에서 검색결과 8건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Oke, T.A.; Reid, D.G.; Cooke, H.A.; Mantyka-Pringle, C.S.; Stralberg, D.; Bennett, B.A.; Cannings, S.; Willier, C.; Fulkerson, J.R.
In: Diversity and Distributions . (Diversity and Distributions, April 2023, 29(4):509-523)
Academic Journal
Janousek, W.M.; Graves, T.A.; Douglas, M.R.; Cannings, S.; Clément, M.A.; Keinath, D.A.; Delphia, C.M.; Everett, J.G.; Hatfield, R.G.; Richardson, L.L.; Uhuad Koch, J.B.; McCabe, L.M.; Rohde, A.T.; Mola, J.M.; Ogilvie, J.E.; Rangwala, I.; Strange, J.P.; Tronstad, L.M.
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 31 January 2023, 120(5))
Academic Journal
In: Plants . (Plants, October 2021, 10(10))
Academic Journal
Graves, T.A.; Janousek, W.M.; Gaulke, S.M.; Nicholas, A.C.; Keinath, D.A.; Bell, C.M.; Tronstad, L.M.; Cannings, S.; Hatfield, R.G.; Heron, J.M.; Koch, J.B.; Loffland, H.L.; Richardson, L.L.; Rohde, A.T.; Rykken, J.; Strange, J.P.; Sheffield, C.S.
In: Ecosphere . (Ecosphere, 1 June 2020, 11(6))
Academic Journal
Janousek, W.M.; Graves, T.A.; Douglas, M.R.; Cannings, S.; Clément, M.A.; Keinath, D.A.; Delphia, C.M.; Everett, J.G.; Hatfield, R.G.; Richardson, L.L.; Uhuad Koch, J.B.; McCabe, L.M.; Rohde, A.T.; Mola, J.M.; Ogilvie, J.E.; Rangwala, I.; Strange, J.P.; Tronstad, L.M.
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 25 April 2023, 120(17))
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Insect Conservation . (Journal of Insect Conservation, 1 April 2016, 20(2):189-199)
Academic Journal
In: Arctic . (Arctic, December 2013, 66(4):429-434)
Academic Journal
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[AR] Cannings, S.
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