
Hidden conformal symmetries for black holes in modified gravity
Document Type
Working Paper
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
High Energy Physics - Theory
We determine hidden conformal symmetries behind the evolution equations of black hole perturbations in a vector-tensor theory of gravity. Such hidden symmetries are valid everywhere in the exterior region of a spherically symmetric, asymptotically flat black hole geometry. They allow us to factorize second order operators controlling the black hole perturbations into a product of two commuting first order operators. As a consequence, we are able to analytically determine the most general time-dependent solutions for the black hole perturbation equations. We focus on solutions belonging to a highest weight representation of a conformal symmetry, showing that they correspond to quasi-bound states with an ingoing behaviour into the black hole horizon, and exponential decay at spatial infinity. Their time-dependence is characterized by purely imaginary frequencies, with imaginary parts separated by integer numbers, as the overtones of quasi-normal modes in General Relativity.
Comment: 22 pages, no figures