
A pedagogical introduction to continuously monitored quantum systems and measurement-based feedback.
Document Type
Albarelli, Francesco (I-SNS) AMS Author Profile; Genoni, Marco G. (I-MILAN-P) AMS Author Profile
Physics Letters. A (Phys. Lett. A) (20240101), 494, Paper No 129260, 17~pp. ISSN: 0375-9601 (print).eISSN: 1873-2429.
81 Quantum theory -- 81P Axiomatics, foundations, philosophy
  81P15 Quantum measurement theory
Summary: ``In this manuscript we present a pedagogical introduction to continuously monitored quantum systems. We start by giving a simplified derivation of the Markovian master equation in Lindblad form, in the spirit of collision models and input-output theory, which describes the unconditional dynamics of a continuously monitored system. The same formalism is then exploited to derive stochastic master equations that describe the conditional dynamics. We focus on the two most paradigmatic examples of continuous monitoring: continuous photodetection, leading to a discontinuous dynamics with `quantum jumps', and continuous homodyne measurements, leading to a diffusive dynamics. We then present a derivation of feedback master equations that describe the dynamics (either conditional or unconditional) when the continuous measurement photocurrents are fed back to the system as a linear driving Hamiltonian, a paradigm known as linear Markovian feedback. In the second part of the manuscript we focus on continuous-variable Gaussian systems: we first present the equations for first and second moments describing the dynamics under continuous general-dyne measurements, and we then discuss in more detail the conditional and unconditional dynamics under Markovian and state-based feedback.''