
The Progress of Implementation of Basel Convention in China
Document Type
ISSE 초록집. May 22, 2019 2019:36
Solid waste
hazardous waste
legal and regulation
capacity building
As one of the earliest parties and signatories, China has been actively implementing the Basel Convention in order to promote its full implementation in China. First of all, China has established management mechanism of solid waste import and export, and made efforts to promote cooperation among various ministries, actively carry out waste import and export supervision and combat illegal transboundary movement. Secondly, a complete system of laws and regulations on the control of transboundary movement and environmental management of hazardous wastes and other wastes has been established, such as Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Solid Waste Pollution and Law on Promoting Circular Economy. In addition, China has initially formed a management and technical support system of hazardous waste and other waste by establishing Basel Convention Regional Centre, and the solid waste management centers at all levels. Meanwhile, China's solid waste and hazardous waste treatment industry has been established and gradually expanded.

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