
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 404건 | 목록 180~190
Academic Journal
Cronjé, LarissaTorborg, Alexandra M.Meyer, Heidi M.Bhettay, Anisa Z.Diedericks, Johan B.J.S.Cilliers, CelesteKluyts, Hyla-LouiseMrara, BusisiweKalipa, Mandisa N.Cloete, EstherBurke, AnnemieMogane, Palesa N.Alphonsus, Christella S.Mbeki, MotselisiThomas, JenniferRodseth, Reitze N.Biccard, Bruce M.Allopi, K.Singh, U.Diyelela-Ndwandwa, P.Nongqo, N.Ravid, B.Anamourlis, P.Coetzee, G.Dlamini, M.Foster, C.Nel, D.Oosthuizen, A.Redford, L.Murray, R.Basson, C.Joubert, J.Tshifularo, N.Els, T.Orrock, J.Muthambi, M.Matebesi, T.Tshukudu, G.Maela, D.Allorto, N.Bertie, J.Bishop, D.Chetty, K.Grobbelaar, M.Wise, R.von Steiger, I.Nundlal, P.Garoufalias, E.Westcott, G.Davids, J.Rajah, C.Cairns, C.Mzoneli, Y.Bhagwan, K.Jaworska, M.Semenya, E.Porrill, O.Mungar, R.Seonandan, P.Perumal, N.Bosman, M.De Castro, A.Drummond, L.Du Bruyn, M.Govender, P.Hardcastle, T.Hlangu, Z.Jeena, P.Mbuyisa, M.Naidu, T.Sewlall, J.Taylor, J.Timakia, K.Van der Walt, W.Biyase, T.Khumalo, Z.Kusel, B.Mukama, I.Ramburuth, M.Singaram, S.Schutte, H.Anderson, P.Dorasamy, B.Kint, P.Goga, S.Dube, N.Jithoo, S.Naidoo, L.Naidu, L.Reddy, T.Saman, Y.Rungan, D.Naidoo, K.Kabambi, K.Mgoqo, N.Mofoka, M.Usenbo, A.Chiu, C.Machere, N.Maiwald, D.Davies, G.Serdyn, T.Gokal, P.Dhanjee, N.Wege, M.Govender, S.Tarr, S.Moodley, M.Balkisson, M.Maharaj, A.Ngcobo, S.Rorke, N.Sikhakhane, S.Khumalo, M.Ramsamy, T.Kabongo, K.Kuhn, W.Matos-Puig, R.Naidoo, R.Thotharam, A.Chohan, A.Adam, S.Appel, I.de Vos, C.Gautam, S.Joubert, E.Rautenbach, R.Roytowski, D.Szpytko, A.Brits, E.Naude, G.van Niekerk, J.Fullerton, Z.
Anesthesia & Analgesia. Dec 20, 2021
Academic Journal
Kamara, D.A.Mocroft, A.Sabin, C.Smith, C.J.Ryom, L.Kirk, O.Lundgren, J.D.Ross, M.Reiss, P.Morlat, P.Moranne, O.Fux, C.A.Prins, J.M.Kuijpers, T.W.Scherpbier, H.J.Van Der Meer, J.T.M.Wit, F.W.M.N.Godfried, M.H.Reiss, P.Van Der Poll, T.Nellen, F.J.B.Lange, J.M.A.Geerlings, S.E.Van Vugt, M.Pajkrt, D.Bos, J.C.Van Der Valk, M.Grijsen, M.L.Wiersinga, W.J.Goorhuis, A.Hovius, J.W.R.Lowe, S.Oude Lashof, A.Posthouwer, D.Pronk, M.J.H.Ammerlaan, H.S.M.Van Der Ende, M.E.De Vries-Sluijs, T.E.M.S.Schurink, C.A.M.Nouwen, J.L.Verbon, A.Rijnders, B.J.A.Van Gorp, E.C.M.Van Der Feltz, M.Driessen, G.J.A.Van Rossum, A.M.C.Branger, J.Schippers, E.F.Van Nieuwkoop, C.Van Elzakker, E.P.Groeneveld, P.H.P.Bouwhuis, J.W.Soetekouw, R.Ten Kate, R.W.Kroon, F.P.Van Dissel, J.T.Arend, S.M.De Boer, M.G.J.Jolink, H.Ter Vollaard, H.J.M.Bauer, M.P.Den Hollander, J.G.Pogany, K.Van Twillert, G.Kortmann, W.Cohen Stuart, J.W.T.Diederen, B.M.W.Leyten, E.M.S.Gelinck, L.B.S.Kootstra, G.J.Delsing, C.E.Brinkman, K.Blok, W.L.Frissen, P.H.J.Schouten, W.E.M.Van Den Berk, G.E.L.Van Kasteren, M.E.E.Brouwer, A.E.Veenstra, J.Lettinga, K.D.Mulder, J.W.Vrouenraets, S.M.E.Lauw, F.N.Van Eeden, A.Verhagen, D.W.M.Sprenger, H.G.Doedens, R.Scholvinck, E.H.Van Assen, S.Bierman, W.F.W.Koopmans, P.P.Keuter, M.Van Der Ven, A.J.A.M.Ter Hofstede, H.J.M.Dofferhoff, A.S.M.Warris, A.Van Crevel, R.Hoepelman, A.I.M.Mudrikova, T.Schneider, M.M.E.Ellerbroek, P.M.Oosterheert, J.J.Arends, J.E.Wassenberg, M.W.M.Barth, R.E.Van Agtmael, M.A.Perenboom, R.M.Claessen, F.A.P.Bomers, M.Peters, E.J.G.Geelen, S.P.M.Wolfs, T.F.W.Bont, L.J.Richter, C.Van Der Berg, J.P.Gisolf, E.H.Van Den Berge, M.Stegeman, A.Van Vonderen, M.G.A.Van Houte, D.P.F.Weijer, S.El Moussaoui, R.Winkel, C.Muskiet, F.DurandVoigt, R.Bruyand, M.Chêne, G.Dabis, F.Lawson-Ayayi, S.Thiébaut, R.Bonnal, F.Bonnet, F.Bernard, N.Caunègre, L.Cazanave, C.Ceccaldi, J.Chambon, D.Chossat, I.Dauchy, F.A.De Witte, S.Dupon, M.Duffau, P.Dutronc, H.Farbos, S.Gaborieau, V.Gemain, M.C.Gerard, Y.Greib, C.Hessamfar, M.Lacoste, D.Lataste, P.Lafarie, S.Lazaro, E.Malvy, D.Meraud, J.P.Mercié, P.Monlun, E.Morlat, P.Neau, D.Ochoa, A.Pellegrin, J.L.Pistone, T.Ragnaud, J.M.Receveur, M.C.Tchamgoué, S.Vandenhende, M.A.Viallard, J.F.Moreau, J.F.Pellegrin, I.Fleury, H.Lafon, M.E.Masquelier, B.Trimoulet, P.Breilh, D.Haramburu, F.Miremont-Salamé, G.Law, M.Petoumenos, K.McManus, H.Wright, S.Bendall, C.Bloch, M.Franic, T.Baker, D.Vale, R.Carr, A.Cooper, D.Moore, R.Edwards, S.Hoy, J.Watson, K.Roth, N.Nicholson, J.Chuah, J.Ngieng, M.Nolan, D.Skett, J.Calvo, G.Torres, F.Mateu, S.Domingo, P.Sambeat, M.A.Gatell, J.Del Cacho, E.Cadafalch, J.Fuster, M.Codina, C.Sirera, G.Vaqué, A.Clumeck, N.Delforge, M.Necsoi, C.Luskin-Hawk, R.Telzak, E.El-Sadr, W.M.Abrams, D.J.Cohn, D.Markowitz, N.Sedlacek, D.Arduino, R.Mushatt, D.Friedland, G.Perez, G.Tedaldi, E.Fisher, E.Gordin, F.Crane, L.R.Sampson, J.Baxter, J.Losso, M.Elias, C.Vetter, N.Zangerle, R.Karpov, I.Vassilenko, A.Mitsura, V.M.Suetnov, O.Clumeck, N.Delforge, M.Colebunders, R.Vandekerckhove, L.Hadziosmanovic, V.Kostov, K.Begovac, J.MacHala, L.Jilich, D.Zilmer, K.Smidt, J.Ristola, M.Katlama, C.Viard, J.-P.Girard, P.-M.Livrozet, J.M.Vanhems, P.Pradier, C.Dabis, F.Neau, D.Rockstroh, J.Schmidt, R.Van Lunzen, J.Degen, O.Stellbrink, H.J.Staszewski, S.Bickel, M.Fätkenheuer, G.Kosmidis, J.Gargalianos, P.Xylomenos, G.Perdios, J.Panos, G.Filandras, A.Karabatsaki, E.Sambatakou, H.Banhegyi, D.Mulcahy, F.Yust, I.Turner, D.Burke, M.Pollack, S.Hassoun, G.Maayan, S.Vella, S.Esposito, R.Mazeu, I.Mussini, C.Arici, C.Pristera, R.Mazzotta, F.Gabbuti, A.Vullo, V.Lichtner, M.Chirianni, A.Montesarchio, E.Gargiulo, M.Antonucci, G.Testa, A.Narciso, P.Vlassi, C.Zaccarelli, M.Lazzarin, A.Castagna, A.Gianotti, N.Nielsen, J.Kronborg, G.Benfield, T.Larsen, M.Galli, M.Ridolfo, A.D'Arminio Monforte, A.Rozentale, B.Zeltina, I.Chaplinskas, S.Hemmer, R.Staub, T.Reiss, P.Ormaasen, V.Maeland, A.Bruun, J.Knysz, B.Gasiorowski, J.Horban, A.Bakowska, E.Grzeszczuk, A.Flisiak, R.Boron-Kaczmarska, A.Pynka, M.Parczewski, M.Ostergaard, L.Beniowski, M.Mularska, E.Trocha, H.Jablonowska, E.Malolepsza, E.Wojcik, K.Antunes, F.Doroana, M.Caldeira, L.Mansinho, K.Maltez, F.Duiculescu, D.Rakhmanova, A.Zakharova, N.Buzunova, S.Jevtovic, D.Mokráš, M.Staneková, D.Tomazic, J.González-Lahoz, J.Soriano, V.Labarga, P.Medrano, J.Moreno, S.Rodriguez, J.M.Clotet, B.Jou, A.Paredes, R.Tural, C.Puig, J.Bravo, I.Gatell, J.M.Miró, J.M.Domingo, P.Gutierrez, M.Mateo, G.Sambeat, M.A.Karlsson, A.Flamholc, L.Ledergerber, B.Weber, R.Francioli, P.Cavassini, M.Hirschel, B.Boffi, E.Furrer, H.Battegay, M.Elzi, L.Kravchenko, E.Chentsova, N.Frolov, V.Kutsyna, G.Servitskiy, S.Krasnov, M.Barton, S.Johnson, A.M.Mercey, D.Phillips, A.Johnson, M.A.Mocroft, A.Murphy, M.Weber, J.Scullard, G.Fisher, M.Leen, C.Åkerlund, B.Koppel, K.Karlsson, A.Flamholc, L.Håkangård, C.Giacometti, A.Costantini, A.Angarano, G.Monno, L.Santoro, C.Gerstoft, J.Katzenstein, T.Hansen, A.-B.E.Skinhøj, P.Maggiolo, F.Suardi, C.Viale, P.Vanino, E.Verucchi, G.Gere, R.Quiros Roldan, E.Minardi, C.Quirino, T.Abeli, C.Pedersen, C.Manconi, P.E.Piano, P.Vecchiet, J.Falasca, K.Sighinolfi, L.Segala, D.Lo Caputo, S.Mazzotta, F.Cassola, G.Viscoli, G.Alessandrini, A.Piscopo, R.Mazzarello, G.Bonfanti, P.Caramma, I.KGF, R.Puoti, M.Galli, M.Lazzarin, A.Rizzardini, G.Piolini, R.Castagna, A.Salpietro, S.Carenzi, L.Moioli, M.C.Cicconi, P.Marchetti, G.Puzzolante, C.Lapadula, G.Gori, A.Abrescia, N.Chirianni, A.Guida, M.G.Onofrio, M.Baldelli, F.Francisci, D.Mastroianni, C.Belvisi, V.Parruti, G.Ursini, T.Magnani, G.Ursitti, M.A.Antinori, A.Ammassari, A.Cauda, R.Andreoni, M.Vullo, V.Cingolani, A.D'Avino, A.Gallo, L.Nicastri, E.Acinapura, R.Capozzi, M.Libertone, R.Tebano, G.Cattelan, A.Mura, M.S.Madeddu, G.Di Perri, G.Caramello, P.Orofino, G.C.Bonora, S.Sciandra, M.Pellizzer, G.Manfrin, V.Powderly, B.Shortman, N.Moecklinghoff, C.Reilly, G.Franquet, X.Ryom, L.Sabin, C.A.Kamara, D.Smith, C.Phillips, A.Mocroft, A.Tverland, J.Mansfeld, M.Nielsen, J.Raben, D.Lundgren, J.D.Salbøl Brandt, R.Rickenbach, M.Fanti, I.Krum, E.Hillebregt, M.Geffard, S.Sundström, A.Delforge, M.Fontas, E.Torres, F.McManus, H.Wright, S.Kjær, J.Sjøl, A.Meidahl, P.Helweg-Larsen, J.Schmidt Iversen, J.Ryom, L.Mocroft, A.Kirk, O.Reiss, P.Ross, M.Fux, C.A.Morlat, P.Moranne, O.Kesselring, A.M.Kamara, D.A.Smith, C.Lundgren, J.D.Smith, C.Ryom, L.Phillips, A.Weber, R.Morlat, P.Pradier, C.Reiss, P.Friis-Møller, N.Kowalska, J.Lundgren, J.D.Sabin, C.Law, M.Dabis, F.Bruyand, M.Reiss, P.Smith, C.Kamara, D.A.Bower, M.Fätkenheuer, G.Donald, A.Grulich, A.Ryom, L.Lundgren, J.D.Reiss, P.Zaheri, S.Hillebregt, M.Gras, L.Dabis, F.Blaizeau, M.J.Decoin, M.Delaune, J.Delveaux, S.D'Ivernois, C.Hanapier, C.Leleux, O.Uwamaliya-Nziyumvira, B.Sicard, X.Geffard, S.Palmer, G.Touchard, D.Bonnet, F.Dupon, M.Mercié, P.Morlat, P.Pellegrin, J.L.Ragnaud, J.M.Dabis, F.Clumeck, N.Gennotte, A.F.Gerard, M.Kabeya, K.Konopnicki, D.Libois, A.Martin, C.Payen, M.C.Semaille, P.Van Laethem, Y.Neaton, J.Bartsch, G.Krum, E.Thompson, G.Wentworth, D.Lundgren, J.Kirk, O.Mocroft, A.Cozzi-Lepri, A.Grint, D.Podlekareva, D.Kjær, J.Peters, L.Reekie, J.Kowalska, J.Tverland, J.Fischer, A.H.Nielsen, J.Morfeldt, L.Thulin, G.Sundström, A.Moroni, M.Angarano, G.Armignacco, O.Castelli, F.Cauda, R.Galli, M.Iardino, R.Ippolito, G.Lazzarin, A.Perno, C.F.Von Schloesser, F.Viale, P.Castagna, A.Ceccherini-Silberstein, F.Cozzi-Lepri, A.Girardi, E.Ttinoriz, A.Balotta, C.Bonora, S.Borderi, M.Capobianchi, M.R.Castagna, A.Cinque, P.Cozzi-Lepri, A.De Luca, A.Di Biagio, A.Girardi, E.Guaraldi, G.Lichtner, M.Madeddu, G.Maggiolo, F.Marchetti, G.Marcotullio, S.Monno, L.Rusconi, S.Cozzi-Lepric, A.Cicconi, P.Fanti, I.Formenti, T.Galli, L.Lorenzini, P.Pradier, C.Fontas, E.Caissotti, C.Dellamonica, P.Bernard, E.Cua, E.De Salvador-Guillouet, F.Durant, J.Ferrando, S.Mondain-Miton, V.Naqvi, A.Perbost, I.Prouvost-Keller, B.Pillet, S.Pugliese, P.Rahelinirina, V.Roger, P.M.Dollet, K.Aubert, V.Barth, J.Battegay, M.Bernasconi, E.Böni, J.Bucher, H.C.Burton-Jeangros, C.Calmy, A.Cavassini, M.Egger, M.Elzi, L.Fehr, J.Fellay, J.Furrer, H.Fux, C.A.Gorgievski, M.Günthard, H.Haerry, D.Hasse, B.Hirsch, H.H.Hösli, I.Kahlert, C.Kaiser, L.Keiser, O.Klimkait, T.Kovari, H.Ledergerber, B.Martinetti, G.Martinez De Tejada, B.Metzner, K.Müller, N.Nadal, D.Pantaleo, G.Rauch, A.Regenass, A.Rickenbach, M.Rudin, C.Schmid, P.Schultze, D.Schöni-Affolter, F.Schüpbach, J.Speck, R.Taffé, P.Tarr, P.Telenti, A.Trkola, A.Vernazza, P.Weber, R.Yerly, S.
In: BMC Nephrology. (BMC Nephrology, 25 March 2014, 15(1))
ITG Journal; Oct2014, Vol. 39 Issue 1, p50-52, 3p
Academic Journal
Horby PW; Pandemic Sciences Institute, Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. recoverytrial@ndph.ox.ac.uk.; International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infections Consortium (ISARIC), University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. recoverytrial@ndph.ox.ac.uk.; Peto L; Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.; Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford, UK.; Staplin N; Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.; MRC Population Health Research Unit, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.; Campbell M; Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.; Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford, UK.; Pessoa-Amorim G; Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.; Mafham M; Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.; Emberson JR; Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.; MRC Population Health Research Unit, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.; Stewart R; Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Milton Keynes, UK.; Prudon B; North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust, Stockton-on-Tees, UK.; Uriel A; Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK.; Green CA; University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK.; Dhasmana DJ; Victoria Hospital Kirkcaldy, NHS Fife, Kirkcaldy, UK.; School of Medicine, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, UK.; Malein F; Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool, UK.; Majumdar J; Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cheshire, UK.; Collini P; Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Sheffield, UK.; Shurmer J; Bolton NHS Foundation Trust, Bolton, UK.; Yates B; Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Northumberland, UK.; Baillie JK; Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.; Buch MH; Centre for Musculoskeletal Research, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.; Day J; Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.; Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.; Faust SN; NIHR Southampton Clinical Research Facility and Biomedical Research Centre, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust and University of Southampton, Southampton, UK.; Jaki T; University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany.; MRC Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.; Jeffery K; Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford, UK.; Radcliffe Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.; Juszczak E; School of Medicine, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.; Knight M; Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.; National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.; Lim WS; School of Medicine, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.; Respiratory Medicine Department, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Nottingham, UK.; Montgomery A; School of Medicine, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.; Mumford A; School of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK.; Rowan K; Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre, London, UK.; Thwaites G; Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.; Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.; Haynes R; Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.; Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford, UK.; MRC Population Health Research Unit, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.; Landray MJ; Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.; Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford, UK.; MRC Population Health Research Unit, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.; NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford, UK.
Publisher: Nature Pub. Group Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 101528555 Publication Model: Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 2041-1723 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 20411723 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Nat Commun Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Publisher: The Lancet, Diabetes & Endocrinology Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 101618821 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 2213-8595 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 22138587 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Lawler PR; Peter Munk Cardiac Centre at University Health Network, Toronto, Canada.; McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, QC, Canada.; Derde LPG; University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands.; van de Veerdonk FL; Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Netherlands.; McVerry BJ; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; Huang DT; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; Berry LR; Berry Consultants, Austin, Texas.; Lorenzi E; Berry Consultants, Austin, Texas.; van Kimmenade R; Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Netherlands.; Gommans F; Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Netherlands.; Vaduganathan M; Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.; Leaf DE; Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.; Baron RM; Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.; Kim EY; Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.; Frankfurter C; Peter Munk Cardiac Centre at University Health Network, Toronto, Canada.; Epelman S; Peter Munk Cardiac Centre at University Health Network, Toronto, Canada.; Kwan Y; Peter Munk Cardiac Centre at University Health Network, Toronto, Canada.; Grieve R; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.; O'Neill S; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.; Sadique Z; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.; Puskarich M; University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.; Marshall JC; St Michael's Hospital Unity Health, Toronto, Canada.; Higgins AM; Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.; Mouncey PR; Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre (ICNARC), London, United Kingdom.; Rowan KM; Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre (ICNARC), London, United Kingdom.; Al-Beidh F; Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom.; Annane D; Hospital Raymond Poincaré (Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris), Garches, France.; Université Versailles SQY - Université Paris Saclay, Montigny-le-Bretonneux, France.; Arabi YM; King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences and King Abdullah International Medical Research Center, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.; Au C; Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre (ICNARC), London, United Kingdom.; Beane A; University of Oxford, Oxford, England.; van Bentum-Puijk W; University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands.; Bonten MJM; University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands.; Bradbury CA; University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom.; Brunkhorst FM; Jena University Hospital, Jena, Germany.; Burrell A; Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.; Buzgau A; Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.; Buxton M; Global Coalition for Adaptive Research, Larkspur, California.; Cecconi M; Humanitas University, Milan, Italy.; Cheng AC; Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.; Cove M; Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University Singapore, Singapore.; Detry MA; Berry Consultants, Austin, Texas.; Estcourt LJ; NHS Blood and Transplant, Oxford, United Kingdom.; Ezekowitz J; University of Alberta, Calgary, Canada.; Fitzgerald M; Berry Consultants, Austin, Texas.; Gattas D; The George Institute for Global Health, Sydney, Australia.; Godoy LC; Peter Munk Cardiac Centre at University Health Network, Toronto, Canada.; Goossens H; University of Antwerp, Wilrijk, Belgium.; Haniffa R; University of Oxford, Bangkok, Thailand.; National Intensive Care Surveillance (NICST), Colombo, Sri Lanka.; Harrison DA; Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre (ICNARC), London, United Kingdom.; Hills T; Medical Research Institute of New Zealand (MRINZ), Wellington, New Zealand.; Horvat CM; UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; Ichihara N; The University of Tokyo, Japan.; Lamontagne F; Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada.; Linstrum KM; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; McAuley DF; Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland.; Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland.; McGlothlin A; Berry Consultants, Austin, Texas.; McGuinness SP; Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.; Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand.; McQuilten Z; Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.; Murthy S; University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.; Nichol AD; Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.; University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.; Owen DRJ; Department of Brain Sciences, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom.; UK Dementia Research Institute of Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom.; Parke RL; Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand.; University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.; Parker JC; Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.; Pollock KM; Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom.; Reyes LF; Universidad de La Sabana, Chia, Colombia.; Clinica Universidad de La Sabana, Chia, Colombia.; Saito H; St Marianna University School of Medicine, Yokohama City Seibu Hospital, Yokohama, Japan.; Santos MS; St Michael's Hospital Unity Health, Toronto, Canada.; Saunders CT; Berry Consultants, Austin, Texas.; Seymour CW; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; Associate Editor, JAMA.; Shankar-Hari M; The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.; Singh V; Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.; Turgeon AF; Université Laval, Québec City, Canada.; CHU de Québec-Université Laval Research Center, Québec City, Canada.; Turner AM; Medical Research Institute of New Zealand (MRINZ), Wellington, New Zealand.; Zarychanski R; University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.; Green C; Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.; Lewis RJ; Berry Consultants, Austin, Texas.; Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, California.; Statistical Editor, JAMA.; Angus DC; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; Senior Editor, JAMA.; Berry S; Berry Consultants, Austin, Texas.; Gordon AC; Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom.; Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, St Mary's Hospital, London, United Kingdom.; McArthur CJ; Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand.; Webb SA; Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.; St John of God Hospital, Subiaco, Australia.
Publisher: American Medical Association Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 7501160 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1538-3598 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 00987484 NLM ISO Abbreviation: JAMA Subsets: MEDLINE
ITG Journal; Jan2014, Vol. 38 Issue 2, p67-69, 3p
Academic Journal
Estcourt LJ; NHS Blood and Transplant, Oxford, England.; Radcliffe Department of Medicine and BRC Hematology Theme, University of Oxford, Oxford, England.; Turgeon AF; Division of Critical Care Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Université Laval, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.; CHU de Québec-Université Laval Research Center, Population Health and Optimal Health Practices Unit, Trauma-Emergency-Critical Care Medicine, CHU de Québec-Université Laval, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.; McQuilten ZK; Transfusion Research Unit, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.; Department of Clinical Hematology, Monash Health, Melbourne, Australia.; McVerry BJ; Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; Al-Beidh F; Division of Anesthetics, Pain Medicine, and Intensive Care Medicine, Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, England.; Annane D; Intensive Care Unit, Raymond Poincaré Hospital, Paris, France.; Simone Veil School of Medicine, University of Versailles, Versailles, France.; University Paris Saclay, Garches, France.; Arabi YM; Intensive Care Department, College of Medicine, King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, King Abdullah International Medical Research Center, Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.; Arnold DM; McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.; Beane A; Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, England.; Bégin P; Université de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.; van Bentum-Puijk W; Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands.; Berry LR; Berry Consultants LLC, Austin, Texas.; Bhimani Z; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, Unity Health Toronto, St Michael's Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Birchall JE; Welsh Blood Service, Cardiff, Wales.; Bonten MJM; Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands.; Department of Medical Microbiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands.; Bradbury CA; University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust, Bristol, England.; Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, England.; Brunkhorst FM; Center for Clinical Studies and Center for Sepsis Control and Care, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Jena University Hospital, Jena, Germany.; Buxton M; Global Coalition for Adaptive Research, San Francisco, California.; Callum JL; Canadian Blood Services, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.; Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine, Kingston Health Sciences Centre and Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.; Department of Laboratory Medicine and Molecular Diagnostics, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Chassé M; Université de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.; Cheng AC; Infection Prevention and Healthcare Epidemiology Unit, Alfred Health, Melbourne, Australia.; Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Centre, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.; Cove ME; Department of Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore.; Daly J; Australian Red Cross Lifeblood, Sydney and Perth, Australia.; Derde L; Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands.; Intensive Care Center, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands.; Detry MA; Berry Consultants LLC, Austin, Texas.; De Jong M; Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Amsterdam Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.; Evans A; NHSBT Clinical Trials Unit, NHS Blood and Transplant, Cambridge, England.; Fergusson DA; Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Clinical Epidemiology Unit, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.; Fish M; School of Immunology and Microbial Sciences, Kings College London, London, England.; Fitzgerald M; Berry Consultants LLC, Austin, Texas.; Foley C; NHSBT Clinical Trials Unit, NHS Blood and Transplant, Cambridge, England.; Goossens H; Department of Microbiology, Antwerp University Hospital, Antwerp, Belgium.; Gordon AC; Division of Anesthetics, Pain Medicine, and Intensive Care Medicine, Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, England.; Gosbell IB; Australian Red Cross Lifeblood, Sydney and Perth, Australia.; Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia.; Green C; Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Centre, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.; Haniffa R; Network for Improving Critical Care Systems and Training, Colombo, Sri Lanka.; Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit, Bangkok, Thailand.; Harvala H; NHS Blood and Transplant, London, England.; Higgins AM; Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Centre, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.; Hills TE; Medical Research Institute of New Zealand, Wellington.; Hoad VC; Australian Red Cross Lifeblood, Sydney and Perth, Australia.; Horvat C; UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; Huang DT; Department of Critical Care Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; Hudson CL; NHSBT Clinical Trials Unit, Bristol, England.; Ichihara N; Department of Healthcare Quality Assessment, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.; Laing E; NHSBT Clinical Trials Unit, NHS Blood and Transplant, Cambridge, England.; Lamikanra AA; NHS Blood and Transplant, Oxford, England.; Lamontagne F; Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.; Lawler PR; Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Peter Munk Cardiac Centre, University Health Network, Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Linstrum K; Clinical Research Investigation and Systems Modeling of Acute Illness Center, Department of Critical Care Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; Litton E; School of Medicine and Pharmacology, University of Western Australia, Crawley.; Lorenzi E; Berry Consultants LLC, Austin, Texas.; MacLennan S; NHS Blood and Transplant, Barnsley, England.; Marshall J; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, Unity Health Toronto, St Michael's Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; McAuley DF; Centre for Experimental Medicine, School of Medicine, Dentistry, and Biomedical Sciences, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, Ireland.; McDyer JF; Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; McGlothlin A; Berry Consultants LLC, Austin, Texas.; McGuinness S; Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Centre, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.; Cardiothoracic and Vascular Intensive Care Unit, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand.; Medical Research Institute of New Zealand, Wellington.; Miflin G; NHS Blood and Transplant, Bristol, England.; Montgomery S; Clinical Research Investigation and Systems Modeling of Acute Illness Center, Department of Critical Care Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; UPMC Health System Office of Healthcare Innovation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; Mouncey PR; Clinical Trials Unit, Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre, London, England.; Murthy S; School of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.; Nichol A; Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Centre, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.; Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, St Vincent's University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.; School of Medicine and Medical Sciences, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.; Department of Intensive Care, Alfred Health, Melbourne, Australia.; Parke R; Cardiothoracic and Vascular Intensive Care Unit, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand.; Medical Research Institute of New Zealand, Wellington.; School of Nursing, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.; Parker JC; Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Centre, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.; Priddee N; Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service, Edinburgh, Scotland.; Purcell DFJ; Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.; Reyes LF; Universidad de La Sabana, Chia, Colombia.; Clinica Universidad de La Sabana, Chia, Colombia.; Richardson P; Welsh Blood Service, Cardiff, Wales.; Robitaille N; Héma-Québec, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.; Division of Hematology and Oncology, Department of Pediatrics, CHU Sainte-Justine, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.; Department of Pediatrics, Université de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.; Rowan KM; Clinical Trials Unit, Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre, London, England.; Rynne J; School of Immunology and Microbial Sciences, Kings College London, London, England.; Saito H; Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, St Marianna University School of Medicine, Yokohama City Seibu Hospital, Yokohama, Japan.; Santos M; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, Unity Health Toronto, St Michael's Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Saunders CT; Berry Consultants LLC, Austin, Texas.; Serpa Neto A; Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Centre, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.; Department of Critical Care Medicine, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo, Brazil.; Seymour CW; Clinical Research Investigation and Systems Modeling of Acute Illness Center, Department of Critical Care Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; UPMC Health System Office of Healthcare Innovation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; Silversides JA; Centre for Experimental Medicine, School of Medicine, Dentistry, and Biomedical Sciences, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, Ireland.; Tinmouth AA; Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Clinical Epidemiology Unit, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.; Triulzi DJ; Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; Turner AM; Medical Research Institute of New Zealand, Wellington.; van de Veerdonk F; Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.; Walsh TS; University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland.; Wood EM; Transfusion Research Unit, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.; Department of Clinical Hematology, Monash Health, Melbourne, Australia.; Berry S; Berry Consultants LLC, Austin, Texas.; Lewis RJ; Berry Consultants LLC, Austin, Texas.; Department of Emergency Medicine, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, California.; Department of Emergency Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, California.; Menon DK; University Division of Anesthesia, Addenbrooke's Hospital Cambridge, Cambridge, England.; McArthur C; Clinical Trials Unit, Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre, London, England.; Department of Critical Care Medicine, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand.; Zarychanski R; Department of Medicine, Critical Care and Hematology/Medical Oncology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.; Angus DC; Clinical Research Investigation and Systems Modeling of Acute Illness Center, Department of Critical Care Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; UPMC Health System Office of Healthcare Innovation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; Webb SA; Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Centre, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.; St John of God Hospital, Subiaco, Australia.; Roberts DJ; NHS Blood and Transplant, Oxford, England.; Radcliffe Department of Medicine and BRC Hematology Theme, University of Oxford, Oxford, England.; Shankar-Hari M; School of Immunology and Microbial Sciences, Kings College London, London, England.; Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, ICU Support Offices, St Thomas' Hospital, London, England.
Publisher: American Medical Association Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 7501160 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1538-3598 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 00987484 NLM ISO Abbreviation: JAMA Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Higgins AM; Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.; Berry LR; Berry Consultants, Austin, Texas.; Lorenzi E; Berry Consultants, Austin, Texas.; Murthy S; University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.; McQuilten Z; Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.; Monash Health, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.; Mouncey PR; Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre (ICNARC), London, United Kingdom.; Al-Beidh F; Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom.; Annane D; Hospital Raymond Poincaré (Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris), Garches, France.; Université Versailles SQY - Université Paris Saclay, Montigny-le-Bretonneux, France.; Arabi YM; King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences and King Abdullah International Medical Research Center, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.; Beane A; University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.; van Bentum-Puijk W; University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands.; Bhimani Z; St Michael's Hospital Unity Health, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Bonten MJM; University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands.; Bradbury CA; University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom.; Brunkhorst FM; Jena University Hospital, Jena, Germany.; Burrell A; Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.; Buzgau A; Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.; Buxton M; Global Coalition for Adaptive Research.; Charles WN; Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre (ICNARC), London, United Kingdom.; Cove M; Yong Loo Lin Scholle of Medicine, National University Singapore, Singapore.; Detry MA; Berry Consultants, Austin, Texas.; Estcourt LJ; NHS Blood and Transplant, Oxford, United Kingdom.; Fagbodun EO; Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom.; Fitzgerald M; Berry Consultants, Austin, Texas.; Girard TD; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; Goligher EC; Peter Munk Cardiac Centre at University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Goossens H; University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.; Haniffa R; University of Oxford, Bangkok, Thailand.; National Intensive Care Surveillance (NICST), Colombo, Sri Lanka.; Hills T; Medical Research Institute of New Zealand (MRINZ), Wellington, New Zealand.; Horvat CM; UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburg, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.; Huang DT; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; Ichihara N; University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.; Lamontagne F; Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada.; Marshall JC; St Michael's Hospital Unity Health, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; McAuley DF; Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland.; Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland.; McGlothlin A; Berry Consultants, Austin, Texas.; McGuinness SP; Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.; Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand.; McVerry BJ; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; Neal MD; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; Nichol AD; Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.; University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.; Parke RL; Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand.; University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.; Parker JC; Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.; Parry-Billings K; Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre (ICNARC), London, United Kingdom.; Peters SEC; Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre (ICNARC), London, United Kingdom.; Reyes LF; Universidad de La Sabana, Chia, Colombia.; Clinica Universidad de La Sabana, Chia, Colombia.; Rowan KM; Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre (ICNARC), London, United Kingdom.; Saito H; St Marianna University School of Medicine, Yokohama City Seibu Hospital, Yokohama, Japan.; Santos MS; St Michael's Hospital Unity Health, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Saunders CT; Berry Consultants, Austin, Texas.; Serpa-Neto A; Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.; Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Sao Paulo, Brazil.; Seymour CW; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; Shankar-Hari M; King's College London, London, United Kingdom.; Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom.; Stronach LM; Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom.; Turgeon AF; Université Laval, Québec City, Québec, Canada.; CHU de Québec-Université Laval Research Center, Québec City, Canada.; Turner AM; Medical Research Institute of New Zealand (MRINZ), Wellington, New Zealand.; van de Veerdonk FL; Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.; Zarychanski R; University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.; Green C; Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.; Lewis RJ; Berry Consultants, Austin, Texas.; Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, California.; Angus DC; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; McArthur CJ; Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand.; Berry S; Berry Consultants, Austin, Texas.; Derde LPG; University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands.; Gordon AC; Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom.; Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, St Mary's Hospital, London, United Kingdom.; Webb SA; Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.; St John of God Hospital, Subiaco, Australia.; Lawler PR; Peter Munk Cardiac Centre at University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Publisher: American Medical Association Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 7501160 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1538-3598 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 00987484 NLM ISO Abbreviation: JAMA Subsets: MEDLINE
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