
The MOLLER Experiment: An Ultra-Precise Measurement of the Weak Mixing Angle Using Møller Scattering
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The physics case and an experimental overview of the MOLLER (Measurement Of aLepton Lepton Electroweak Reaction) experiment at the 12 GeV upgraded JeffersonLab are presented. A highlight of the Fundamental Symmetries subfield of the2007 NSAC Long Range Plan was the SLAC E158 measurement of the parity-violatingasymmetry $A_{PV}$ in polarized electron-electron (M{\o}ller) scattering. Theproposed MOLLER experiment will improve on this result by a factor of five,yielding the most precise measurement of the weak mixing angle at low or highenergy anticipated over the next decade. This new result would be sensitive tothe interference of the electromagnetic amplitude with new neutral currentamplitudes as weak as $\sim 10^{-3}\cdot G_F$ from as yet undiscovered dynamicsbeyond the Standard Model. The resulting discovery reach is unmatched by anyproposed experiment measuring a flavor- and CP-conserving process over the nextdecade, and yields a unique window to new physics at MeV and multi-TeV scales,complementary to direct searches at high energy colliders such as the LargeHadron Collider (LHC). The experiment takes advantage of the unique opportunityprovided by the upgraded electron beam energy, luminosity, and stability atJefferson Laboratory and the extensive experience accumulated in the communityafter a round of recent successfully completed parity-violating electronscattering experiments