
Management of Chronic Hepatitis B Infection: A Consensus Report of the Study Group for Viral Hepatitis of the Turkish Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases-2023 Update/Kronik Hepatit B Infeksiyonunun Yonetimi: Turk Klinik Mikrobiyoloji ve Infeksiyon Hastaliklari Dernegi Viral Hepatit Calisma Grubu Uzlasi Raporu-2023 Guncellemesi
Document Type
Academic Journal
KLIMIK Journal. December 2023, Vol. 36 Issue S1, p1, 22 p.
World Health Organization
Communicable diseases -- Health aspects
Trade and professional associations -- Health aspects
Infection -- Health aspects
Hepatitis B -- Health aspects
Microbiology -- Health aspects
Health aspects
The consensus report on the management of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) was first published in 2014 by the Viral Hepatitis Study Group of the Turkish Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. The need for updating has arisen due to reestablished stages of the infection course, changes in treatment indications, new biomarkers used in diagnosis and follow-up, and new biomarkers that are not yet in daily use. Therefore, we prepared a new consensus report by reviewing the current literature and international evidence-based guidelines. We hope the updated consensus report will be a valuable resource for CHB, which is still an essential problem in our country. Keywords: hepatitis B, treatment, prevention Turk Klinik Mikrobiyoloji ve Infeksiyon Hastaliklari Dernegi Viral Hepatit Calisma Grubu tarafindan, ilki 2014 yilinda yayimlanan kronik hepatit B (KHB) yonetimine iliskin uzlasi raporunun, infeksiyonun seyrinde yeniden olusturulan evrelendirmeler, tedavi endikasyonlarmdaki degisiklikler, tani ve tedavi takibinde kullanilan yeni biyobelirtecler ve henuz gunluk kullanima girmese de tedavisindeki yeni gelismeler nedeni ile guncellenme ihtiyaci dogmustur. Bu nedenle guncel literatur ve uluslararasi kanita dayali rehberler gozden gecirilerek yeni bir uzlasi raporu hazirlanmistir. Guncellenen uzlasi raporumuzun, halen ulkemizde onemli bir sorun olan KHB icin basvurulabilecek yararli bir kaynak olacagini umuyoruz. Anahtar Kelimeler: hepatit B, tedavi, korunma
EPIDEMIYOLOJI Hepatit B virusu (HBV) infeksiyonu asiyla onlenebilir olmasina ragmen, tum dunyada onemli bir halk sagligi sorunu olmaya devam etmektedir. Dunya Saglik Orgutu (DSO), 2019 yilmda kronik hepatit B (KHB) [...]