에서 검색결과 6건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Zeitlin, J.; Durox, M.; Macfarlane, A.; Alexander, S.; Heller, G.; Loghi, M.; Nijhuis, J.; Sól Ólafsdóttir, H.; Mierzejewska, E.; Gissler, M.; Blondel, B.; Haidinger, G.; Klimont, J.; Vandervelpen, G.; Zhang, W.-H.; Jordanova, E.; Kolarova, R.; Filipovic-Grcic, B.; Drausnik, Z.; Rodin, U.; Kyprianou, T.; Scoutellas, V.; Velebil, P.; Mortensen, L.; Sakkeus, L.; Heino, A.; Chantry, A.; Deneux Tharaux, C.; Lack, N.; Antsaklis, A.; Berbik, I.; Bonham, S.; Kearns, K.; Sikora, I.; Cuttini, M.; Misins, J.; Zile, I.; Isakova, J.; Billy, A.; Couffignal, S.; Lecomte, A.; Weber, G.; Gatt, M.; Achterberg, P.; Broeders, L.; Hindori-Mohangoo, A.; Akerkar, R.; Klungsøyr, K.; Szamotulska, K.; Barros, H.; Horga, M.; Tica, V.; Cap, J.; Tul, N.; Verdenik, I.; Bolumar, F.; Jané, M.; Alcaide, A.R.; Vidal, M.J.; Zurriaga, O.; Källén, K.; Nyman, A.; Berrut, S.; Riggenbach, M.; Rihs, T.A.; Smith, L.; Wood, R.; Delnord, M.; Hocquette, A.
In: BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology . (BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, August 2021, 128(9):1444-1453)
Academic Journal
Smith, L.K.; Hindori-Mohangoo, A.D.; Delnord, M.; Durox, M.; Blondel, B.; Zeitlin, J.; Szamotulska, K.; Macfarlane, A.; Alexander, S.; Barros, H.; Gissler, M.; Haidinger, G.; Alexander, S.; Kolarova, R.; Rodin, U.; Kyprianou, T.; Velebil, P.; Mortensen, L.; Sakkeus, L.; Gissler, M.; Blondel, B.; Heller, G.; Lack, N.; Antsaklis, A.; Berbik, I.; Sól Ólafsdóttir, H.; Bonham, S.; Cuttini, M.; Misins, J.; Isakova, J.; Wagener, Y.; Gatt, M.; Nijhuis, J.; Klungsøyr, K.; Horga, M.; Cap, J.; Tul, N.; Bolúmar, F.; Gottvall, K.; Källén, K.; Berrut, S.; Riggenbach, M.; Macfarlane, A.
In: The Lancet . (The Lancet, 3 - 9 November 2018, 392(10158):1639-1646)
Academic Journal
Zeitlin, J.; Durox, M.; Blondel, B.; Macfarlane, A.; Alexander, S.; Heller, G.; Loghi, M.; Nijhuis, J.; Sól Ólafsdóttir, H.; Mierzejewska, E.; Gissler, M.
In: BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology . (BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, August 2021, 128(9):1557-1558)
Academic Journal
In: Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare . (Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, June 2013, 4(2):49-55)
Academic Journal
In: Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare . (Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, In Press, 2013)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology . (Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 2011, 29(5):493-505)
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[AR] Sól Ólafsdóttir, H.
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