
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 8건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
In: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs. (IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 1 September 2007, 54(9):805-809)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films. (Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films, November 1993, 11(6):2914-2923)
Academic Journal
Adriani, O.Becattini, F.Bocciolini, M.Carminati, F.Cartacci, A.M.Civinini, C.D'Alessandro, R.Gallo, E.Landi, G.Lenti, M.Meschini, M.Monteleoni, B.Paoletti, S.Passaleva, G.Pojidaev, V.Spillantini, P.Aguilar-Benitez, M.Arce, P.Berdugo, J.Cerrada, M.Fernandez, D.Fernandez, G.Garcia-Abia, P.Gonzalez, E.Maña, C.Martinez-Laso, L.Rodriguez, F.J.Romero, L.Salicio, J.M.Willmott, C.Ahlen, S.Marin, A.Zhou, B.Alcaraz, J.Barillère, R.Bobbink, G.J.Colino, N.Felcini, M.Ganguli, S.N.Gentile, S.Hervé, A.Innocente, V.Janssen, H.Karyotakis, Y.Lecoq, P.Le Goff, J.M.Linde, F.L.Lohmann, W.Lubbers, J.M.Pieri, M.Rubio, J.A.Salicio, J.Sens, J.C.Wittgenstein, F.Zichichi, A.Aloisio, A.Alviggi, M.G.Brambilla, E.Carlino, G.Chiefari, G.de Asmundis, R.Drago, E.Lanzano, S.Lista, L.Merola, L.Napolitano, M.Paolucci, P.Patricelli, S.Piccolo, D.Sciacca, C.Alverson, G.Goldfarb, S.Leedom, I.Reucroft, S.Taylor, L.Ambrosi, G.Battiston, R.Bertucci, B.Biasini, M.Bilei, G.M.Caria, M.Easo, S.Fiandrini, E.Krastev, V.R.Pauluzzi, M.Santocchia, A.Servoli, L.An, Q.Baba, P.V.K.S.Cai, X.D.Chaturvedi, U.K.Chen, W.Y.Cui, X.R.Cui, X.Y.Dova, M.T.Gu, C.Guanziroli, M.Hasan, A.Hu, G.Ilyas, M.M.Khan, R.A.Kaur, M.Khokhar, S.Li, C.Liu, Y.Malik, R.Mir, Y.Moulai, N.E.Niaz, M.A.Qureshi, K.N.Ren, Z.Rizvi, H.A.Sartorelli, G.Sehgal, R.Sultanov, G.Sun, L.Z.Swain, J.D.Syed, A.A.Vikas, P.Vikas, U.Wadhwa, M.Wang, Z.M.Wu, S.X.Yang, G.Ye, C.H.Ye, Q.You, J.M.Yunus, N.Zeng, M.Zhang, Z.P.Anderhub, H.Becker, U.Behner, F.Behrens, J.Betev, B.L.Biland, A.Dhina, M.Freudenreich, K.Hofer, H.Lecomte, P.Le Coultre, P.Lettry, J.Linnhofer, D.MaxDermott, M.Maolinbay, M.Marchesini, P.McNally, D.Neyer, C.Pauss, F.Pohl, M.Rahal-Callot, G.Ren, D.Rykaczewski, H.Suter, H.Ulbricht, J.Viertel, G.Weber, J.Zemp, P.Anderson, A.L.Angelov, T.Berges, P.Burger, J.D.Chang, Y.H.Chen, J.Chen, M.Chung, S.Clare, I.Clare, R.Dai, T.S.Deiters, K.Eppling, F.J.Fukushima, M.Galaktionov, Yu.Grinnell, C.Herten, G.Klimentov, A.Koutsenko, V.Kramer, T.Luckey, D.Matsuda, T.Rubbia, A.Sarakinos, M.S.Shotkin, S.Steuer, M.Sticozzi, F.Ting, S.C.C.Ting, S.M.Wang, Y.F.White, M.Wysłouch, B.Yan, X.J.Andreev, V.P.Atamanchuk, A.Kapinos, P.Koulbardis, A.Krivshich, A.Nadtochy, A.Schegelsky, V.Tsaregorodtsev, A.Vorobyov, A.A.Dimitrov, H.R.Antreasyan, D.Contin, A.Arefiev, A.Kunin, A.Malinin, A.Plyaskin, V.Shumilov, E.Shoutko, V.Vetlitsky, I.Vorobiev, I.Azemoon, T.Ball, R.C.Chen, M.L.Chmeissani, M.Gustafson, H.R.Jones, L.W.Mao, D.N.Qian, J.M.Riles, K.Rind, O.Roe, B.P.Aziz, T.Baneriee, S.Gurtu, A.Malhotra, P.K.Mazumdar, K.Raghavan, R.Sudhakar, K.Tonwar, S.C.Bock, R.Böhm, A.Hesefeldt, H.Göttlicher, P.Hangarter, K.Hebbeker, T.Herten, U.Hilgers, K.Kornadt, O.Krenz, W.Lanske, D.Lindemann, B.Mnich, J.Möller, M.Müller, S.Nippe, A.Pandoulas, D.Pei, Y.J.Ricker, A.Röhner, M.Röhner, S.Rose, J.Sassowsky, M.Schmitz, D.Schmitz, P.Schulte, R.Schulte, R.Schultze, K.Schwenke, J.Schwering, G.Spickermann, T.Starosta, R.Tonutti, M.Uwer, U.Wallraff, W.Weber, A.Zeng, Y.Zhou, J.F.Bagnaia, P.Barone, L.Bizzarri, R.Borgia, B.Cesaroni, F.DeNotaristefani, F.Diemoz, M.Dionisi, C.Falciano, S.Ferroni, F.Finocchiaro, G.Leonardi, E.Longo, E.Lübelsmeyer, K.Luci, C.Ludovici, L.Luminari, L.Marzano, F.Mirabelli, G.Morganti, S.Organtini, G.Rescigno, M.Valente, E.Bakken, J.A.Denes, P.Gupta, V.K.Piroué, P.A.Soderstrom, E.Stickland, D.P.Sumner, R.L.Wright, D.Baksay, L.Busenitz, J.DiBitonto, D.Bao, J.Chien, C.Y.Fisher, P.H.Gougas, A.Paul, T.Pevsner, A.Spartiotis, C.Baschirotto, A.Boseti, M.Castello, R.Pensotti, S.Rancoita, P.G.Rattaggi, M.Terzi, G.Bay, A.Bourquin, M.Burger, W.J.Duchesneau, D.Extermann, P.Field, J.Forconi, G.Goujon, D.Hoorani, H.Kienzle-Focacci, M.N.Perrier, J.Produit, N.Stone, H.Wenninger, J.Beingessner, S.Blaising, J.J.Boutigny, D.Coignet, G.Degré, A.Jezequel, S.Marion, F.Morand, R.Perret-Gallix, D.Rosier-Lees, S.Sauvage, G.Schneegans, M.Vivargent, M.Bencze, Gy.L.Dénes, K.Nagy, E.Tóth, J.Urbán, L.Bouwens, B.Duinker, P.Erné, F.C.Foreman, T.Hauschildt, D.Koffeman, E.Leytens, X.Massaro, G.G.G.Raven, G.Yzerman, M.Zhang, D.H.van der Zwaan, B.C.C.Bourilkov, D.Crijns, F.Driever, T.Filthaut, F.Kittel, W.König, A.C.Kuijten, H.Merk, M.Metzger, W.J.Rosmalen, R.Schotanus, D.J.Timmermans, C.Van de Walle, R.T.Branson, J.G.Hebert, M.Sheer, I.Sopczak, A.Vogel, H.Brocks, I.C.Engler, A.Ferguson, T.Kraemer, R.W.Shukla, J.Sutton, R.B.Tsipolitis, G.Wang, G.H.Brooks, M.Coan, T.E.Kapustinsky, J.S.Kinnison, W.W.Lee, D.M.Mills, G.B.Sanders, G.S.Wang, X.L.Buisson, C.Chemarin, M.El Mamouni, H.Fay, J.Gele, D.Ille, B.Lebrun, P.Martin, J.P.Bujak, A.Gutay, L.J.McMahon, T.Riemers, W.Stringfellow, B.C.Capell, M.Fackler, O.Wenaus, T.J.Chen, A.Lin, W.T.Yeh, S.C.Zhuang, H.L.Chen, C.Chen, G.M.Chen, H.S.Jin, B.N.Li, H.T.Lu, Y.S.Ma, J.M.Mao, Y.F.Tang, X.W.Tung, K.L.Wang, J.H.Wu, Y.G.Xu, Y.D.Yang, C.G.Yang, K.S.Yang, Q.Y.Chen, H.F.Gong, Z.F.Lin, Z.Y.Ma, W.G.Wang, C.R.Xu, Z.Z.Yang, B.Z.Ye, J.B.Choi, M.T.Kim, J.K.Kim, S.C.Kim, Y.G.Son, D.Cohn, H.O.Kamyshkov, Yu.Plasil, F.Read, K.Duran, I.Fabbretti, R.Fabre, M.Seiler, P.G.Fan, S.J.Guo, J.K.Hu, G.Q.Li, P.J.Liao, J.Y.Shen, D.Z.Xie, Y.Y.Xue, Z.L.Yan, D.S.Yang, Z.Q.Yin, Z.W.Friebel, W.Kirsch, S.Leiste, R.Lustermann, W.Schreiber, H.J.Vogt, H.Gailloud, M.Kasser, A.Mi, Y.Nowak, H.Riemann, S.Rosselet, Ph.Sachwitz, M.Vuilleumier, L.Weill, R.Gratta, G.Gruenewald, M.Kirkby, D.Mount, R.Newman, H.Shevchenko, S.Shi, X.R.Tully, C.Zaccardelli, C.Zhu, R.Y.Kumar, K.S.McBride, P.Scott, I.Strauch, K.Razis, P.Schopper, H.Antonov, L.Gau, S.S.He, C.F.Wu, R.J.
In: Physics Letters B. (Physics Letters B, 3 December 1992, 295(3-4):371-382)
In: Proceedings of the International Display Workshops, 22nd International Display Workshops, IDW 2015. (Proceedings of the International Display Workshops, 2015, 2:759-762)
In: Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference, IMC, IMC'08: Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference. (Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference, IMC, 2008, :111-124)
In: SIGMETRICS'08: Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, SIGMETRICS'08: Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems. (SIGMETRICS'08: Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, 2008, 36 1 SPECIAL ISSUE:85-96)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films. (Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films, July 1994, 12(4):2265-2270)
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[AR] Baneriee, S.
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