
Rotation of Late-Type Stars in Praesepe with K2
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
We have Fourier analyzed 941 K2 light curves of likely members of Praesepe, measuring periods for 86% and increasing the number of rotation periods (P) by nearly a factor of four. The distribution of P vs. (V-K), a mass proxy, has three different regimes: (V-K)<1.3, where the rotation rate rapidly slows as mass decreases; 1.3<(V-K)<4.5, where the rotation rate slows more gradually as mass decreases; and (V-K)>4.5, where the rotation rate rapidly increases as mass decreases. In this last regime, there is a bimodal distribution of periods, with few between $\sim$2 and $\sim$10 days. We interpret this to mean that once M stars start to slow down, they do so rapidly. The K2 period-color distribution in Praesepe ($\sim$790 Myr) is much different than in the Pleiades ($\sim$125 Myr) for late F, G, K, and early-M stars; the overall distribution moves to longer periods, and is better described by 2 line segments. For mid-M stars, the relationship has similarly broad scatter, and is steeper in Praesepe. The diversity of lightcurves and of periodogram types is similar in the two clusters; about a quarter of the periodic stars in both clusters have multiple significant periods. Multi-periodic stars dominate among the higher masses, starting at a bluer color in Praesepe ((V-K)$\sim$1.5) than in the Pleiades ((V-K)$\sim$2.6). In Praesepe, there are relatively more light curves that have two widely separated periods, $\Delta P >$6 days. Some of these could be examples of M star binaries where one star has spun down but the other has not.
Comment: Accepted by ApJ