
Role of serum levels of tumour necrosis factor-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK) in predicting severity of acute appendicitis/Akut apandisit siddetinin belirlenmesinde tumor nekroz faktoru benzeri zayif apoptoz indukleyicisinin (TWEAK) serum duzeylerinin rolu
Document Type
Turkish Journal of Surgery. June 2023, Vol. 39 Issue 2, p121, 7 p.
INTRODUCTION One of the most prevalent abdominal crises is acute appendicitis (AA). Clinical diagnosis is sometimes challenging, even for experienced surgeons, as indicated by the high percentage of negative explorations, [...]
Objective: One of the most prevalent abdominal crises is acute appendicitis (AA). Clinical diagnosis, even for skilled surgeons, is frequently challenging, as indicated by the high proportion of negative investigations. The purpose of this study was to see if serum TWEAK levels might be used to diagnose acute appendicitis. Material and Methods: Between June 2017 and May 2019, all patients who had surgery with the original diagnosis of AA were included in the study. TWEAK, WBC, CRP, and bilirubin levels were compared. Results: The levels of WBC, CRP, and bilirubin were compared to pathology. All three blood indicators increased significantly in AA patients. However, no statistically significant difference in the levels of all three blood indicators was seen between individuals with simple AA and those with severe AA. TWEAK plasma concentrations were considerably greater in patients with severe AA than in the healthy control and NAA groups. TWEAK levels were significantly greater in individuals with severe AA compared to patients with simple AA. Conclusion: Serum TWEAK levels that are elevated may be used to diagnose acute appendicitis as well as prognostic indicators for the severity of appendicitis. Keywords: Acute appendicitis, infammation, marker, severity, tumor necrosis factor-like weak inducer of apoptosis Giris ve Amac: En yaygin akut karin nedenlerinden biri akut apandisittir (AA). Pek cok klinik arastirmanin gosterdigi gibi, deneyimli cerrahlar icin bile klinik teshis siklikla zordur. Bu calismanin amaci, akut apandisit teshisi icin serum TWEAK duzeylerinin kullanilip kullanilamayacagini gormekti. Gerec ve Yontem: Haziran 2017-Mayis 2019 tarihleri arasinda AA tanisiyla ameliyat olan tum hastalar calismaya dahil edildi. TWEAK, WBC, CRP ve bilirubin seviyeleri karsilastirildi. Bulgular: WBC, CRP ve bilirubin seviyeleri patolojiyle karsilastirildi. AA hastalarinda uc kan gostergesinin tumu onemli olcude artti. Bununla birlikte, basit AA'li hastalarla siddetli AA'li hastalar arasinda uc kan gostergesinin duzeylerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamli bir fark gorulmedi. TWEAK plazma konsantrasyonlari, siddetli AA'li hastalarda saglikli kontrol ve NAA gruplarina gore onemli olcude daha yuksekti. TWEAK seviyeleri, ciddi AA'li hastalarda, basit AA'li hastalara kiyasla anlamli olarak daha yuksekti. Sonuc: Yukselen serum TWEAK seviyeleri, akut apandisit tanisinin yani sira apandisit siddeti icin prognostik gosterge olarak kullanilabilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Akut apandisit, enfamasyon, belirtec, apandisit siddeti, tumor nekroz faktoru benzeri zayif apoptoz indukleyicisi