
Information and thermodynamics: fast and precise approach to Landauer's bound in an underdamped micro-mechanical oscillator
Document Type
Working Paper
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 170601 (2021)
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics
The Landauer principle states that at least $k_B T \ln 2$ of energy is required to erase a 1-bit memory, with $k_B T$ the thermal energy of the system. We study the effects of inertia on this bound using as one-bit memory an underdamped micro-mechanical oscillator confined in a double-well potential created by a feedback loop. The potential barrier is precisely tunable in the few $k_B T$ range. We measure, within the stochastic thermodynamic framework, the work and the heat of the erasure protocol. We demonstrate experimentally and theoretically that, in this underdamped system, the Landauer bound is reached with a 1 % uncertainty, with protocols as short as 100 ms.