에서 검색결과 262건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
Le Cleach, L.; Delaire, S.; Boumsell, L.; Bagot, M.; Bourgault-Villada, I.; Bensussan, A.; Roujeau, J.C.
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
Levy, Y.; Capitant, C.; Houhou, S.; Carriere, I.; Viard, J.P.; Goujard, C.; Gastaut, J.A.; Oksenhendler, E.; Boumsell, L.; Gomard, E.; Rabian, C.; Weiss, L.; Guillet, J.G.; Delfraissy, J.F.; Aboulker, J.P.; Seligmann, M.
Academic Journal
Engel, P.; Boumsell, L.; Balderas, R.; Bensussan, A.; Gattei, V.; Horejsi, V.; Jin, B.-Q.; Malavasi, F.; Mortari, F.; Schwartz-Albiez, R.; Stockinger, H.; Van Zelm, M.C.; Zola, H.; Clark, G.
In: Journal of Immunology . (Journal of Immunology, 15 November 2015, 195(10):4555-4563)
Academic Journal
Luque, M.C.A.; Gutierrez, P.S.; Debbas, V.; Puech-Leao, P.; Porto, G.; Coelho, V.; Kalil, J.; Stolf, B.; Boumsell, L.; Martins, W.K.
In: PLoS ONE . (PLoS ONE, 30 September 2013, 8(9))
Academic Journal
Loisel, S.; Berthou, C.; André, P.-A.; Buchegger, F.; Kosinski, M.; Viertl, D.; Delaloye, A.B.; Golay, J.; Bologna, L.; Kadouche, J.; Cérutti, M.; Mach, J.; Boumsell, L.
In: Molecular Cancer . (Molecular Cancer, 19 April 2011, 10)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Rheumatology . (Journal of Rheumatology, March 2011, 38(3):419-428)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Immunology . (Journal of Immunology, 2008, 180(12):8057-8065)
Academic Journal
Friedlein, G.; El Hage, F.; Vergnon, I.; Caignard, A.; Chouaib, S.; Mami-Chouaib, F.; Richon, C.; Saulnier, P.; Lécluse, Y.; Boumsell, L.; Bismuth, G.
In: Journal of Immunology . (Journal of Immunology, 1 June 2007, 178(11):6821-6827)
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[AR] Boumsell, L.
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