에서 검색결과 41건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Mocci, G; Sukhavasi, K; Ord, T; Bankier, S; Singha, P; Arasu, UT; Agbabiaje, OO; Makinen, P; Ma, LJ; Hodonsky, CJ; Aherrahrou, R; Muhl, L; Liu, JP; Gustafsson, S; Byandelger, B; Wang, Y; Koplev, S; Lendahl, U; Owens, GK; Leeper, NJ; Pasterkamp, G; Vanlandewijck, M; Michoel, T; Ruusalepp, A; Hao, K; Yla-Herttuala, S; Vali, M; Jarve, H; Mokry, M; Civelek, M; Miller, CJ; Kovacic, JC; Kaikkonen, MU; Betsholtz, C; Bjorkegren, JLM
Circulation research. 134(11):1405-1423
Academic Journal
Addiction (Abingdon, England). 109(12):2018-2026
Academic Journal
Reese, T; Gilg, S; Bocker, J; Wagner, KC; Vali, M; Engstrand, J; Kern, A; Sturesson, C; Oldhafer, KJ; Sparrelid, E
European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology. 50(11):108660
Academic Journal
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems & Control Engineering; Feb2012, Vol. 226 Issue 1, p70-81, 12p
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[AR] Väli, M
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