
The origin of Galactic cosmic rays: challenges to the standard paradigm
Document Type
Working Paper
International Journal of Modern Physics D (2019) 1930022
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
A critical review of the standard paradigm for the origin of Galactic cosmic rays is presented. Recent measurements of local and far-away cosmic rays reveal unexpected behaviours, which challenge the commonly accepted scenario. These recent findings are discussed, together with long-standing open issues. Despite the progress made thanks to ever-improving observational techniques and theoretical investigations, at present our understanding of the origin and of the behaviour of cosmic rays remains incomplete. We believe it is still unclear whether a modification of the standard paradigm, or rather a radical change of the paradigm itself is needed in order to interpret all the available data on cosmic rays within a self-consistent scenario.
Comment: Review based on a series of discussions that took place at the "The High-Energy Universe: Gamma-Ray, Neutrino, and Cosmic-ray Astronomy" MIAPP workshop in 2018