.Williams, N.Williams, S.Williams, B.Wilson, A.Wilson, H.Wilson, I.Wilson, P.Wilson, R.Wilson-Evans, A.Winstanley, M.Winton, A.Wong, G.Wong, R.Wood, A.Wood, R.Woodford, C.Woodward, A.Woolf, R.Worthington, H.Wreglesworth, L.Wylie, M.Yates, R.Yearwood, A.Yeow, D.Yoon, S.Younie, S.Yuen, W.Zalkapli, N.Zhang, S.Zilkha, J.
In: Anaesthesia. (Anaesthesia, January 2023, 78(1):23-35)
In: 2022 IEEE Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things, GCAIoT 2022, 2022 IEEE Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things, GCAIoT 2022. (2022 IEEE Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things, GCAIoT 2022, 2022, :25-30)
In: 13th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, IISA 2022, 13th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, IISA 2022. (13th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, IISA 2022, 2022)
In: 13th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, IISA 2022, 13th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, IISA 2022. (13th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, IISA 2022, 2022)
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