
Management of Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection: A Consensus Report of the Study Group for Viral Hepatitis of the Turkish Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases-2023 Update/Kronik Hepatit C Virusu Infeksiyonunun Yonetimi: Turk Klinik Mikrobiyoloji ve Infeksiyon Hastaliklari Dernegi Viral Hepatit Calisma Grubu Uzlasi Raporu-2023 Guncellemesi
Document Type
Academic Journal
KLIMIK Journal. December 2023, Vol. 36 Issue S1, p43, 33 p.
United States. Food and Drug Administration
World Health Organization
Medical research -- Health aspects
Medicine, Experimental -- Health aspects
Protease inhibitors -- Health aspects
Trade and professional associations -- Health aspects
Efavirenz -- Health aspects
Antiviral agents -- Health aspects
Hepatitis C virus -- Health aspects
Rifabutin -- Health aspects
Infection -- Care and treatment
Hepatitis, Viral -- Care and treatment
Microbiology -- Health aspects
Raltegravir -- Health aspects
Care and treatment
Health aspects
Direct-acting antiviral (DAA) drugs have increased the effectiveness of treatment in hepatitis C patients. With the developments in the world and DAA drugs coming into use in our country, the consensus report on the management of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection has needed to be updated. It was first published in 2014 and updated in 2017 by the Viral Hepatitis Study Group of the Turkish Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Here, the Study Group has reviewed every aspect of chronic hepatitis C and revised the consensus report with the updated information. At the end of each topic, the agreed recommendations are summarized, considering the drugs reimbursed in our country. Keywords: chronic hepatitis C, antiviral agents, therapy Dogrudan etkili antiviral (DEA) ilaclar hepatit C hastalarinda tedavinin etkinligini artirmistir. Turk Klinik Mikrobiyoloji ve infeksiyon Hastaliklari Dernegi Viral Hepatit Calisma Grubu tarafindan, ilki 2014 yilinda yayimlanan ve 2017 yilinda guncellenen hepatit C virusu (HCV) infeksiyonunun yonetimine iliskin uzlasi raporunun, dunyadaki gelismeler ve ulkemizde kullanima giren yeni DEATar nedeniyle guncellemesi ihtiyaci dogmustur. Calisma Grubu kronik hepatit C yi her yonu ile yeniden gozden gecirerek uzlasi raporunu guncel bilgilerle yeniden duzenledi. Her bir konunun sonunda ulkemizde geri odemesi olan ilaclar da dikkate alinarak uzerinde uzlasilan oneriler ozet olarak verildi. Anahtar Kelimeler: kronik hepatit C, antiviral ilaclar, tedavi
EPIDEMIYOLOJI Hepatit C virusu (HCV) infeksiyonu kuresel olarak onemli bir halk sagligi sorunudur. Dunya Saglik Orgutu (DSO) tarafindan 2015 yilinda kuresel nufusun %1'i olan 71 milyon kisinin HCV infeksiyonu ile [...]