
Experiences of care-seeking behaviour for sexually transmitted infections among gay and bisexual men: A phenomenological study
Document Type
African Journal of Reproductive Health. July, 2023, Vol. 27 Issue 7, p64, 12 p.
South Africa
Gay and bisexual men (GBM) are stigmatized in the Ghanaian society and that negatively affect their care-seeking behaviour. We sought to understand the experiences of care-seeking behaviour (CSB) for STIs among gay and bisexual men in Sunyani, capital of Bono Region, Ghana. A respondent-driven sampling was used to collect data from 17 gay and bisexual men in Sunyani based on phenomenological qualitative approach. The data were thematically analysed using the Atlas.ti software. Results were presented under various themes with appropriate accompanying excerpts. Two broad themes emerged from the data - personal and health system experiences of treating STIs. Personal experiences such as economic conditions, knowledge on STI, marital experiences and bisexual's partner awareness of sexual orientation had influences on CSB. Experience with cost of treatment, stigmatisation by health care workers (HCW) and perceived quality healthcare were the health system factors found to influence CSB. To help improve STIs care-seeking behaviour, government need to encourage and economically empower GBM, while at the same time, improving their knowledge on STI prevention and control. The National Health Authority should intensify and monitor the implementation of the national health insurance at the private healthcare sectors without favour and discrimination for gay and bisexual men. (Afr J Reprod Health 2023; 27 [7]: 64-75). Keywords: Care seeking behaviour, STI, Gay and bisexual men, Bono region Les hommes gays et bisexuels (GBM) sont stigmatises dans la societe ghaneenne et cela affecte negativement leur comportement de recherche de soins. Nous avons cherche a comprendre les experiences de comportement de recherche de soins (CSB) pour les IST chez les hommes gays et bisexuels a Sunyani, la capitale de la region de Bono, au Ghana. Un echantillonnage axe sur les repondants a ete utilise pour recueillir des donnees aupres de 17 hommes gais et bisexuels a Sunyani sur la base d'une approche qualitative phenomenologique. Les donnees ont ete analysees thematiquement a l'aide du logiciel Atlas.ti. Les resultats ont ete presentes sous divers themes accompagnes d'extraits appropries. Deux grands themes ont emerge des donnees - les experiences personnelles et du systeme de sante en matiere de traitement des ITS. Les experiences personnelles telles que les conditions economiques, les connaissances sur les IST, les experiences conjugales et la sensibilisation du partenaire bisexuel a l'orientation sexuelle ont eu des influences sur le CSB. L'experience du cout du traitement, la stigmatisation par les travailleurs de la sante (HCW) et la qualite percue des soins de sante etaient les facteurs du systeme de sante qui influencaient la CSB. Pour aider a ameliorer le comportement de recherche de soins des IST, le gouvernement doit encourager et autonomiser economiquement les GBM, tout en ameliorant leurs connaissances sur la prevention et le controle des IST. L'Autorite nationale de la sante devrait intensifier et surveiller la mise en oeuvre de l'assurance maladie nationale dans les secteurs de la sante prives sans faveur ni discrimination pour les hommes homosexuels et bisexuels. (Afr J Reprod Health 2023; 27 [7]: 64-75). Mots-cles: Comportement de recherche de soins, IST, Hommes gais et bisexuels, region de Bono
Introduction Gay and bisexual men (GBM) are stigmatized in the Ghanaian society and that negatively affect their care-seeking behaviour. They are particularly, vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) (1,2). One [...]