
Expression recognition based constructing strategy for virtual learning community
Document Type
2017 36th Chinese Control Conference (CCC) Control Conference (CCC), 2017 36th Chinese. :11150-11155 Jul, 2017
Computing and Processing
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Heuristic algorithms
Emotion recognition
Feature extraction
Face recognition
Support vector machines
Collaborative work
Virtual learning community
expression recognition
constructing strategy
convolutional neural network
Virtual learning community is an important organizational form for collaborative learning. And the learning emotion, interaction degree, knowledge test are important characteristics of learning. However, the existing constructing strategy is unable to accurately determine the matching degree between the learner and the community. The lower matching degree will weaken the learning performance of learners. This paper comprehensively considers and uses the learning characteristics to evaluate the matching degree between learners and commmunities, and presents a new dynamic constructing strategy, then give its corresponding adjusting algorithm for virtual learning community. It is easy and more accurate to identify whether a certain community suits the learner, and it can help a learner to find a suitable community to further improve his learning performance and experience. Case study and analysis shows the feasibility and practicability of our proposed constructing strategy.