
Is it a click bait? Let's predict using Machine Learning
Document Type
Working Paper
Computer Science - Computation and Language
Computer Science - Information Retrieval
In this era of digitisation, news reader tend to read news online. This is because, online media instantly provides access to a wide variety of content. Thus, people don't have to wait for tomorrow's newspaper to know what's happening today. Along with these virtues, online news have some vices as well. One such vice is presence of social media posts (tweets) relating to news articles whose sole purpose is to draw attention of the users rather than directing them to read the actual content. Such posts are referred to as clickbaits. The objective of this project is to develop a system which would be capable of predicting how likely are the social media posts (tweets) relating to new articles tend to be clickbait.
Comment: M.Tech Thesis defended at BITS, Pilani