
Radyoterapi Uygulamalarinda PET/BT Neleri Degistirdi?/What has PET/CT Changed in RT Applications?
Document Type
Nuclear Medicine Seminars. November 2023, Vol. 9 Issue 3, p144, 6 p.
Giris Pozitron emisyon tomografisi/bilgisayarli tomografi (PET/BT) fonksiyonel ve anatomik goruntulemeyi birlestiren; bircok kanserin evrelemesi, tedavi yaniti ve takibinde bas rol oynayan bir goruntuleme teknigidir. PET/BT'nin klinik kullanimda yayginlasmasi, tani aninda [...]
Radyoterapi, gunumuz modern kanser tedavisinin kosetasi tedavilerinde biridir ve kanser hastalarinin %50'si, tum tedavileri boyunca en az bir asamada radyoterapi almaktadirlar. Optimal hedef hacim tayini ve bu hacime recetelendirilen dozu hassas bir sekilde uygulama, modern radyoterapinin temel prensiplerini olusturmaktadir. Pozitron emisyon tomografisi/bilgisayarli tomografi (PET/BT), radyasyon onkolojisi disiplini icin; hassas ve standart hedef hacim tayini, buna bagli olarak normal doku toksisitesinin minimalize edilmesi, tumor icin metabolik heterojenite gosteren alanlarin belirlenmesi ve buna yonelik tedavinin adaptasyonu gibi iyilestirmeler getirmistir. Bu derlemede, PET/BT'nin radyasyon onkolojisi disiplinine katkisi, tumor tiplerine gore degerlendirilecektir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Radyoterapi, PET/BT, konturlama, hedef hacim Radiotherapy is a fundamental modality in today's modern cancer treatment, with about half of all cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy at some stage in their treatment. Determination of the optimal target volume and precise application of the dose prescribed to it constitute the basic principles of modern radiotherapy. Positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) has made significant contributions not only to nuclear medicine but also in the field of radiation oncology. It has enhanced the accuracy and precision of target volume determination, thereby reducing the risk of normal tissue toxicity. Additionally, PET/CT enables the identification of areas within the tumor that exhibit metabolic heterogeneity, allowing for tailored treatment strategies. In this review, the contributions of PET/CT to the discipline of radiation oncology will be evaluated by dividing it into subheadings according to tumor types. Keywords: Radiotherapy, PET/CT, contouring, target volume