
Dantes Dilemma: Zur Problematik von Erzähler- und Autorschaft in Conrad Ferndinand Meyers Die Hochzeit des Mönchs
Document Type
Academic Journal
Genz, Julia (Genz, Julia (Universität Witten/Herdecke))
PhiN: Philologie im Netz; 2017; 81: 20-39.  [Journal Detail] PhiN.
Subject Literature: Italian literature
Period: 400-1399 Medieval period
Primary Subject Author: Dante(1265-1321)
Dante's Dilemma. The role of Narrator and Author in Conrad Ferdinand Meyer's The Monk's Wedding. In the research literature, Dante, the narrator of C.F. Meyer's The Monk's Wedding, is treated as an example of an author who successfully asserts the autonomy of his art over against princely sovereignty. This autonomy is questioned in the present article by judging Dante's manner of narration, which is characterized by resentments toward his audience, to be a mirror of the situation of the writer in the 19th century, who finds himself in various dependencies (publishers, readership, etc.). Dante's reactions to his audience will be related to Meyer's reactions towards socio-historical and typographical innovations of his time.

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