
Book reviews
Document Type
Visual Anthropology; January 1998, Vol. 11 Issue: 3 p263-280, 18p
08949468; 15455920
Cross‐Cultural FilmmakingBarbash, Ilisa, and Lucien Taylor. Cross‐Cultural Filmmaking: A Handbook for Making Documentary and Ethnographic Films and Videos.Berkeley, Cal.: University of California Press, 1997.555 pp., 56 b & w plates, 24 figures, 2 tables, 4 appendices, filmography, index. $65.00 hdbd., $24.95 paperbd.Picturing BushmenGordon, J. Robert. Picturing Bushmen: The Denver African Expedition of 1925.Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1997. 208 pp., photographs, shot logs, notes, index, selected bibliography.Appropriating ImagesTomaselli, Keyan G. Appropriating Images: The Semiotics of Visual Representation.Højbjerg, Denmark: Intervention Press, 1996. 332 pp., index, filmography and bibliography. (Available in North America through Smyrna Press, P.O. Box 021803‐GPO, Brooklyn, NY 11202.)Encounter at NagalarrambaRoslyn Poignant with Axel Poignant. Encounter at Nagalarramba.Canberra: National Library of Australia, 1996. 180 pp., illus., paperback, ISBN 0–642–10665–7, A$29.95.The PeopleTrimble, Stephen. The People: Indians of the American Southwest;xvi, 495 pp., illus. Santa Fe: School of American Research, SAR Press, 1993.Double TakesCap Horn 1882–1883. Rencontre avec les Indiens Yahgan. Collection de la Photothèque du Musée de l'Homme.Anne Chapman, ethnologue; Christine Barthe, Chargée de mission à la Photothèque; Philippe Revol, Conservateur à la Bibliothèque; Préface de Jacqueline Dubois, Directeur de la Bibliothèque et de la Photothèque. Paris: Editions de la Martinière; Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle; Photothèque du Musée de l'Homme. 1995, 187 pp., illus., 295 FF.